What do you guys do for a living?
Does your job fuck up your gains?
Work in the warehouse of a flower selling company. Lifting heavy ass boxes all day. Make 17$ an hour, not bad for a highschool dropout imo
>POG as fuck job
>Only one official PT day
>3 additional days a week of on your own PT in mornings
>Gym with squat rack/bench and adequate weight at work
Yeah nah, it's pretty good for my gains.
work in amazon warehouse. don't do shit
Fireman, job helps overall shape but it beats the shit out of my body so occasionally my lifts suffer. Also do construction on the side cause I want more money, I mostly yell at people on the phone for that though I do that often do much of the work myself anymore.
Why is she so weird
>makes tonguing, sucking, lickng your dick videos disguised as asmr
>gets btfo when her vids get censored
>goes back to making pretend dick sucking vids.
Work in an Animal Hospital. Constantly moving around is pretty good passive cardio but only have to lift the occasional heavy dog. Pretty hit or miss for gains and minimum wage but it's league's better than fucking Braums', THOSE FUN GUZZLERS FUCK YOU BRAUMS
Field services engineer
Yep, getting called to jump on the next plane to bumfuckistan really messes up my planning, I can't lift with any sort of regularity and my diet has gone to complete shit. I'm still progressing after 4 months of SS but it's hard as fuck and I have missed entire weeks and needed to reset due to unplanned travel. Oh well, I'll just cry into my pile of money.
Her left eye also looks way bigger than her right eye, it's weird. I have no idea who that is though so I dont know if it's just a bad pic
work as a host in a chain restaurant. doens't really fuck with gains.
starting as a big 4 public accountant next year. 60-65 hours a week during busy season plus a shitty commute will absolutely fuck up my gains.
neet atm got enlistment date for infantry in july tho
Work as an architect in Colombia... sadly I do 5k a year because I work for a shitty firm. I have to do my own projects at night so I basically work 12-16 hours a day.. I lift weights at my home, maybe an hour every 2 days.
She's one of the cringiest asmr chicks. Chicks who you can tell are trying to be cute are the worst. She knows she's attractive and she's just trying to get them betabux by giving seductive looks to the camera and slurping that ear microphone. Fuck her
Cloud services support
>12\24\12\48 schedule, on my night shift rn.
>Get to sleep for 12hrs straight ez
>Gym is literally 4 floors below the office, home is 30m on foot away.
>Company foots the food bill at a half-decent eatery
>Company compensates half of gym bill + steep discounts at the gym for employees in the same building so a year membership comes out pull-up bar in the office right next to my spot
>Company scheduled to move to new office with all-new dedicated gym in the summer
I think I've never had a job that was THIS good for my gainz before. I feel like actually making it.
Software engineer
The free beer definitely detracts from my gains
Some of her vids are alright like the ones where she just shuts up and sucks.
But she keeps trying to force her singing and im lol so quirky thing into a lot of her vids.
I'm trying to switch to software engineering as a senior in college. I'm fucked for finding an internship this summer. Tips?
Fire Alarm Technician
I'm on the road a lot, so I eat a lot of fast food. I need to get into meal plans that I can take to work. As for lifting, I usually feel physically worn at the end, but it doesn't affect my performance at the gym. My biggest regret is that my job starts to early to do fitness stuff in the morning.
yes. My fan bas has told me that they want to see me get fat. I guess my fan base has a thing for chubby Muslim women.
I have been offered a lot of money, so idk i might try it out.
I can't even get into it because she forces the seductive aspect. Taylor will always be best girl
If you can't get an internship then start networking like crazy
Hackathons or meetups will help a ton with that
Other than that, do something that shows you know how to program like making a decently-complex website (rudimentary blog/social media kinda thing) or make and release an app. People will eat that up from someone right outta college.
>I have been offered a lot of money, so idk i might try it out.
Taylor acts too bitchy in too many of her new vids. She also doesnt do good sound.
Shes fake as fuck to me. I bet her and all her stacy friends laugh at all the beta males that say cringy shit to her.
Life hack: How to get stoned without drugs.
