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Welcome to /plg/ powerlifting general
post videos, PRs, schmexy lifts etc
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what happened
please respond
Holy shit you guys have to listen to this it's a fucking meme gold mine. fucking hilarious - 28:30 onwards
Don't know, guess the guy who made the last thread got banned
What's up mate?
hahahaha I'm dying 33:40
lol Mark's interviews are great.
Anyone else eat barely anything today? i ate like 5 eggs, 5 strips of bacon and an entire pizza. Only like 2500 calories or something like that and somehow im full, am i a twink now?
Isn't a pizza 2500 or 2000 calories on it's own
uh yeah a little bitch of a pizza
>bench AMRAP with 86% after some intensity and volume
>rep 3 feels easy, RPE 8.5 at this point
>rep 4 is the second hardest bench grind I've ever done
What gives? Why is bench so weird guys? To be fair I didn't hype enough for the amrap and kinda got lazy but still damn... why are bench RPEs so weird?
Did you just eat it? Or in the morning? You might be full cause you just ate
It's because you have to use a lot of small and different muscles for bench press, so RPEs can jump out of nowhere if something is a little too tired or fatigued. During week 1 of PM I had 80% AMRAP bench, rep 6 was 8.5, rep 7 was an RPE 10 grind.
Misgroove? I've grinded reps early on in sets and gone on to hit more reps faster and cleaner. Don't underestimate the impact that the bar being slightly too forward or back, or having your elbow's move from being directly under the bar can have on the strength of the press.
Eh not a misgroove, might've shifted a tad but my bench form is really consistent and it felt okay
It's probably this, going into the set my CNS was a bit fried as I had just done a 95% single after volume and I was feelin kinda off and lazy
is squatting atg bad for your knees compared to just hitting parallel?
Fuck you
For my right knee it is. But I'm probably doing something wrong
anyone do anything fun today?
farmers walks r kinda fun
i just want to do more banded deadlifts tho
did you say youre in dubuque iowa?
I was in Dubuque but not anymore.
i live in Iowa and ur one of the better trips
did u do anything fun today
Shit and here I am in Dubai nigga shit lol
fun? people actually have fun? as in, enjoy things?
epic post; upvoted
Thoughts on BFR squats for quad and ass hypetrophy but also not killing the joints
>i live in Iowa
sorry to hear that
>did u do anything fun today
not really. just woke up at like noon, had a wank, played some vidya, went with some friends to the diamond jo in dubuque, now chillin here for the night.
yeah for example I do spotoshot
i went skiing
Nice where at?
>sorry to hear that
wheres here?
cant tie off the glute, a total pain in the ass anyways. do it with isolations or don't do it
your mothers vagina
I love this man
>tfw just weighed myself at a PR low bodyweight even after a large dinner and desert
No wonder gym felt so rough today... should've had that ice cream beforehand
So...can I make powerlifting a career?
I want to get paid to be stronk.
>So...can I make powerlifting a career?
>I want to get paid to be stronk.
then be a pro strongman
You could start a gym. You could become a coach if you get smart and strong enough. You could become YouTube famous and make ad revenue
Yeah you could turn powerlifting into a source of revenue
Why won't my arms grow I just want a big bench uuuuggghh
This might seem like a silly question, but here goes.
I just started on SL 5x5 and I'm still getting my squat form down so I really try to focus all my concentration on maintaining proper form throughout the lift. As a result I tend to lose focus on other things. Yesterday there were a few occasions where I wasn't paying attention and I did six reps instead of five.
Do I need to worry about this at all? I know that I'm not going to lose all my gains because I do an extra rep here and there, but is it likely to have a noticeable effect on my performance/progress or should I just focus on doing the lifts properly?
>tfw now 195lbs
So close to being an adult male
also time to work those little baby bitch delts of yours : ^ )
Don't worry about it.
The most important thing to know, if you're a beginner things like this are almost completely meaningless. someone performing at an extremely high level, this might be important. For a beginner on a 5x5 pattern, the effect will be so small that you couldn't even measure it. It won't stunt your progress in any way for the foreseeable future.
just 55 lbs to go!
I-is this good, guys?
I've been trying to train up again from losing all my gainz after a year of dicking around with the army. Running the final stretch of Sheiko #32 now (progressing in numerical order)
Currently, the 4pl8 squat barrier is the hardest thing to break...
>(progressing in numerical order)
I am doing tricep accessories reeeeeee
Sheiko #29-30-31
You mean 5 fatty
Rip said so
how to be this based
>going topless with a bottom that has a bunch of straps on it, making many tan lines
what did she mean by this?
>haack competing with nobody but a bunch of lolfedders in a lolfed only fed
does anyone at this point believe he's unironically natty? KEK
You're not natty though
you're not natty
I ma ke you harD?
You hard make we?
Kill yourself, Dino
Okay Dino
What does /iO mean, Shawn?
