This is what girls want.
Why lift when it's all about the face?
This is what girls want.
Why lift when it's all about the face?
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Bait aside face is extremely important. You can work with your body naturally but plastic surgery is fake and cheating.
just be tall
>but plastic surgery is fake and cheating.
So bitches walking around all plastic and fake is fine, but the moment a guy let's the scalpel on his face, shit's cheating.
Yo, that's not how you play, nigga.
bitch bois with dick sucking lips?
so women are faggots
Post pic brah.
women are attracted to both masculine and feminine traits, there is a reason most male models look "girly" compared to your stereotypical chad. The guy in the OP would get more pussy than any chad you could envision
looks like an ayylmao to me
pic brah
Does it work the other way around as well?
>tfw attracted to tall women with defined jawlines
yes, but I would argue that it is not socially acceptable for males to express this. Beauty itself in humans is manifested through the harmony of masculinity and femininity. I don't think most men would find literal circle faces, fish eyes, or bleached eyebrows/hair the ideal
>this entire channel
I have never seen so many vapid whores in my entire life
College girls really are still children
>do you date short guys?
>what's a perfect height
As a chinlet (and manlet) guy I admit this is true. You can improve other parts of your body to compensate.
After all that's all we do here.
>since teen days building a good soul to compensate bad genetics.
H-old me, bros.
>Why lift when it's all about the face?
What the fuck is going on here?
Lower bf% + sucking in cheeks and possibly a little plastic surgery
gyllenhaal lost weight for his role in Nightcrawler (left)
Surprising how far your face gets you imo.
>be manlet 5'7
>Have high-tier facial aesthetics. Masculine features and "gorgeous" grey eyes
Always had massive pull with girls shorter than me and I don't know that many girls who are taller than me.
Gyllenhaal intentionally lost a ton of weight for Nightcrawler to give his face a creepy, sunken in look.
Gyllenhaal, being a top billed Hollywood actor and all, probably walks around between 8 and 11% BF. Cutting body fat from there puts you into the meth face tier.
It's about finding a balance. You want some cheek bone contours, but not a sunken in creepy meth face.
So that when society collapses you can bash that guys skull in and take his girl
His face looks like an amateur artist is practicing face angles.
i unironically think gyllenhaal looks more aesthetic nightcrawler mode, atleast face-wise. He looks like a wolf
That wasn't a motivational post for other manlets. I'm not posting pictures of myself online. Besides, it's nicer to /believe/ right?
Bearded jake with some weight looks better
But he's ugly as fuck
How you people have not figure out that doing things just to attract women makes you literal social-cucks is beyond me.
you're autistic
That may be so but he's still an uggo
>tfw 5'10
Should I just end it now?
Doing things for the approval of others in general is sad.
That's an odd way of saying inmates.
there is so much wrong with that face holy shit
>but plastic surgery is fake and cheating.
bitch please their are no roles in "life" do what the fuck i want.
Why do you lie to strangers on the internet?
>plastic surgery is fake and cheating.
everyone fucking cheats
contact lenses
acne medication
where do you draw the line?
when a knife/needle is involved?
>proof that the average roastie has no sense of virtue
im not hating but that guy isnt very attractive. he looks really weird.
Girls put penises in their mouths. They're huge fags.
If he lifted he'd be a 20/10 though.
The average dude can go up 3-4 points by lifting.
looks like kim kardashian
holy shit i hate lifting now
Hail the almighty trips.
All girls are fags now.
Sorry m8, you're gay
>This is what girls want.
pic is relevant
just say you're 6'
chads are usually very masculine. but some chads are prettyboyish in appearence
Hercules, Achilles and Apollo fenotypes
Girls don't wet themselves over good looking faces or muscles. Muscles are the product of a fierce will and dedication, so it is commonly mistaken as to the real attraction.
A good looking face is also moot.
To me, that face looks like the face of a faggot, but others might go crazy for somthing like that.
This is the internet, and for all I know most of that could be photoshop.
Tl;dr: its not a good looking face or muscles alone that attract women, its the determination.