Sales Engineer
Figgity-fugs my gains.
Chained to desk for long hours. I usually end up lifting and trying to get some work done between sets in the middle of the night. Then I end up with no sleep, which both fugs my gains some more and makes me less efficient the next day - so the cycle repeats.
she probably makes more money than you faggot, so please leave her alone and stfu.
its her body, not yous, so shes allowed to do whatever she wants.
she's the hottest one tho imo. tori is nice too. in terms of sound, i think men are better (dmitry, raffy, ephemeral rift, that new kid eric)
I know some hotter ones. Won't drop their names though.
>Retail logistics cuck/backroom ninja
Great for cutting, terrible for bulking. Shit-tier career wise but it beats being NEET.
I know of pretty much every one with over 1k subs so it's all good.
Tori is best girl
shift maintenance engineer. work days then nights. Fucking up my sleep. Anyone else do shift patterns? Any tips for training / sleep?
full time pipe fitter, part time bar tender
doesn't really affect gains too much
Damn she pretty cute, but I think Sam is better.
I just hope one day I will be able to find a cute pure Christian asmr girl like her.
Sleeping pills and window shades
>ASMR fags are the worst
fuck off you r9k beta faggots
/r9k/ guys cant even watch asmr lol
Work in film/television
12-18 hour days, fucks up my training big time, but I tend to get about 3 months off a year where I do nothing but train.
pipeline controller. Sit in a comfy leather chair for 12 hour shifts and monitor the fluid properties an whatnot. Make 32 an hour plus bonuses. Just out of college and I only technically work half the year so its pretty great for gains
Frivvifox on youtube
Working another wage cuck job. This time at a big chain drug store trying to work into a Pharmacy Technician slot. Its going to take forever the way their currently staffed.
I can barely support myself why cant God either support me or give me a decent death before I fail and let everybody down. Dont fall for the university meme, boyos.
Where the fuck is my factory job and wife and kids before 25?
I've been trying that. Been to my first hackathon recently, but there weren't any good networking ops. I'm at a top 20 college, but it's not good for CS. Networking got me to the final round of a Big 4 and a well known fintech company but I couldn't close out. No interviews otherwise.
I've made 2 projects and trying to teach myself Android dev but I have no time between all of my CS projects. I have 1 due every friday and 1 every sunday. In fact I'm posting this during the 1 and only free hour I have during the day (before I go to bed).
Thanks user. Software engineer seems like an amazing career and one with the potential for anyone to be super Veeky Forums in.
I fucking hate this bitch's face.
Gibi is my future wife
fastASMR a best.
Shes been BLACKED tho
ayyy what school do you go to? Did you get an internship with them?
IDK really, started working day\night when I was 20, then went 2\2 ->5\2 and back a few times. I'm 27 now and my circadian rhythms are so fucked I actually operate on 36-hour days: 24 hours of activity with 12 hours of sleep. Try to enter the same mode, I guess. Avoid casual caffeine, discipline yourself to fall asleep at will (this takes srs effort tho).
Tips for training: doing weights after day shift, then cardio\bodyweight\accessory work before night shift, then weights after night shift and some sleep, then rest day. Drop the cardio if too hard. Then again, I have zero commute (I'm ) so you might not be able to pull this off. Cardio before night shift is GOAT, keeps you sharp throughout.
how do you know?
fuck even my gf in real life has been blacked.
>fuck even my gf in real life has been blacked
have some self respect m8
Bullshit account executive desk jocky
Although hopefully busting into med sales soon. Have a masters in biomed and im applying to pa school.
Too late. I don't have the nuts to back out of the relationship on the grounds of being a cuck
Electrical engineer who does live sound a few nights a week.
The day job is fine but the night gig fucks with my lifting schedule. I keep meaning to start going before work, but I hate early morning lifts.
Wind turbine technician. The 300 foot climbs are hard on the legs but its a lot of heavy lifting and the hours are decent so i cant really complain.
>Taylor will always be best girl
I've seen her before, lives in my area. she's like 5'2.
Infantry soldier. It's a huge gains goblin, especially going on exercises that last for months with no gym.
