Do you squat this deep without arching your back?
Deeper faggot
Do you squat this deep without arching your back?
>uses a pussy pad
>uses a belt
looks like a nice gym though
i'm not well versed in meme plates but that looks like a decent amount of weight. why is that dude using a puss pad?
>Do you squat this deep without arching your back?
greater knee flexion. better hamstring and calcaneal tendon flexibility.
you're not trying to bring your lumbar spine into hyperlordosis. your low back should be neutral like your pic.
so did arnold, zyzz, ronnie coleman, etc
it's almost like you got meme'd by a wannabe tough guy because actual tough guys will squat in a prom dress wearing baseball mitts on each hand and a helmet with a giant pillow on their neck, fag
your wannabe tough guy image is the most cringe worthy thing on the internet. real raisin they tell you not to use pusspad is because you're so stupid, fat and lazy you don't take it off when done
this level of autism shouldn't be possible
>I project other people have autism because I do so.
>pussy wraps
>That bar placement
my bad mate, here ya go
neck gains.
>grip is not thumbless
whew lad
here's a powerlifter now to round it off
>there's a pic not using it so never use it
>being this retarded of a meme victim
hurrrrrrr kys retarded faggot
>there's a pic of him using it earlier in his career with lower weight once so he always uses it
>being this retarded of a meme victim
hurrrrrrr kys retarded faggot
Wait, you're not supposed to arch your back?
Both of you are retarded.
>first pic: 4 plate
>my pic: 4 plate + change
kys idiot
fuck off retard
>4 plate with change with belt vs 4 plate without belt
come back when you lift weights retard
>look mom i posted online
hang yourself from a palm tree retard
Gezellige sportschool, maatje.
>knows i'm right so tells me to hang myself
unironically retarded fuck off
Waar kom je vandaag?
go back to plg, fatsquatter
In m'n hand denk.
in je moeder, hoezo?
Ik bedoel, waar kom je vandaan?
nou gelukkig niet uit veldhoven zeg
Sport je bij arti
nee, ik heb gewoon die naam gegoocheld
Ankle mobility. Tight hamstring is a meme.
>not squatting in sunglasses
No, it's not. Those are two different problems. People lacking ankle mobility can't squat properly without falling on their asses.
Buttwink etc. are not related to that.
You can't have buttwink if you are squatting upright.
>increase ankle mobility will decrease butt wink
>"No butt wink? She must have long hamstrings"
Bitch, look at here ankles, can your go this long forward?
Squatting doesn't hurt. Barbell pads exist for hip thrusts.
He's oiled up for a photoshoot, the towel is probably to stop the bar from slipping off his back.
ok kid
only gay powerlifters do it
hes not a powerlifter
ik nou gelukkig boder bedoel kom je m'n denk bediek
That was my first post in the thread, I was just pointing out in that one particular picture that he might be using the towel to stop the bar from slipping. I have nothing against the pad, it's pretty comfy for good mornings.
It's also the reason why people love the safety squat bar despite them claiming 'nah it's totally because of the camber in the bar'. Nah fuck off you just like how comfy it is, admit it.
be asian
>brabants is een spraakgebrek
ik nou brabant, gezellige in m'n maatje
nice try, you had me for a moment there