I don't want to get too bulky

>I don't want to get too bulky.
>Those are too many carbs.
>Fruits have too much sugar so they're bad for you, user.
>How do I get a bigger butt without doing A, B, C, or D? They're too hard.
>Dr. Oz said...
>I'm going to try a zero calorie diet for a week.

That last one isn't even fucking made up. One of my older sisters basically tried starving herself only to binge eat two days later.

When did you give up on trying to red pill women you know on weight lifting, nutrition, and general fitness?

Other urls found in this thread:


Men are just as retarded. Just look around this board.

>expecting to be able to change a woman's behaviour with reasons and explanations
the only girl i've had any success with whatsoever in terms of fitness advice is my 14 year old sister, and she's a (somewhat, as much as you can hope for in a 14 year old girl) redpilled tomboy lesbian who looks up to me a bunch. actual womyns, no chance

OP here.

I have a little sister who's 20yo that I've been lifting with. She's the only one who actually listens to reason and made improvements. She went from a cardio bunny to a thicc girl who isn't afraid of "getting too bulky".

My two older sisters and my mom are lost causes I guess. Is it because they're older?

what i find quite funny about dudes talking shit about women on 4chins is that a lot of the things they say are right in a general sense e.g. being emotionally driven, more manipulative, more compulsive etc, but there are things generally true about most men that I'm sure women talk shit about all the time, and are right about too. it's kind of like the conservative vs liberal shit, both sides talk constant shit about the problems of the other side and are a lot of the time telling the truth, but for themselves they tend to focus almost exclusively on the positives. i could happily talk shit about liberals with a group of tories or vice versa and i don't think i would be being dishonest in either situation, it's just that people naturally exaggerate the flaws in the opposing group and diminish those of their own

younger girls are always gonna be more influenced esp when it comes to relatives / people you've known for a long time, whereas women have literally (and i mean LITERALLY) zero respect for a man who's younger even if he's more informed/experienced/whatever

I heard a girl the other day telling her bf he was using statistics to prove his point and he apologized kek

Most of them are literally dumb.

Keep guiding your little sisters, anons. You're doing God's work.

I have a fat fuck older sister who's one of those Monday gym goers, that's gone by Tuesday. She refused to touch anything beyond a 10lb dumbbell or a 10lb weight.

>he thinks women are capable of thinking analytically about the opposite sex

things my gf has said

>>I don't want to get too bulky.
>>Those are too many carbs.
>>Fruits have too much sugar so they're bad for you, user.
>>How do I get a bigger butt without doing A, B, C, or D? They're too hard.
not yet
>>Dr. Oz said...
>>I'm going to try a zero calorie diet for a week.
not yet

what do you think is wrong with fasting for a week?

>Fruits have too much sugar
What kind of meme shit is this? Are their actually people afraid of natural sugars from fucking fruits?

Probably the fact that she didn't make it for a week, and the binge eating part.

>That last one isn't even fucking made up. One of my older sisters basically tried starving herself only to binge eat two days later

I know so many fatties who do stuff like that. They think the only options are starve themselves, or eat 4000+ calories a day. They try """dieting""" for a week, decide it's impossible, then go back to eating like a pig while complaining that they must be naturally fat and that it's sexist that society expects her to starve herself just to avoid being 100 pounds overweight.

men in general are far better about fitness. Just look around at HAES blogs and tell me how many males you see running them. I've seen plenty of feminists spreading this shit about how being fat is natural and fatties can't do anything to stop being obese. I've never heard a MRA make those same stupid excuses for fat guys though

>Fruits have too much sugar

>people are afraid of carbohydrates

so we're agreed. there's nothing wrong with fasting for a week.

My mom used to lift when she was young. Idk I think it's personal individual decisions and that there isn't a hard and fast way to judge half the population.

What is it do you think they have based their social aspirations on for all centuries before halfway through the 20th a.d.?

Same here, it's always meme dream diets and failed exercise plans with my older sister also
She got hella fat after getting married
It doesn't help that her husbando is fat too

I used to be a fat fuck (I still am)
I weighed 128 kgs, had a poor diet mostly by choice because I thought my walks would keep my weight flat. It didn't.
My doctor said I was becoming diabetic and if I didn't make changes then there was nothing I could do.

I didn't bitch. I said yes sir and I've gotten a nice workout rhythm. Replaced sodas with equally delicious fruit pulp, gotten back to eating an apple per meal to aid with digestion, people are telling me I've gotten much thinner.
I don't believe them since I'm still a fat fuck but I know I've lost at least 10 kgs since then, in just a few weeks.
Retarded bitches who think "fat is beautiful" are deluded lazy assholes. If I can get better then anyone can do it.

