Alright boiz been lifting for almost a year. Random ass routine that has me training 5 times a week. Made good gains but still DYEL.

Whats a good workout program now?

Other urls found in this thread:


This isnt really a program but push pull legs is probs a good place to start

When I look at my arms in the mirror or in a picture, I think they look pretty good. But when I look down directly at them, they look like a little girls' arms. How come?

posted this in the other thread but whatever
how long to kinobody mode?

it's the angle mostly.

pic related. All about angle of incidence

Saw that, considered answering.
Basically, you will never look like him simply because you are not him. However, to get to his level, id say you have a good 8-10 years, assuming you train legs and back. If you just want the chest abs delts arms, probs 5-6.
All this assumes natty, you cld have that in 1-2 years MAX with just test and clen or test and tren

For strength do Wendlers 5/3/1

For A E S T H E T I C S do Arnold's Beginner Level 1 or 2

1.5 year achievable with good diet

Is it rude to not cover acne in the gym? I used to wear tank-tops all the time but now my arms/shoulders/back are riddled with acne and I only wear t-shirts because I don't want other lifters to have to deal with seeing my gross body. Am I stressing over nothing or doing the right thing?

Best all around gym shoe for an eurofag?
Need durability and stability for some compounds, without going full weightlifting mode.
Also, opinion on crossfit shoes?

Am I retard for doing farmer walks with straps? After my grip is fried I do them for my traps and core


How long have you been training? post pics

can someone recommend a good push/pull routine that incorporates legs into push/pull?

>using grip-strength nullifying gear during a grip-strengthening exercise

I hope this was bait

Nope, give
1) your opinion on how long it takes
2) how long you've been training
3) post pics

Responding anytime soon? I am genuinely interested

converse, or any training shoe with a hard rubber sole.. just make sure you have a close fit and lace them nice and snug.

do shrugs or rows instead, famers walk is a great excersise but those are more efficient because once your grip fails is a much less time effective excersise.

I need some advice for ab and neck exercises, preferably with minimal equipment (dumbbells and plates, but no fancy machines).

Basically my routine tells me to train those on a seperate day, so I figure I should do more than just crunches but I don't know what's good.

Neck curls for neck, leg raises/decline crunch for abs

iv been lifting for a little over a year and my ohp is 1pl8 for 8 reps but my bench press is barley 2pl8s how the fuck do i get my chest to grow and my bench to go up iv switched to pll a month ago and im making steady gains for back and shoulders but nothing for chest is it a good idea to do like 3-4 sets on the peck deck i have no idea on how to get that stubburn motherfuckert to grow

so I made the mistake of shaving my thighs. Will the hair grow back in a way where it's noticeable that I shaved part of my legs like a dork? Should I bite the bullet and shave the rest of my legs?

b-bodyfat estimate?

Just b urself

But really, what the fuck. You cant do anything about it and your skin needs to breath. I wouldn't care, but I have it too.

Are there any energy drinks you guys would recommend that don't have caffeine? Is the SIPS meme actually a good drink or just a meme?

I'm coming off EC cycle and I want to lay off caffeine for 2 weeks before I start again. My job is physical and long hours so the early morning energy kick is what I'll really need or else I'll be a zombie all day


I did bench yesterday, does that mean I shouldn't do OHP today? Some one answer me quick!

Any thoughts on Citrus Aurantium (synephrine)? I just bought citrus aurantium and yohimbine

no you're fine.

Will 5/3/1 with some accessories help me get aesthetic? I know PPL or something else should be the main pick for looks, but I can only lift 4days/week, and I also care about strength.

How to increase OHP and lateral raises?

SIPS isn't a meme, it's a good sugar free alternative to soda or juice

I only drink water and indulge in a Sip once or twice a week to get my sweet drink fix without altering my cut diet

opposite problem for me when it comes to quads

>dayum quads lookin juicy
>check myself in mirror
>look like a fucking dyel retard

OHP you could try push pressing to put on some extra weight and increase that max, but don't forget to bring it down slow.

I've been lat raising with 15s-25s for 2.5 years its more of a volume thing than a strength exercise.

Sips are caffeine, that's literally the main ingredient in any energy drink, regardless of sugar. Just taper off the caffeine pills 100mg a day until you stop entirely

I worked out for the first time in years yesterday. Now my elbows are sore as fuck and I can't even stretch my arms out.

The pain is on my lower bicep, right above the elbow joint, and also on my inner forearm close to the elbow.

Did I fuck up my tendons or is this just noob DOMS?

Why is some skinnyfat guy following me around to different stations and looking at how much weight I'm doing? He's not actually lifting weight just walking around with his cut open tank top and looking judgy.

