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when you do olympic lifts in a normie-bicep curling gym do people look at you funny?

>he keeps from doing what he wants because people might "look at him funny"

So you masturbate in public when the feeling takes you?

he am learning the oly lifts, but not in a normie gym. just wanna know if you become a public attraction in a normie gym when doing these lifts.

probably, why worry about it though. most of the people in normie gyms will never even bench 2pl8 for reps, much less work a routine that primarily involves compound barbell movements. as for oly lifts, if you're at a chain gym 95% of the people there have probably never even done 1 rep for those exercises. so who cares what they think.

much more likely though that the gym staff will tell you to stop though because without padded floors and rubber-cast oly plates, it'll fuck up their bars, weights and floor pretty quick.


anyone ever done lascek's oly routine for beginners


>not having a coach

Meh, probably. But my gym has platforms and rubber plates so it's not that strange. But I've never seen anyone at my gym do snatches or jerks. They always use those rubber plates for deadlifts. I'm the only one that doesn't any Oly stuff.

>implying i dont live in the middle of nowhere and the nearest olympic gym is probably 3 hours away

Today I worked my way up with power clean to 115lbs for 3 reps, and it felt easy enough. I decided to go for a 135 attempt, and I could feel the power there, but I am scared to commit to catching it?

How to stop being a bitch? pls respond

work on getting under the bar fast, break up the movements, I had the same issue

What should I do to practice it?

clean pulls and hang cleans

is being a Chinaboo acceptable if you weightlift?

Haha the fucking leggings even match Lu's (m.youtube.com/watch?v=MI0L7E_5Qac) you disgust me. Chinese weightlifting is great though.

>he equates public masturbation to doing "weird" exercises in the gym



>Abadjev dies same day Ivan Markov is suspended for 3rd time.

What did God mean by this?

First /owg/ i happen to see in months.
a crossfit box might open soon, close to my home and i am considering going there for my workouts. they probably will have better open hours than the gym i am going to now. only if it's affordable tho, i dont have 200 shekels a month to spare.

normally those crossfit gyms dont allow you to just go there and workout though. you have to go to the classes

There is literally no way for me to get a weightlifting coach but I really want to get better at it. I can do a 255 cj and 210 snatch. Should I try doing a program by myself? And if yes what program?

im the same and im going to start justin lascek's oly lifting program soon


Where 2 cop leggings?

>have standard barbell in my apartment
>not much weight, around 70kg (154 lbs)
>more than enough because I'm shitter
>can't drop the weights for obvious reasons

Am I going to fuck up my shoulders? Obviously, I'm not letting the barbell straight down but like this: youtube.com/watch?v=-tl2d2UnmHM but kinda worried about long term effects.

Kill yourself useless frog poster

Clarence inspired me to go vegan since his diet video and desu i hit PR's on front squat and cleans and i'm maxing snatches soon. LITERALLY magical. I also feel great. Haters gonna potate.

let us know how you feel in a couple months when the placebo wears off and you figure out clarence is on a shit load of gear

ps. clarence is mixed race lol

If you're a weightlifter without a coach trying to do things on your own please read this

Weightlifting is more coach than program related. This is not powerlifting where you just squat, bench and deadlift to get better. Try to find even an online coach. Your program should build around your weaknesses (and you don't know all of them, or what would really work for you). If you just pick a random program, you'll probably reinforce bad habits when you try to stick to the % and volume.

Don't be one of those guys who start doing full snatches, rack holds, complexes, pulls under knees etc. all at the same time, without experience, with shitty technique, without knowing how to do them.. You'll just destory your chances.

I tried doing some of the catalyst athletics programs before I got a coach. You might try there, but they only have like 7 free programs. The rest are like 25 bucks for workouts and spreadsheets and shit.

What can you do until the time you can get a coach? Are there any programs that will build strength in the olympic lifts without involving the more complex movements? Eg. Squats (front and back), Klokov press, push press, snatch grip deads, power cleans?

clarence is #1 supreme gentleman in my heart, before elliot even

DYEL here, how far can you get in oly lifting if you have shit genetics? What are good olympic lifting genetics?

idk short femurs and long back are good for oly lifting I think. Besides unless you are looking to be a pro you shouldn't worry about your genetics.

Do lots of stretching, OH squats, front + back squats (narrow grip and wide grip), different kind of jumps, play sports.. Get / stay athletic

Problem with push press is that you probably can't do it right. It's really, really hard to do right and you need a coach to spot all the shit that holds you back (using too much arms and too soon, not driving enough with legs, not dipping straight down, not keeping upper back tight and elbows up, not driving the barbell upwards - the list goes on and on)

Same problem with power clean.

You should worry about shit like this when you have a +1.5x bodyweight snatch.

I don't have good intellectual genes but i'm still a med student. I'll never be a top med scientist but so what.

those leggings and china shirt are too far, not acceptable

Good lord, this is going to become a thing, isn't it?

Well at least this one seems strong.

that would be too bad. i'll see if they have open gym hours when they finally open. maybe i can talk to the owner or something.

push presses and push jerks are two different exercises


A power clean is totally learn able alone

a shitty power clean, sure.

a decent power clean? takes a looong time.