It means shut the fuck up Dino, its an acronym for that
Okay Seen, goodnight
JTS Dino
Am I the most aesthetic person on plg?
Going to do a full skillstest today lads. Will I finally make the 6pl8 diddly?
nn plg
I hope you had a great saturday
I hope you have a great sunday too!
if you pull hard enough, yes.
Can I do this instead of Texas Method?
Squat 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Bench Press 5x5
Chins 3xF or 3x5 weighted
Press 5x5
Power Clean 5x3
I would just add 5lb per week for the squat and deadlift and 2.5lb for the Press, Bench Press and Power Cleans.
Might have ruined my life
Haven't been able to sleep at all due to intensive anxiety
If I did ruin my life then goodbye plg
Squat might lag, because you're only doing it once a week, while you have two pulls and two presses. Also, deadlifting heavy can be somewhere between hell and actually impossible, depending on just how good you are at squatting.
Why not just do Texas Method, if you're going to be on a three day per week program anyway?
Texas Method only ups your Presses once every 2 weeks. Also I would do things like front Squats and leg Press in order not to lose the squat.
Is it a bad idea to do chins/dips every time I lift like a few sets of bodyweight?
Dips (Weighted)
Chins (Weighted)
dunno about dips they might interfere with your bench, but I've been doing that with chin ups since always and I've been fine.
Yeah I'm not sure if more volume is a good thing or interferes with recovery too much?
So I started front squatting before benching recently and it makes bench feel more difficult, more than backsquats ever did. I think I'll have to -2.5/5kg from my bench.
My question is, even though my bench suffers I'm not missing out by improving my bench second?
I guess the OG TM does. I do it for powerlifting, so it's bench press every week, with some OHP on light day at a moderate weight.
I'm looking for general strength development though, so maybe my plan would work better
Well you'll never know if you don't try. I for example can easily bench 4-5 times a week and still recover, but if I squat more than 3 times I'm dying.
I would also say the lack of "Intensity Day" or anything like it would be a mild issue.
Also, this is more of a long term problem, but eventually your presses will get strong enough that doing a 5x5 on Wednesday with one of them will hinder doing a 5x5 on Friday with another.
Also, the OG TM increases the weight on each press 5 lbs every week you "focus" on each, but alternate focusing weeks. So you'd get the same 2.5 lbs per week increase on average regardless, and I'd think you'd be better able to sustain progress on both by splitting them up a bit, so that they don't overlap enough to interfere with each other.
On Texas Method you add 2.5lb to bench Press or Press every week, not 5lb
My question is, even though my bench suffers I'm not missing out by improving my bench second?
First of all, just because you finish a declarative statement with a question mark does not make it a question.
I would have to imagine front squats detract from bench press because of the thoracic spine stability required in front squats in tiring out the same muscles you use to lock your upper back into the bench real tight.
Maybe front squat (which should really only be something an Olympic lifter needs to concern themselves with anyway) on a different day than you bench press.
1.) I'm looking at Practical Programming right now, and the standard TM increases the presses 5 lbs a week.
2.) Regardless, you make the progress you can. If you can make 5 lbs per week increases (and this is more likely on TM than on your program), do it. If you need smaller jumps, use smaller jumps. But you SHOULD be endeavoring to make the biggest jumps you can sustain.
Don't you make 2.5lb jumps for the presses on Starting Strength?
I know that progress is different for different individuals but what is a good monthly or typical monthly rate for deadlift gains for an intermediate? I need to buy more plates soon which is why I ask.
I've gone from 130kg*3 to 160kg*3 in a month of nuckols beginner. Not sure if this progress will go to nothing fast though.
I really don't get what you're trying to do here. This will lead to nogains
I'm trying to progress on my main 5 lifts once weekly, instead of once weekly for squats and deadlifts and once every two weeks for Presses and bench presses
Certainly not to start with. Maybe as you're running out of n00bgains you start microloading to squeeze the last bit of Novice LP you can get out of it.
Out of curiosity, how long have you been lifting and what are your stats?
what lift?
>intensity day last friday
>basketball game yasterday
>left knee so sore I couldnt squat bw yasterday
>today its going to depth but I feel it
I might know why Rippetoe says TM isnt for everyone, no basketball games for me I guess
Can someone run me through who all the pics are top left to bottom right?
>tfw no qt powerlifting gf
Can't cope with this
I am still on SS. Just looking for the next program, and saw that I can progress weekly instead of every session. So I figured I should do a 5x5 once a week, and then add 5lb for squat and deadlift and 2.5lb for Presses, bench presses and Power Cleans every time I do the 5x5, or the 1x5 for deadlift and 5x3 for power Clean. Texas Method limits your progress on the Presses to once every 2 weeks, when you can actually progress every week
Mark Rippetoe
George Leeman
Jason Blaha
Dan Green?
>tfw fat again