Get in here, boys
Jawline Rate Thread
3/10 consider surgery
Just looks like bad lighting, you'd probably look better with nicer lighting and a little less body fat.
Also that's a pretty unfavorable angle for your jaw
Whats my rating Veeky Forums?
wow you look really
fucking awful
Rate my jaw lads!
Too much nipple
Disgusting jew/10
I'm like 6'0 dude....maybe 5'9, that's average height...
>jawline rate
fuck's sake guys, what are you playing at now
this place is monumentally retarded
bad but not awful
hows my jaw looking? I heard this was a Jerma thread.
10/10 chin desu
>6'0.... maybe 5'9"
>he got a normie gf
You betrayed us, Jeremy. You were supposed to save the manlets.
i love jerma, but kim is awful
anyways here my chin
>these people post fitness advice
>trusting what you read here
good but you gotta chill w the masseter man it looks a bit ridiculous
4.5/10 if you lost face fat, it would probably go up a point
6/10 Strong chin, but something is odd about it. It almost looks like an implant or something
Post the pic from his hard drive that he had before chewing gum, I wanna have a discussion about this shit, because I find it hard that his jaw went from a 7 to a 10 in 2 weeks just from chewing gum.
lookism harbinger thread somewhere
Nah i wouldnt trust myself to give advice until i look like zyzz or jeff, still a lurker
Lots of chinlets in here boys....
Found it.
How the fuck did he do it?
Small jaw/10
>"Lots of chinlets in here"
>Covers half of his weak chin with phone
his jaw is not really small. from the side, square jaws look kinda small but when u see front view, it really is masculinea s fuck.
looks pretty much the same.
Shave+angle+lighting+probably lost a bit of weight
Falim/mastic gum does a bit for your jaw, a bit of definition, but not much in terms of size.
I have a squarer jaw than that guy and mine looks bigger from the side, everyone's does
If it looked better from the front why would he post a side pic
That shit actually works? Any Cons to it?
Here's front. Tickle yourself to this fags then kys
>me 2 days after injecting 3 minoxidils
How effective is mewing in fixing your jawline?
Pls be honest senpai
uh wrong thread.. but i'll leave it here because the fag above me looks like a bitch and my jaw is clearly better
Try to smile sometime faggot
Post sideview without your phone filling in empty space, chinlet
Nah my jaw is really square from the front. Especially when I'm heavier like in this pic. I was ~230 here
>awful top hair
>meme fade into beard
>asymmetric face
>small hands
ehh... sorry pal..
?/10 because beard
But if I had to guess, 3/10
Is it okay-ish?
Nothing to smile about because you guys make fun of me :-(
Looks really gay without some shadow from shaving
can you even grow a beard? 5oclock shadow is objectively the best look for a man, no exceptions
I mean yeah if you tilt your head back...
Your jaw is real defined with a decent gonial angle, but it is definitely on the small size.
Looks alright. Can't get a solid reading because of beard, but I think the beard makes you look better. :D
whatever you say m8. Guess ill go back to crying about stacy and wishing I was chad
>shaved tache
>bristley beard
>shaved neck
you're a weak jawlet and you probably have gay sex
don't ever speak to me again or i'll throw you off a roof
you probably can't even bench 315 lmao
this is really weak bait. embarrassing.
>you probably can't even bench 315 lmao
not hard to bench your bodyweight pal
20 yrs. Old, no beard growth yet at all except for a few fucking hairs.
My dad had the same issue until he was 25 and then is started growing normally he said so i guess it's genetical thing.
Don't post pics on here if you're gonna be so sentive to somebody giving you criticism, most guys on here are narcs anyway so expect to be pooped on by people who just won't admit you got something good. That being said your jaw is good but it's not huge but sill a good jaw.
i'm 179lbs
Yep definitely a turbo manlet then
how do I improve
>when you get so butthurt that a guy with superior genetics btfos you, the only thing you can insult is his height
baka baka
>Don't post pics on here if you're gonna be so sentive to somebody giving you criticism
>implying I let the opinions of you turbo autismos get to me
kek. You honestly think I was being serious and that I don't already fish out hate. Its pretty obvious from the demeanor of my posts bud.
>superior genetics
Choose uno little dude
stay mad weak lanklet
i curl more than you can squat
You look like an obese elf from the side
my man baka
its okay dude, we get it, you're insecure.
t. angry lanklet that's butthurt he is weaker than someone smaller than him
enjoy ur arthritis fag
small but masculine jaw. that neck really makes your jaw looks better. neck theory is legit.
ill give it a go I guess
nice chin there, robbie rotten.
>"enjoy your arthritis fag"
enjoy being reminded of your shortcomings by every manlet thread you see on here, then coming on here and defending your fantasied big man complex by trying to prove you are stronger than an anonymous person on an image board. kys fag
bretty gud mane. Looks masculine
>trying to prove
there is no need
i already am
jawline is a completely neutral feature on females, unfortunately.
applying extra effort just makes the bait even shittier, unfortunately
>lol dude it's just bait
it's not unfortunately for you, just remember the day you got BTFO by a manlet that's 10x stronger than you
you clearly just took a picture of the most pathetic looking dude you could find and are trying to get (you)s out of it, this isn't my first day on the chan kiddo
It actually doesn't stand out that much.
The whole picture is taken in an angle if you haven't noticed, because i was glancing at my phonescreen to see if i even capzure myself on it.
It only sticks out like 5mm more than my lips do.
Lmao what's ur lifts since you want to tell us so bad, little guy
weak retard
LiftKits shoe lift inserts for men
Woah dude your arms are huge, how do I get arms like yours?
do you think your weak brain could handle it if i uploaded a webm of me benching 315?
Would have slayer babies with
you won't
weak pussy
Do it!
Prob not best angle but whatever