Join an online 'team'. ~$50/month for programming and consistent feedback. Not a bad deal, and way better than flying blind.

fugg the chinamann >:DDD

I am a 5'6 145lb femanon..I started taking lifting more seriously 3 months ago, my stats now are

Squat 115x5
BP 50x5
DL 155x5
Dumbbell shoulder-press 15x5

Pls no bully. I want to get into weightlifting and start training snatch + C&J. I know getting a coach is best... so before I spend the money to join a barbell club and have a coach, should I wait until my lifts increase and maybe start training front squat and overhead squat? Or should I just start sooner rather than later? I know my lifts are shit-tier.

read I swear if we didn't have retards like you posting incessant "how do I start in WL'ing i can canoe 10 miles upstream" posts this general would be dead af

>wait until my lifts increase

If you want to start weightlifting then START WEIGHTLIFTING. Practice empty bar snatches and cleans from the top down over and over again. Record yourself. Write a beginner program. Develop adequate mobility and strength. Don't focus on shit like squat numbers when you're a beginner, that shit matters nothing. This isn't powerlifting. Now fuck off.

getting a coach if you have the facility to is always the best option, all that other shit doesnt matter

start asap

but if you're very poor and those gyms are ungodly expensive like they are here (40ish for commercial gym, and 100-200 for crossfit or wl gyms)

then just torrent everett's book, watch a lot of good videos, and practice with a broomstick while you work on strength, mobility, and gpp

Someone please answer this, I have the same issue, other than my legs aren't in this retarded of a position

So gay. Fuck that.


Just do whatever desu
You're never gonna be great so there's no rush just take it easy hehe

white father from ireland, filipino mother

for some reason people say his mom is thai. she's filipino

Clarence is so fascinating to me. He's a natural when it comes to lifting. He made strength gains pretty quickly in his teens. But I wonder just how much genetics actually contributed. I remember him cleaning 95# in his bedroom. And chances are his mother is a little Filipino lady and idk about his dad. Years and years of lifting trumps even genetics IMO.

The tren and test doesn't hurt either

that's his mom on his right and his little brother on his left

u never gave me details about the therapy session

I go and see a crossfit personal trainer for form technique about once a month, is that enough?

>guys you're never gonna be in the olympics just give up
>nope no point in doing anything unless you can do it perfectly not even power cleans

Wow thanks


looked a lot better here before he went full roidlet

to be fair its harder to unlearn bad movement patterns

but then again, bill starr learned how to snatch, clean, and jerk from magazine pictures

so what? if you're just learning oly lifting for fun and you don't plan to compete it doesn't even matter
faggots in /owg/ act like you have to have been training from age 9 with a coach every day to even pick up a barbell

That's because my laptop broke this morn nigga and I ain't got time to fix it
U ain't ever gonna see me again sucka

you missed my point

bill starr cleaned somewhere in the 400s, pressed 350+ (the latter was on roids to be fair)

most of the technique autists here will never get to that level

farewell deli

That's his dad to his left lol
I think that's his older sister on the far left? No other siblings but I remember an old R A R E video of Clarence teaching his sister how to backflip

>That's his dad to his left lol
jesus are you serious? he looks 16

no way that's his dad

Malnourished and underdeveloped Irish twinks

>his dad looks younger than him

lmfao wat

Yeah he looks fucking morbid now
Plus his hairline is reaching JUST levels


why? Look at his athletic background. Was doing gymnastics and complex aerials in middle school. Received full-time coaching from a young age. You're over-thinking it.

>little filipino lady

now you're getting a bit stupid, lad. You going to explain to me How that is bad genetics for weightlifting?

He was uncoached until Poland, which was pretty late into his career

does anyone have a good source to buy oly shoes for a good deal

mainly looking for adipowers for a good price cuz i know romaleos are expensive as shit.

i would like power perfect 2s but i cant find them anywhere, old school shit like clarences old adidas or drekhafts are also fine

Poland fucked him up good too

actually it started before Poland. Poland just sent him over the edge. Pretty crazy how he's still able to pause squat obscene amounts.

Not really, watched a view videos and read Starting Strength, not that hard to get. Compared my video to a few others, not perfect but not shitty, you fucking autist act like Oly is the hardest thing in the world when dumbass cross shitters do it and some even have decent form

He's mentioned that pause squatting is the only way he can squat without pain

I had a feeling that was something to do with it. I don't remember that part in the Q&A, but I assumed that was part of it

no it really doesn't. oly lifting is not the hardest thing in the world. A few months ago there was an autist on here telling a newbie to split snatch rather than squat snatch due to the specificity of the tech. Stop trying to keep people away by hyping up the difficulty. I basically learned by myself, it's not impossible.

>public attraction in a normie gym when doing these lifts.

only when you look like a retard doing it, i lift in a normie gym but not 24hr tier. people leave me alone sometimes they ask if i compete that's about it

RIP Abadjiev :(

post vid or shut the fuck up

post vid or shut the fuck up.

>decent form

pick one, and even thinking they have good form means you have bad form

whats the point in having perfect form if you're not going to compete? it's just autistic


point out the technique flaws of this crossfitter

Mat Fraser was an olympic weightlifter at the OTC in Colorado Springs before going into crossfit. Choose a better example, retard.

>decent form

>n-not that crossfitter, r-retard

lol fuck off faggot

>if you're not going to compete
Just because you're shy and afraid to do it now doesn't mean that you shouldn't start doing it. Just get over that stage fright and start doing it, it will be worth it

I didn't want to compete at all and i was terrified in my first comp, still did ok and felt awesome afterwards. After that i really started to push more also in the weightroom.


0/10 troll

well, injury avoidance is pretty important.

You don't need perfect tech if you just wanna lift for fun baka
You do, however, need a basic level of technique to actually move the bar consistently and not hurt yourself

It's just that the outcasts here want to do stuff alone in the corner of the gym. Too afraid to make phone calls or socialize to get into the sport.

If you can't push yourself even tiny bit then just give up. There's no reason to just fuck around when you could git gud and have some "character development"

fuck off normalfaggot reddit tourist

post vid of what? my power clean? how about you post a vid

Went from /plg/ to well, this.
305 wilks, currently snatch lmao1plate and c&j 75kg. How do I git gud? I'm fairly strong and want to do my first meet in autumn.