>Veeky Forums cringe thread
/snapcity/ edition
>Veeky Forums cringe thread
/snapcity/ edition
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Was doing leg press today and all I could think of was this fucking video
a classic
>suicide grip, sold as advertised
Meh you'll be fine unless you try and put up weight like that guy... it takes a lot to snap your shit up like that
you'll be fine if you're not a fucking idiot
lifting way more than your limit and locking your knees with each rep..
that 2 inch ROM isn't helping anything
>Don't lock out, don't lock out, don't lock out, don't......
Sleep tight Ching Chong
Is there anything better than watching other people get seriously hurt?
He...he didn't made it :^(
Now that's what I call a DEADlift!
"deadlifter" would be more accurate
>not immediately sitting down if you start feeling funny after a deadlift
it's like he wanted to die
holy shit this one might actually be worse then the infamous women on the leg press vid
please tell me hes an amputee and this vid is just him fukcing around with prosthethics
I physically cringe everytime I see this.
How do people misjudge so fucking badly? I've never gone so goddamn heavy I couldn't at least control the failure
god damn i need to start roiding
the small dude's pecs literally look like breasts
Front squat was bad bar placement causing blood to stop flowing to the brain which made him blackout. The other guy eventually gets it after a while but I think it's just like trying to max a certain weight. Line in clarences latest video he fails a pr attempt like 6 times.
What exactly is cringe about this? His form isn't perfect but he's not hitching or catbacking.
How would immediately sitting down help? Actually asking.
Crossfit. Not even once.
Falling from a sitting position is less dangerous imo.
So you don't hit your head falling
did he died
the force of impact on your head from standing vs sitting is significantly lower from a sitting position
Because at least if he passes out he won't fucking fall over and bash his head. Since he passed out from lightheadedness sitting down would help bloodflow back to the head.
Didn't realize that was the part that killed him, I assumed it was a heart attack or something.
Oh, I don't know how he died but getting a concussion even if you don't die isn't good for you
that looks pretty fun desu
straight outta DBZ
look at the back
Wait who is this guy? Why are you all saying he died? He might have just bonked his head and not died...
every time i hit my head i die user
is this not the same for you?
Yeah, his form isn't perfect, but it's by no means cringeworthy. Only people who would say so are the ones still stuck at 2plate.
>tfw you were included in the screencap
Who is this? I feel like I've seen him before.
did he died?
I just read that FS was supposed to be safer than normal Squat...
Squat in a power cage and there are literally 0 ways you can injure yourself unless your knees just explode
What the hell happened?
He is Martin Nguyen, he has 820kg total in powerlifting
That's exactly what I'm afraid of. My knees sound like Kellog's Rice Crispies.
>isn't perfect, but it's by no means cringeworthy
Most importantly, how come he doesn't get the fact that the exercise is not correct? His back must hurt like hell, and not the type of pain that comes from working out.
My form wasn't great when I first started deadlifting and I was doing about 60lbs, my back hurt like a motherfucker for the whole day.
That guys doing probably more than triple the weight I did, could not imagine that pain
This is the shit that I would do if were alone in the gym at night
hehe yeah lol looka t this retard rouinding his back waht a retard epic CRINGE SNAP CITY LOL
stay mad kiddo :^)
Perfect form, with rounded upper back.
Funny how it still looks like chicken legs
Shit like this pisses me off. People see someone whos jacked using shitform and they dont care. You call them out and it goes "mad cause you aint shredded faggot lol". At least I can lift properly you saskatchewan fuck
christ that dude is 5'0 on the dot
what the fuck
if you are 50 yo and not taking a baby asprin per day to prevent stroke
> 666
I always feel such a compulsion to poke a needle into that. I want to know if it would actually make a spray or so.
held his breath throughout the lift, lack of oxygen to the brain and he passed out
Ah, thanks.
Some other user said that the weight rolled from his palms onto his fingers and snapped his thumbs, which is what made him drop the weight
Why would anyone want these fucking lasagna veins
The first and second picture is the same girl though...?
The first image is composed of two pictures
broke his spine
If this happens during a lift(during training)...what is the proper protocol?
So I drop it and reset? Do I pull through?
Or do I focus on posterior chain tension and fix it on-th-fly?
Drop it, that looks really dangerous. Try a little less weight maybe
no one can think being that lean looks good, right?
this video is why I squat
>dw bro we're spotting you ;)
Dude me too
I pick up dead bodies for a living. I've picked brain up off the freeway, gotten body parts from under trains, held what's left of a head together so we can bag 'm without blood and shit going everywhere.
But I cannot watch videos like this. They gross me the fuck out.
A classic video
This just happened, and i also posted on /asp/, but i wanted to share it here, too.
I've been a judoka for life, but today i started Muay Thai as a secondary martial art. I'm a quiet type individual. Got a good sense of humor and all. But like most of you, i have an autistic side that i have to keep grappled at all times. Today, my grappling failed, and i failed at having a nice, anonymous first day at the dojo.
>last fucking 5 minutes of Muay Thai lessons
>i'm doing well so far
>land of manlets, i'm a 6'1 fat ''giant''
>haven't said anything retarded, i look ominous yet respectful
>everything's perfect
>''okay people, everyone on your formation to go home.''
>don't do this man
>calm the fuck DOWN DON'T DO IT
>i'm sweating like crazy, three times more than from the exercise itself just because i feel it coming
>but i keep going strong, holding onto it, i can make it, just one or two more minutes
>we do the formation/greeting whatever
>Thank God nothing hap-
>''alright, one more time and that's it''
>please don't
>listen to me man, you're not the funny guy, you're the mysterious guy that don't want to get hopped on by gain goblins
>''MEGAZORD, ACTIVATE'', ''BLACK RANGER, MORPH'' (my shirt and shorts were black)
>everyone goes silent for a bit, since for some reason i forgot to smile, and kept the serious facial expression
>the women look scared, the men threatened
>the teacher looks at me confused
>people took one whole minute of awkward silent to get a fucking obvious power rangers
>people genuinely laugh, everyone is having a good time talking about the incoming movie and the well timed joke or so they say
>young and old alike
>instantly got nicknamed ''Megazord''
>go to the gym, tell the story to my buddies as a autism tale, but actually i was trying to validate my retarded actions
>i leave at night, silent and ashamed
>will see them again next week
yeah, nah not reading all dis
How'd you land that cushy government job? Sounds like it'd be hard to get fired so long as you get all the pieces picked up. Probably good benefits too.
He forgot to breath
interesting considering squats are more likely to cause injury than leg press