>tfw no 5'2" qt to lift up and down on my dick.
lol holy shit I was just fucking around
HAHAHAHAHA relax nigga gibbi isn't even your real girl, so why you getting all upset?
also yeah suck your gf irl got blacked, but why are you afraid to break it off? Is she suicidal/clingy?
When is japmoot going to deal with blacked posters?
Former NEET.
Currently working customer service on a call center for a credit line. Besides having to deal with angry people it's pretty comfy and doesn't consume alot of calories so it's good for bulking.
call center drone
14$ an hour to ruse old ladies into having in-home dexa scans
my coworkers all lift and my jobwaifu is a qt so its not all bad
>Graduating in May
>Still no job
Shit's stressful. This last month the anxiety has fucked with my progress.
In that case it sounds like you're doing all you can, and much more than most others. Keep working at it, something will come through eventually.
Good luck bro
Finishing masters in materials engineering. Job market for new grads is pretty rough.
Entry level doesn't really exist anymore. 95% of job postings are either for someone with just a 2 year associates degree or someone with 5+ years industry experience. I'm either way overqualified or way underqualified.
Are there any opportunities for advancement if you drink the kool-aid and tryhard your ass off? Or is it a hopeless den of cuckery?
Anyone here drop out of college? I've been in school for a very long time and I feel like it really isn't for me. I've already switched my major like 4 times, but I still can't seem to stick to anything. I've been told to go into trade or even join the military, but those things don't really excite me too much. Also I have a lot of mental issues, so I don't think the military would take me in.
If you dropped/failed, how has life been?
Is college really the only way to succeed in life?
you fucked up bad lad. chang and rajeet are more competitive. the only non meme degree you should get a graduate degree for is for software engineering
I work for acme brick, 12 hours a day throwing bricks in a hopper. If anything it helps my gains.
lol you know Pajeet and Chong will still be able to get those jobs too, right?
Them Asians will work themselves to death in any kind of job for shit pay.
My dads a med sales guy. Made pretty good coin for a guy with a pretty face and a 108 iq. It's all about relationships. For whatever reason they still like him where he works and he's still one of the top salesman.
Funny....A skinny no friend autist like me has a hard time scoring a retail sales job.
I'd say finish with something, just to get a degree. If you drop out all that time you've spent is for nothing. Doesn't even matter what degree you finish with. These days people care way too much about college degrees, and not having one closes doors for you. It's bullshit, but that's the way it is.
If you're really done with the college thing, I'd talk to your advisor and look over what credits you already have and how you can get out as quick as possible.
rider university. yes, did a winter internship that ended a few weeks ago and got a full time offer at the end.
Finishing masters in healthcare administration. Will get to tell doctors how to do their jobs and shit.
I get to sit at least 8 hours a day now and in the future, noice.
>Graduate degree
>Software engineering
Literally no advantages over a bachelors in CS or something similar. It's only a worthwhile degree if you're coming from a different background.
I am a business intelligence analyst. Fairly sedentary job even after we got standing desks. I go to the gym either before or after work so I guess it doesn't fuck with me too much.
where at? im in phoenix
The cloud guy in here again ().
Dropped out of college right before graduating because understood the degree was shit-tier and would have to go to uni to get any real education.
Worked a bit in retail, then went tech support and never looked back.
The only way to succeed in life is being useful to other people, and no degree is a guarantee of that. At 23, I already had more practical knowledge and work experience than same-aged uni grads, and the only thing keeping me back from career is my own lazy ass. Fortunately, lifting cures that (unlike autism). Doing MS certified shit within next 6 months on the company's dime, then will try to sidetrack into infosec\pentesting (kind of a dream career).
Just take a look at yourself, understand what can you do for people right now, what would you like to be doing in five years, then find someone who will pay you for the former and drive towards the latter. You need to be willing to go above and beyond to be noticed and advance, but it's worth it.
That really depends in the type of call center you work in and how much you're making. The only reason I'm still at mine is because its top comfy.
I'd rather get a degree in CS and be help desk making $20+ an hour