>day 3 of NOFAP
Day 3 of NOFAP
hang in there OP
Day 2-4 are the hardest for sure
What about fapbutnocum?
Thats when I started sticking things up my ass
holy shit, you just made me realize that I haven't fapped since for almost 2 weeks.
last time I had sex was the 18th and I didn't even cum
Thanks, planning on going for 2 week at least
Just passed 1 year on the 25th. Hang in there, man.
>there is no point to nofap
>nofap is a shitty meme
>Day 25? of nosex, nofap, noanything
I have three enormous great tears on my foreskin/skin of my cock thanks to sex. They fucking refuse to heal. I'm fucked. The pain is fucking unbearable trying to get it inside, and I can't jerk off. She can't suck me without making me jump in pain. I can barely even lay down without it rubbing something.
help? guys?
See a physician, ask for a referral to a cockologist
20 days nofap, feel great
Dangerously unhealthy with no potential benefits.
God damn that sucks man
>being so attached to your personal habit that you entered a thread about people not doing said habit in order to criticize those people
Keep it up, day 7 here lets get it.
>3 enormous great tears on my foreskin
Jesus man, either you or your girl were jerking your meat dry way too hard, or your girl has a pussy made of sandpaper
>not doing noporn
29 days now and feeling great
prolly jack off about twice a week but not that bothered
I'm on day 6 but I had sex 4 of those days. Does it still count?
Based Jesus painting.
Yeah sex is allowed.
I've been doing every four day's ever since I got my 9 to 6 job, I don't feel tired in the middle of the day anymore, lot of it has to do with coffee though.
>day 2 of nofap and coldshower
>pools of mana draining into my hand
>have so much it pours onto my carpet and legs
>compared to pathetic droplets lazily shooting everywhere
feels good but its also a fucking mess
gave up fapping for lent now dying slowly. i'm horny all the time and randomly get blueballs. why would anyone do this or think its good for you
So all the times I jack off would be ok if my wiener was inside a vagina instead of my hand? Sounds dumb.
The only thing I can see no fap helping with is breaking porn addiction and the hedonism that goes with it (break your arousal from incest, traps, etc)
>deleted all of my porn this morning
Grant me strength, bros.
Can you still have sex when you're on nofap
Can your partner jerk you off
Or does that count
>The only thing I can see no fap helping with is breaking porn addiction and the hedonism that goes with it (break your arousal from incest, traps, etc)
That's the point.
>no drugs
>no booze
>no fap
>fish oil
I'll see you on the other side brahs.
this. day 1 here. 43 days personal best
A year. Of no fap or no porn?
What has changed in your life since?
I remember when I deleted a TB of porn on an external hard drive... Stay away from stream sites and use nsfw filters on sites where u can.
Your gonna make it brother, stay strong and if you fall off the boat, get back on. It gets easier each time...
If you want to succeed you will.
any tips for keeping off the phone at night/morning? that's always my weakest time
>taking time to criticize such person
inb4 same
>>fish oil
you mean MAGA, right?
>day 1
K9 Web Protection Alert - its a program that will block porn or any site that has porn. You can over ride it with a password and set a timer... Sometimes just seeing the block page is enough to catch yourself...
Stay away from sites you know will "trigger you" Its a constant battle, but you just have to want it. porn is an addiction...
Reading forums seems to help, rather than mindlessly browsing, participate in a discussion
I thought this was a meme until I stated doing it. Fuck noFap.
this - adding an extra step is sometimes all it takes. It makes you think twice before giving in to weakness.
Stay strong, brother. You're gonna make it, we all are
>go on a 10 day backpacking trip
>get back
>haven't felt like fapping for four days
>looked at some porn this morning, it just felt kind of gross and I went back to my Gunpla
Have I broken the cycle?
Why tho?
Now don't fap, take cold showers, and do the Wim Hoff method.
That's progress!!! You're gonna make it!
>implying anyone is tempted by those munncurtains
I've been on nofap since the start of the year, there really is no benefits friend, but i still dont wank as i just cant imagine myself doing it if you know what i mean.
blue balls
Help me /fit
≥5 hours of nofap
Feeling enlightened already.
Tfw 50 percent of your porn is homemade and you can't delete them memories, because those girls gonna get old and nasty but they'll always look good in their prime on film
almost 60 days after the first month you don't wanna fap because its gonna erupt like Tambora
>haven't fapped in three days
>not for any reason just haven't felt like it and anti-depressant doesn't help
>opened up some porn a few minutes ago
>lazily looked through a few videos before closing the tabs
>day 3 of no fap
>playing Nier Automata
>get stuck in a spot, try to self destruct (never did it before)
>explosion launches me out of the spot
>spam heal items
>get up
>Not doing LSD for spiritual gains to go with your body
Never gonna ascend
Do you get laid? I suspect/hope that the main benefit would be being able to get aroused/hard with an actual girl again.
>Going on near a month of NoFap
>Actually lost count of how long it's been since I last fapped
>Periods of absolute asexuality interspersed with raging episodes of sexual fury and rape fantasies
I'm going to try and make it until the end of Lent, but I fear for my sanity and the safety of any female with a pulse and a vagina
can someone explain to me, why retards don't fap?
it burns off a decent amount of calories and it feels good and healthy
What does the pulse do?
Mastery of their own domain.
I started masturbating when I was 3, probably some molestation or something (I'm male).
Never stopped. Got into weird sicko shit. Never connected with anyone sexually. Until this the longest I'd ever gone without wacking it was 7 days.
Suddenly realize that I'm wasting my life. Can't focus on anything. Can't exist without masturbating. Can't comprehend how people can live without it.
