How the fuvk do I stop eating steak for every meal

How the fuvk do I stop eating steak for every meal

>it's so fucking good

Eat it.


84 grams of protein in that 1lb serving. Also had 960 calories as well, not to bad. Although, my limit is 1750 and now I'm fucked for the day lol

replace breakfast with chicken, eggs and rice.

I have tried but I always end up replacing that with steak

then you have shit will power and should kill yourself

absolutely nothing

but you'll get bored of it in a month or so and naturally switch to eating other things and only eating steak occasionally

is 30 gr of absorption per meal a meme? if not, then what is the point?

That's a meme dude, IF wouldn't work if it was true

Only poor fags who can't afford good steaks say not to eat beef
>love fat as strips
>love a thick bone in ribeye
>even love some cheap sirloin too
Eat big niggers.

I have tried everything from $200 restaurant steaks to steaks cooked by a white trash meth head on a grill and I absolutely hate it. It doesn't seem to matter if it's still bleeding or burnt to a crisp, the texture is fucking awful.

Hmm, have you tried gender reassignment surgery?

>How the fuvk do I stop eating steak for every meal

There's no reason that you should, if you can afford to.

Top kek m8

>le steak is manly

congrats on falling prey to corporate advertising

whatever keep eating broccoli faggot

good goy, eat all the meat you can, fruits and veggies are for faggots

Absolutely a meme. The way your digestive system works is that it's split into 3 phases: cephalic, gastric, and intestinal. In cephalic phase, things like taste and smell will stimulate digestive activity. In gastric, stretching of your stomach and increasing pH of the stomach stimulated digestive activity. But in intestinal phase, when the pH of your small intestine is lowered (by acidic chyme coming in) and/or stretching of the small intestine occurs, it'll inhibit your stomach from passing more food and slow down activity. The more food you have, the more you slow down your digestion and give your body more time to absorb and break down proteins in the stomach for absorption. So if you're eating a small, dense meal, you'll absorb less. But add more things to the meal, like greens, water, etc. will slow down digestion rate and give you more time to digest and absorb.

I lost 26lbs in 6 weeks eating meat and eggs.



>not eating broccoli with your steak
Not gonna make it


don't fight it. EMBRACE it.

And Brussels sprouts on the grill mmmm

>wanting to eat less steak

what are you a woman?