Tfw afraid to wear basketball shorts to the gym now

>tfw afraid to wear basketball shorts to the gym now

fuck you guys. how has Veeky Forums affected you?

Other urls found in this thread:

If you trained legs you wouldn't be embarrassed you fucking pussy

I change bars when I transition from squats to OHP

I don't yawn between sets anymore.

Every time I drink a monster I laugh like a retard as I remember the memes

I accidentally had a gay experience with another gym goer

I spent $9000 dollars on lengthening my leg bones. Buyers remorse.

How did you stop? Better sleep? I always yawn when I go early in the morning.

Fuck I yawn at 1 in the afternoon.

I'm awake at 6

Veeky Forums made me stop checking my phone between sets and I'm thankful for that


I found these really short basketball shorts from like the 70s at a thrift store. They are my favorite gym attire.

Lol a beta stops checking his(obviously her) phone between sets i bet you don't even have at least four bros you go to gym with

I drinking one entire gallon of whole milk a day

Thanks Veeky Forums

Enjoy the estrogen

When I see pictures of people i check out the guys more than the girls to see how aesthetic they are, nohomo

Why would I need "bros" to go to gym with? I've seen people lift together, it takes them twice as long to do the same shit I do alone. Gym "bros" are just latent gays.

No the user you replied but most ppl don't have 4 gymbros like 90% of gymgoers don't even have 1 get out of you mom's basement

>basketball shorts
Just go get some thin short shorts from Under Armour. Basketball shorts restrict your movement and are usually too baggy.

>going to the gym with more than one person
Do some community service and kill yourself.

I purposely wear basketball shorts because of the meme
Are you the guy who made the thread about doing the surgery in India months and months ago?

How was it?

>I accidentally had a gay experience

You fags are all salty because you don't get to enjoy you and your friends playing music and having banter In the gym. People get soooo mad it's funny

Manlet detected

I'm wearing basketball shorts in the gym right now

Say what you like loooser

>Not going to gym alone.

How disgusting.

I researched the fuck out of this.

>the estrogen in milk
Is not particularly bioavailable.

Do you think hormones are digested and the used by the body? That's not how hormones work bro.

Hormones are ingested retard gay faggot how else do u think testosterone pills

Can you imagine the effect on babby if they were?

I acquiesce.

Still there are a few negative studies on the hormones in milk, and there are many studies on the benifits.

Either way body builders have been using it successfully for years


Well the estrogen in soy based baby formula creates nu-males so as much I hate being wrong there may be something to digestible estrogen.

Either way body builders have been drinking a GOMAD with positive results so I don't find the dairy scary.

No. Went from 5'5" to 5'8" and can't run anymore

>can't run anymore

His legs would probably snap in half

I'm gonna make it now

I shamelessly never train legs.
Screw that noise.

Why'd you pay that much to go from manlet to manlet?

Wrong estrogen levels in men who drink soy decreased

If you take nutrition advice from bodybuilders then you deserve the prostate cancer you get from all that red meat and milk

Good you fag lord, above the knee shorts are objectively better in every single way. Basketball shorts are for beta males who wear Aeropostale at 22 years old.

Post shorts

Used to be a chad, strong as fuck, just did bicep curls. Swapped that for squats n diddlydoos now weak as shit T-rex

Dude, the tests about soy are ALL OVER the fucking board, same as milk. Stop pretending like you know for certain and be man enough to admit you don't know, because I assure you that you do not and neither does anyone else on Veeky Forums.


Not an argument and blatant retardation.

>There was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of changes in serum estrone concentrations, which tended to decrease in the soy-supplemented group and increase in the control group over time

Keep drinking your cow milk filled with girly hormones you fucking faggot

Site a source that proves it.
Then I'll site one that disproves it.

You overtly agree absolutist. As is you could persuade a horse to drink with you horrible interpersonal skills.
You faggot.

Overtly angery*

You're one of those dudes who do those retarded circuits with his buddies aren't you?

No clue what that means.

You're one of the angery projecting NEETs that likes to take out his emotional problems on a Japanese weebo-culture image board instead of being civil and conversing with other fitness hobbyists. Arnt you?

>have a gym buddy
I didn't think this was rare

He's pretty motivational for a manlet, fucker got me going 4x a week

What is this angery you keep harping on about?

What are you supposed to wear at the gym other than basketball shorts?

I feel insecure about my height (5'11 kang on manlets) when I never gave a fuck about it before, even though I'm taller than most people

lol why

I'm the same height and never even think about it

Some boards ( /out/, Veeky Forums) actually communicate constructively with one another without emotionally unstable autists projecting their rage whenever they see a post with a differing opinion.

>Veeky Forums actually communicate constructively with one another
Is this bizarro Veeky Forums?

Veeky Forums is one of the worst non-containment boards there is, everyone shits on each other for minor things and they only talk about fast food.

Veeky Forums

>Thread gets posted
>Some autist starts screaming about how much they hate Americans
>Some autust informs everyone that what they're eating is chemicals
>Some autist announces that they're vegan
>Some redditor posts his collection of Jack webms
Rinse and repeat. Usually the creative boards have better user bases but Veeky Forums is an absolute disaster.

/out/ is chill af though.

Well I acquiesce then.

I've only been to a few threads in Veeky Forums, mostly the alcoholic general (not a boozer, recovering H addict here) and it had a very pleasant atmosphere.

obviously a bait but a man shouldn't need ''''gym-bros''''' to hold his hand while he lifts weights. And certainly wouldn't care about what other men do

Veeky Forums is purely shitposting.

>stop drinking water at the gym
my piss has been dark yellow but at least I don't look like a retard anymore