I'm new to gym culture so I don't get it.


Why do douchebag guys put a 25 and two 10s instead of a plate on their bars

Maybe because people like to do drop sets and its easier to keep dropping increments noob.

But does SIPS have caffeine?

Hmm I guess I could do this

s there a way to artificially increase testosterone levels within a guy? and if so, does that mean a guy could have a more masculine face afterwards?

>artificially increase testosterone levels within a guy?
yes, by injecting testosterone.
>does that mean a guy could have a more masculine face afterwards?
only if he's still in the throngs of puberty (14-17) or you also shoot him full of human growth hormone.

If you increase the resistance on the elliptical, does that 'increase' how fast you go (distance calculated) ?

Juice boi

My guess is no. The distance thingy in there probably counts the amount of times the pedals cycle.

Any sholder health tips?

fair, i think my thought process was something like more resistance = "running faster / harder" making you go farther.

Would it be more beneficial for me to gain muscle and then lose weight or to start from a less fat physique? I've already lost 70lbs and I got much weaker because the first 40 was within a month, so I'm kinda worried. (I gained about 80lbs over a short time and I'm all stretch marked. I just want to be healthy again but look smexi too.)

You'll burn more calories with a higher resistance setting if that means anything to you.

i'd think it would calculate the distance you go, but you effectively are traveling the same distance but up a steeper incline with higher resistance.

What are your guys' suggestions for warming up for squats, short of just doing a bunch at a light weight? I get a soreness at the top of either hip that goes away by the time I reach my final set, but of course I'm too tired to make use of that by then.

read 'becoming a supple leopard' by kelly starrett

i started noticing that my thighs rub together when i walk does this mean im getting fatter?

That's pretty long for such a specific question but I'm sure it's all useful information, I'll try and find a PDF.

common after bicep curls for the first time in awhile, it'll go away in a day or two, or three

Is it a good idea to superset two exercises that work the same muscle group?

Is pic related a good routine?

I can hit the gym 3 days/week tops, many times will be only 2 days/week, but usually I get at least 1h30-2h able to lift. So I want to make the best of it.

So for a young super skinny 120lbs 170cm guy
In 2 months how much muscle mass and fat can i put if i dont use suplimments and i
>eat 500cals above maintanance
>eat 1000cals above maintanance
>eat 1500cals above maintanance

Are dumbell squats and deadlifts an adequate substitution for barbell for a beginner? I just started working out consistently two months ago but it is basically impossible to use the squat rack at my gym it's ridiculously crowded all the time. All I have been doing so far is benching, some dumbell exercises, and then using a leg press machine. I feel like I've actually started making good progress on my arms but my legs are still super weak and I somehow need to get more squats into my routine.

20-25% I can't tell if you're sucking your stomach in or if your love handles are just making your stomach seem flatter.
Could also be you have massive hips like me in which case i'd say you're probably 18-20%

FUUCKKKK is there any way to stop puffy nipples from being visible while wearing a plain shirt? I fucking hate it mang, 1# problem for me when it comes to clothes. Im working on weight loss but this is for the meanwhile

>weighted chins, t bar row, cable rows, meadow rows
How are these for my back workout? Enough stuff to rotate or should I add something else?

Go for it, its the next best thing, try finding a time where its least crowded and use the squat rack and or platform, there realpy is no reap substitute for squats for deadlifts.

Go for getting muscle first and then losing weight, IF your goal when getting skinny is to get shredded afterwords. If its just to stay skinny then get skinny and skip the wieght training

any tips for lifting with sciatica

deadlifts and squats are worse than torture and the sciatic leg permanently feels like it is going to give out when trying to lift heavy

Do jelqing and dick stretches actually work or are they a huge meme?

>always done touch and go bench
>no strength at bottom of lift
>realize I should do pause bench
should I just switch to full pause bench or mix it with touch and go?

>read somewhere that creatine should be taken in the morning
>creatine should not be taken with caffeine
>I drink coffee in the morning
>I can't take creatine in the morning because of coffee
explain this shit

I am a beginner, please rate my routine (for the next three months, I only have access to like 30kg of weights, two small barbells, a pullup bar,a bicycle and a pair of rings):

HIIT (bicycle)
Gripwork (captains of crush)

Hammer curls
Preacher curls

Creatine helps push glucose and water into your muscles.
Coffee is a diuretic and makes you expel water and dehydrate yourself slightly.

If you're going to mix them just make sure to stay hydrated through out the day and you should be fine.

As for the timing, I just take it randomly through out the day whenever I make my protein shake. Not sure about the benefits of taking it in the morning.

