I'm debating on cutting for the slootz
How much more success do you guys have on tinder with six packs?
>doing anything for sloots
gl on making it phaggot
A lot more success than before I had abs
Tinder is dogshit though, gaming in person is 100x more effective
lmao people actually do this
>success on tinder
>US Mail
i'm dying
Tinder is shit. Walk around your local mall, beach, or some place a lot of people gather on the regular and talk to girls there.
Hide your autism if you have any.
>>doing anything for sloots
You literally stole my exact thoughts.
If I was a girl I would use that "give me 5$" as a filter to weed out idiots who send you money.
Imagine what kinda guy does that shit, only the most autistic guys you know, you wouldnt want to match your female friends with them
>Pharah will never ride you while squirting and shouting her ult line
>US mail
Greatest kek of the day by far.
>Imagine what kinda guy does that shit
Indian/persian/russian immigrant with feathered hair, a polo shirt with the big ass logo, has some sort of gucci accessory, and who listens to shitty rap music in his horrible native language
>have tinder a while back
>go to bar one night
>some cool hot chick I know is there with some of muh friends
>"lol hey user, some girl I know posted your tinder profile on her instagram and was making fun of you before I said I knew you"
I literally cannot fathom how any man could actually fall for that. Can they really not understand that this is not the way other guys get girls?
>women dont want to be flirted with on the bus
>dont want to be flirted with at the grocery market
>dont want to be flirted with at a book store
>dont want to be flirted with at the gym
>dont want to be flirted with just walking down the street
>dont want to be flirted with at the bar
>now, dont want to be flirted with on a mobile phone app meant for flirting
>women don't want to be flirted with by you
>Plays games like overwatch
>expects to make it in anything
If you're not at least 6'3" and white, don't even try.
I'm 6'3" and white, just ugly as hell
>just ugly as hell
Well, there's your problem.
You have to analyze if you're truly ugly, or just low on self-confidence.
Time to end it user
Post pics and I'll make you feel better sweetie
yes to both
How do you know you're genuinely ugly senpai
>Tfw no platonic female freind to scam autistits online with and blow the money all in one night
>Not just taking random pictures of random hot girls and pretending its you
I just buy nudes from random sluts and sell for double
That way I can get custom pics to make it more believeable
So does it help a lot or not?
The entire app is based on physical attraction and nothing else. Of fucking course it helps.
ask yourself this basic question: how does a woman know you have a 6 pack if you meet her anywhere other than the beach
the misery of attaining a 6 pack isn't worth it if you just want sluts
if you want sluts get down to like 12%, you'll be happier, you'll look healthier, you won't alienate groups of girls who don't like the super lean look
the only reason to have a 6 pack is for yourself, because she's not going to be there when you're going months on a slave diet.
desu quite a bit more. Sucks but it is what it is. Kind of like asking a grill how much more success she has when she posts pics of her in a bikini (presuming she's not fat).
d.delete ths!
>six pack
>super lean look
>months on a slave diet.
>you'll be happier, you'll look healthier
how fat are you
The girl in that picture is 15.
Can you not talk about slootz while posting Pharah's photo?
thats what social events are for buddy.
people literally go to parties to socialize, get drunk, and fuck if your lucky
It was a nice run user.
unless the definition of 6 pack has changed dramatically then yeah you generally need to be under 10%
you generally are going to look gaunt facially as a result of being under 10%.
people who maintain 6 packs year round (i.e. real 6 packs) maintain a spartan diet/lifestyle.
you will be happier & will look healthier having slightly more bodyfat.
i'm guessing you have a different definition of what a 6 pack is, which begs the question, how fat are you?
Pharah cosplay. Hot!!
sorry. pharah is pure
that girl is hot, nice jawline, my kids will be CHADS
This whole "send me 5 dollars and see what happens teehee!" meme from twitter/instagram is now in literally 5/10 tinder sloots profiles. Women are fucking sheep.
Not defending the idiots who sent her 5 bucks but if you take her out on a date and she doesn't suck you off the money is still lost
This would pretty much instantly get her Tinder shut down and banned, along with a bunch of Paypal charges reversed and her account locked.
>dating a grill who unironically plays as Pharah
why? she doesnt promise to do anything if they do send the money. Its completely their fault for being stupid enough to send it
i guarntee you no one will swipe right if you have muscles, its just way too many of them on tinder and they will get bored of it.
I know a girl named Farah (pronounced the same) that is 15.
That's how girls hussle. If I was a female I'd do that same exact shit. The way I see it, it's super easy money.
Now the real question is... I wonder what would happen if guys would try to do that same thing. Especially super muscular Bros on Veeky Forums.
It's legal in my country faggot
>t. has only read about "what it takes to get a six pack" on an autistic japanese self-help image board
Here I am thinking how shallow things majority of people enjoy. But then I remember that my existence is filled with void and every day passes in existential crisis. I fail to find meaning. I'm bitter, depressed. Oh what would I give to have my happiness and meaning come from the decision whether to cut for the sloots or not. Sorry for autistic rambling.
Catching the real meme in OP
Same. I dont think im even depressed i just cant find meaning in anything.
That's because you're morally lazy and have accepted nihilism as "fact"
You don't lift, do you?