I'm a freshman in college right now. and im pretty autismo but Veeky Forums. what should I do?
People of Veeky Forums, How do I become a Chad?
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kys and re-roll
By not living to impress people and doing your own shit. And lifting.
Drink alcohol and pray that helps your game.
If you have to ask it's too late.
Be born genetically gifted.
Alternatively fake confidence, until you become more confident.
join a fraternity. nobody likes a geed
There will be blood.
>never impress others
what is this meme? if you get a degree, lift, maintain hygiene etc. then you are trying to impress everyone around you, else you wouldn't do it in the first place
this OP its genetic.
the only way you will get less autismo is by talking to people at college. it sucks at first but soon you'll know what to say and how to hold better conversations. since you're Veeky Forums people will probably talk to you (esp grills) so just use this as practice. who knows you might make some friends.
>if you get a degree, lift, maintain hygiene
I literally do these things just for me.
just b urself
You do these to attract a mate.
Not trying to impress anyone would mean lying in your bed all day fapping and eating.
Nah, just for me. If she likes what I do, great!
But user, I like staying healthy, staying clean, and learning new things. Even if I was the only man in the world I would still do it.
Becoming a manufactured Chad is actually better than growing up to become a natural Chad. You still have your autistic self-conscious so it feels even better.
A sharp haircut really makes a ton of difference.
still bluepilled to fuck I see, eh user?
example of manafactured chad/slayer
Jesus fucking Christ, I will never understand women, or the men they're attracted to, or even people in general. And I'm not even autistic.
chads are not made, chads are BORN
You're in the greatest place you could be for the development of social skills.
Go out, don't get Wi-Fi in your residence.
Talk to classmates, volunteer for projects
Agree to go out for parties/bar scene(don't overdrink and be a cunt)
Go to the gym and sign up for tutoring or group activities.
pay a couple hundred to a personal shopper/stylist to help you out (preferablypreferably one you can meet in person)
Find a good barber.
Find a bar/local hotspot.
Learn to shake someone's hand and look them in the eye.
Unless you're true autistic/creepy then there's no reason you can't leave college with 100+ friend's or acquaintances.
you should rush a frat if u want to become the chad of college
>not even autistic
alpha tyler next to beta griffin
frats are full of chads desu
asian chad
Impressive digits
ye na
asian beta male
i swear chad doesnt even mean anything anymore
we got guys like this posting slightly above average lookin dudes and called it 'le chad'.
Nah that's lighting. That dude is nowhere near Asian Chad, and many women of other ethnicities wouldn't be automatically down I'd say. This is an example of what I'd call Asian Chad