Is there anybody (real or fictitious) that motivates you to get Veeky Forums...

Is there anybody (real or fictitious) that motivates you to get Veeky Forums, but otherwise not entirely Veeky Forums related ?

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The Marine Corps


this is a fucking thread


Low Tier God is the new Zyzz

my son. he'll never be able to walk, and i was always a fatass, but when he asked me what it felt like to go running my heart sank.
i take him on a run with me every day in a modified wheelchair we got for him. every time i get tired, i feel like shit for not being able to give him the childhood he deserves so i keep running.

My Dad


This dude right here

Hmm well I guess when my friend who is a bodybuilder made fun of me for getting mugged. Made me want to get physicallt fit

did the jews steal his legs

This image in particular gives me motivation to lift as hard as I can

Girl that rejected me a few years ago.

I want her to see pics of me on facebook and regret her decision.

My motivation is unironically Janoy


Both of you.

Same, applying to OCS as soon as I graduate uni in December.

>good luck m8

Omfg that response, thank you for the ab workout.

Holy shit dude that is deep

>Godspeed you glorious father


I know this feel

>rejection is the best motivator

I'm trying to get into NROTC at my uni

Good luck with OCS bud

AROTC here, fucking kill me

I lift because I'm curious how strong I can actually get staying natty, I've always been stronger than all my friends even before I lifted and some of them are just bodies of muscle.

Might gear up when I hit natty limits, but I don't want to leave humanity behind just yet.



I want to play sports and be good st them. I'm extremely competitive and would love to have a body that allows me to do so.

Running is hard isn't it?

lol no, for whatever reason his spinal chord was malformed in the womb. it wasn't due to any serious medical condition, just bad luck, and i'm thankful he's otherwise healthy
thanks, guys. the kid is my world now, and i'll be damned if i let anything else happen to him. honestly, one of the happiest moments of my life was after the first couple times we went and i was able to start going above 4-5mph (i had to walk and jog at first), i snuck a camera onto the front end. he smiled so fucking hard, guys. you have no idea how happy he was. he loves feeling the wind in his face and moving his arms while pretending to run along with me, so i just KNOW if things started differently he'd be an amazing athlete. i was unsure if i was ready to be a father, and my worries only increased after he was born, but i wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.


I just want a body like Gandy's I couldn't care less about being a powerlifter or a bodybuilder beyond using the relevant parts of each sport/training style to get to Gandy mode

I want to run for office someday so I'd like to look fit when I run.

Yes, it really is