I want to learn to do a pull up. I've been doing assisted ones when I can but I can only really do 4x5 of those. I don't know where to do inverted rows, I feel bad taking up a squat rack. What do I use?

Also how do I do negatives if I can't pull myself up to the bar in the first place? I have fat guy hops.

Use a ladder like this one for negatives.
As you grow stronger, start from lower steps, until you can perform a full pullup from the ground.

Looks good but I would probably add some shrugs to hit dem dere upper traps

I'm natty, lift, run, and do calisthenics. My bodyweight is around 170s-180s depending on when I weigh myself and my height is 5'10.

My question is about ultra-marathoning, I'm looking to do a 50 mile one in June. I've run marathons before and never really had a problem but I was wondering if anyone had any advice for ultras. My running and lifting go together pretty well, I just do 3 days a week of sheiko lifting and I run everyday for distance based on how I feel, usually 5-10 miles (I have a set "course" I run).

I can't bring a fucking ladder into the university weight room.

stand on a dumbell and just reach up for the bar.

Negatives are the best way to build up to doing pull ups. Go down really slow and do a dead hang for a couple seconds at the bottom. Once you can do a set of 10 solid reps you'll find you can probably do 3-4 pullups at once.

Bulk or cut? 5'9" 155 lbs

I've been bulking but I can't see my abs anymore. I'm going to the family vacation him the first week of May so I've got two months to dedicate. Ignore the chest, it's just some scarring that I'll be getting removed soon

Dress as a janitor and pretend that you are going to fix something there, and while no one is watching, stealthily perform the negs.
Also, stop making excuses.

Made me giggle, I'll be honest.

Nice trips btw

I need a guide to about a good posture. I'm trying to fix my back, I'm 6'1 but always looked shorter because of the posture. I feel like I'm doing something wrong and there's always some tension in abs and curve in lower back.

If you eat below maintenance level, your body will start burning fat reserves. Is this true?

Let's assume the following: grown man in his twenties eats 1500 kcal/100g fat worth of sweets a day, nothing else.

Will he lose or gain fat? Is it possible to calculate the amount?

Anyone ITT in ketosis? I'm a fatty and I mentioned to my doctor I'm looking into to keto as a way to lose weight. He recommended me this website because it turns out he's on keto as well. (Dr is like 6'2" and fucking ripped).

There is a whole 30 day plan I intend to replicate, but my hang up is all the fat. I mean drinking butter and oil in my morning coffee? Full fat dairy and cheese? This all seems like some gag someone who hates fatties would make up to full the heard.


I don't know how it fucking happened but the area around my ring and pinky knuckle on the backside of my hand hurts like hell whenever I try to grab something, make a fist, or a straight opened palm hand. It's been like this for around 5 days, should I be worrying now? I was able to bare through the pain but it's becoming a bother.

I am doing SS + accessories and my current lifts are:

BP - 185
DL - 315
OHP - 120
Squat - 235

Do these seem in line in terms of balance? been on the program for about 6 months now. Thinking of going to PHAT soon but I am not sure if my numbers are high enough yet.


Boiz I've just started stronglifts and on my second day of starting this program it's already telling me to deadlift 40kg.

Is there a chance I'll be taking a tour to snapcity today or am I fine?

Today i had one apple at breakfast then a 1200 calorie dinner which was mostly chicken some fruit and a tablespoon of olive oil on some lettuce.

Is this unhealthy?

Also, is it normal for diets to plateau? im on this hellish diet and my weight is stuck on 85 for a week

it doesnt matter what diet you follow as long as Calories In Calories Out, check out

just measure and weight everything obsesively for a couple of months till youre sure what a healthy diet looks like.

Measure it really good, look up the calories in trustworthy sites. Do not trust yourself, trust the numbers. Remember your corrupted mind will try to fool you back into the disgusting fatty ways, but you must resist

you'll be fine.

I'm trying to build a 3 day plan while keeping my workouts to 30-45 minutes. Do I need to make adjustments? I finally got a gym membership and all I've done at home are calisthenics and dumbell meme shit, trying really hard to escape DYEL NEET mode.

you should work out

Forgot picture.

Dont forget to taper at the end and youll be fine. I would step up your distance though.

Anyone ?

I'm having a problem with my squats. I run out of breath while I'm lifting them. Usually at the second to third rep. I used to run 40ish miles a week before I started lifting so I'm not sure if its my cardio. Any ideas?

there is no serious scientific evidence to indicate it does anything.

so there's no way to know, anyone who says they work is just talking out of their asses.

You're fine. Initially you'll pack weight on your deadlift very quickly so you can safely progress in what seems like big jumps. If you're new to it you'll probably ache like fuck, but that's not a visit to snapcity.