Exactly ,but on the other hand most normal people that dont browse this site give 0 fucks about these things so

Also everyone is different,there are girls more rational manly and logical than a lot of guys

My favorite is the countless complaints about how women are driven purely by emotion whereas men are logical .. then look in the catalogue at all the nogf, feels threads and mental health generals.

You think men are any different? In your experience how likely is a 30 or 40 or older man to admit he's wrong to the younger woman? Not a chance in hell

> bases all his opinions on blog posts he's seen

never change, Veeky Forums

I've given up on everyone in that regard. If people ask me, then I'll give them advice. People usually tell me stupid shit and I'll just politely nod and agree. Usually say something like
>Yeah I know, but I'm not perfect
It's really really not worth debating them. The most annoying part of this though, is nobody says shit when you're an out of shape normie. You can be 250 and eat McDonald's everyday and nobody gives a fuck. But my God, a fit person drinking a glass of milk is a national tragedy.

Kys cuckold. Judging half the population is what we do here

An apple a meal and drinking less soda? Is that it?

"I only eat nothing but salads" - Eats the 1400cal salad with cheese, croutons, etc etc

"I gave up my frappechinos and only drink tea now " - Sweat tea with sugar packets dumped in

"Granola is good for you" - Eats like 3 granola bars for breakfast

"You're going to get fat if you eat so much" - when looking at my 2lbs of baked skinless chicken breast while they scarf down a cheeseburger.

"I only have a beer or two a night" 400 calorie IPA or "I only have 1 large glass of white wine". Or they pound down fireball and cider mixes.

"I only have a couple slices of pizza" - 350 cals each. With sweet tea, of course. And then a granola bar because she had to limit herself during the pizza eating so shes "just eating something healthy" to tide her over.

Just the sheet ignorance of anything calories. "Healthy" = lose weight. Calories = Math = If she fucks her instructor, she'lll pass! So she doesn't need to actually learn the rules or have discipline.

But drink everything besides tea coffee(black) and water.

>Visit brother
>He says he's been eating healthier lately
>He's actually eating a normie diet
>He's just subbed out random shit for the bad tasting version
>Low sodium soy sauce, diet soda, wheat bread, all that
>Feels all proud of himself

That just means he opened the door. You have a chance to push him through.

>co-worker makes NYR to lose weight
>says to me "it must be all that oatmeal you eat that makes you nt fat! I'm going to try that!"
>eats nothing but the sugar packed ones with lots of "non fat milk"
>wonders why she hasn't lost any but infact gained
>tell her those oatmeal packets are the worst, she ate four in one sitting, and to start only eating plain along with mixing in various spices, along with switching the milk with water instead as she used 2 cups of milk
>"gee user, you must hate yourself. You are no fun. I give up on this diet crap."


You sound like a cunt, my man.

It happens to guys too though
>3 colleagues pick up lfiting, ask me for advice when we meet at the gym opposite work
>i tell them about consistent routine and progressive overload
>teach them about compounds and correct form
>only 1 out of the 3 follows some of my advice

>Replaced soda with something almost as bad for you.
>Added a few hundred cal worth of apples a day.
>Lost 9% total weight in a few weeks.

Yeah I'm calling bullshit.

well because most of the time this never happens, even when the man is wrong the woman will still be more wrong

Did you call her an undisciplined bitch?

Dr Oz, bulky, bigger butt are the only wrong ones desu.
Carbs are sugar
Fruit is Candy
You can fast as long as you want while above 4% bodyfat with proper macro management through vitamins and broth

get WOKE

Binge eating is the only problem of short fasts. I only eat 5 days a week :^)

>dismisses a comment solely based on "women"
>accuses other people of being incapable of analytical thinking
Your average /pol/tard.

>it's not about the calories it's about the fat!

Genuinely smart post here, saved

>/pol9k/ believes this

Oh my god this makes me rage so hard. I work with a bunch of fat middle aged spanks. I used to weigh 340 lbs and currently weigh 230. They all ask me how I lose so much weight, I just tell them I count calories and work out. And they parrot back the "CALORIES AREN'T BAD, FAT IS, YOU'RE GONNA MAKE YOURSELF SICK user!"

I want to fucking die.

broccoli / cabbage

If you're a fat fuck that wants to lose weight - yes. Eventually the weight will even out and you'll need to drop more unhealthy things, but to start, this is a good place.