Masturbation is a drug, and I'm an addict.
Try to stop, can't. Feel like shit if I try. Start going crazy with lust. Nearly have an orgasm from wiping my ass I'm so sensitive everywhere. Spend years in this cycle of fight fail binge repeat.
Be a never ending loser who can't love because of my obsession with masturbation.
Fast forward to now. Divorced. Renting a room in a trailer house cos it's cheap. Making more money than I ever have in my life to this point.
Finally realize that my body will never stop longing for sex, but I make a spiritual agreement with myself. My body will submit to the spirit, and the spirit will submit to the body. I forgive myself. I stop fighting.
Still horny, but the cravings are manageable. 2 weeks nofap and I'm focused on achievements. I'm thinking clear. I'm making personal emotional progress towards finding out if I can ever actually like myself.
Nofap is bullshit, but it's magic bullshit. I need to see if I can do it, if I can be a normal sexual being despite my upbringing. I need to know if I can ever actually recover from my addiction.
>do nofap for like 2 months
>get depressed
>completely lose sex drive
>dick stops getting hard
>start jerking off again
>feel great
>want sex again
>constant, diamond hard erections
nofap is a meme
>someone was angry enough to make this
>"nofap is meme" crew has arrived
Well at least it took em a while this time.
no your story is
wrong, keep breaking your dick over memes my dude, i'm sure it will be worth it
you guys were memeing it up from the first post
Got to four days and caved in. I'm not happy. Time to start again.
Why did you get a divorce?
Longest I went was 6 weeks. Since then I can't go more then 48 hours before the urge becomes too great for me and I give in. I hate how weak I am and how addicted I am to masturbating.
26 minutes here friend. we're all gonna make it
Best I've been able to do is 18 days.
I was taking better care of myself and eating better. The biggest difference was after 10 days I felt like my life had meaning and I actually wanted to do something with it. then I fucked up when I was horny in the morning. I'm back at 6 days now, would recommend if you're considering trying it. If you get an urge go outside and put your hands above your head.
what is the point of nofap? all it does is make you lower your standards like crazy and be willing to fuck just about anything. I mean is fucking a random bitch that has had hundreds of other dudes dicks in her that big of a feel good thing for you guys?
keep it warm
there's not complete recovery,even 10 years late you will still be scarred from all your degeneracy.
It will stay there forever,nagging at your mind,it will get easier but never completely go away
Currently day 33 brehs
What do you mean?I get hard at looking at trash bags at this point(3 weeks), I don't need to think about "degenerate" stuff anymore.This isn't heroine or painkillers where people think nothing can top the high or anything.
I simply just gap on the weekend, i just don't have time in the week or privacy
>minute 35 of no fap
Fucccck this is hard
I once pulled a 30 day strech and had a best wank in my life afterwards, so the question remains - limit yourself to 1 godtier fap per month or indulge yourself to 30 mediocre wanks per month.
53 Days
I'm ascending
I broke my fapping hand on Monday and now I'm locked into at least a 6 week nofap. This will be the longest I've gone without fapping since I was 13 and usually I struggle with Nofap but it's so much easier when you have a literal barrier stopping you from doing it. I highly recommend breaking your arm to anyone struggling with nofap.
Just try to forget about the fact you'll have minimum 6 weeks of gain deterioration
>no alcohol
Went to the club sober for the first time this weekend. Was pretty sweet not ruining my self esteem gains for once
I'm on day 2. Going for a few Weeks at least.
Planning on fapping about once or twice every week.
Off topic but I know that guy. He lives in Sacramento.
Made it to day 8 yesterday and I regressed. I'm so sorry guys.
That's even though THE DAY BEFORE I had a girl stay at my place and finish me off THREE times.
>Day 2.
Before that i went 9 days
It was a glorious cum and i noticed after how lazy and uninterested in people i became after.
Gonna go for a month and plan the best fap of my life on 30th of april
Yes, that raises the T
Tell Stefan I say hi
You will just get blue balls and crave cumming even harder
She wasn't doing anything with her life, expected me to carry her. I started off not minding helping out but after the second year of her doing nothing I couldn't take it anymore.
Plus she treated me like shit because she thought I might have cheated on her, even though I didn't.
I believe in forgiveness. You can't hold on to your mistakes forever unless you just want to be a miserable pile of shit all your life.
>lost all need to fap since I started the cut and stopped the porn
>have been 1 month without fapping now even when I think nofap is a stupid meme
Should I be worried??
year 21 of nosex
feels bad man
>Going on near a month of NoFap
>Actually lost count of how long it's been since I last fapped
Masturbation really is a drug, it's an addiction which can easily consume one's entire mind. Stay strong, user. You can do this, you're gonna make it.
>tfw two months into year 28
Day 31 here
Also day 60+ of noporn
what the fuck.
Do you actually think prostate massages don't break nofap and that's why you do it?
Why would you start putting stuff in your butt when doing nofap?
I lost my virginity when I was 21 (about two years ago). I regret it every day.
Keep posting these I'm 1 day behind you, they might keep me going.
2.5 years nofap here
i tried this for a while.
if your not actively interested in pursuing women (like you just want tinder sloots) then just jack off 2x a day and you'll stop caring.
If you don't jack off test will go down and you'll be horny af all the time.
nofap getting you girls is a reddit tier meme. tinder sloots take a lot of time, so I would recommend just going hardcore with whatever self improvement you're going for (lifting, studying, doing well at work, etc.) and jack off 2x a day so you can focus.
don't FORCE yourself to do it, but have no remorse jacking off if you want to at all.