Running shoulder pain

hey lads,

I've recently taken up running from being lazy cunt (skinny) and after a few runs (5k+) I've started getting this shoulder pain which does not subside after finishing running. I don't lift so it's not that.

Am I just having a prolonged heart attack or is there possibly another reason?

Also the red circled bit is where it's sore, kind of stabbing pain when I breath in and out

May or may not be caused by cramps from running too fast (which it was in my case).
Just try to take it slow

Now that you say it - I had this issue like two years ago. Started randomly and then randomly got away after a couple of weeks. I was already running a lot before this happenend, so it surely wasn't some beginner shit. Never figured out what it was though since I never had this again.

>Am I just having a prolonged heart attack

you must be retarded if you heart is located in that red area

Make sure you're not shrugging your shoulders when you run, tightness up there can cause pain like that

do you not know the common signs of a heart attack are sharp stabbing pains in the left shoulder / arm?

no worries for maybe saving your life

Might be this, shouldn't it be symmetrical pain if I am tensed up rather than just one side though?
I run not that fast, I have to run a marathon in 8 weeks

Not necessarily, if your form is off you could be tensing more to one side

>having inferior heart genetics

stay dead pleb

thanks for the advice user
> not eating enough red meat to have to worry about heart attacks
you're either vegan or a poor person either way kys

You're training for a marathon after running fucking 5ks?

Are you out of your mind?

Just called in to point out that you got circled the right shoulder in your pic.
95% sure it's musculoskeletal
If you arent over 50, smoker, diabetic, hypertensive and family history of MI etc make that 100%

some fuck knuckle talked shit that I couldn't run a marathon, so I have to do it now

Nigga you ded rip.

That's why I wrote left over it senpai

Nice pls diagnose my problem with minimal information over the internet thread. Go to a doctor faggot.

okay. you're a gay cunt. diagnosis complete.

It's runners shoulder

>I don't lift so it's not that.

Actually, I think it IS that.

Well, you can't. If you think you'll be able to run 42km with proper form and in less than 8 hours in 8 weeks then you need to put down them annie-mays boy.

>posts a picture saying left shoulder
>circles the right shoulder
what did you mean by this?

Is a body like that in the OP achievable with SS/Strong Lifts?

I know exactly what this is.

It's your diaphragm being tired because it hasn't been used for years.
I used to get it all the time
It hurts like under your collarbone, right?

yeah that sounds right, how does it go away?
watch me cunt marathons aint that hard its just running bro anyone can do it

I'd love to watch you fail actually. Care to tape it and post it on youtube?

Goal body DESU

How does one achieve this physique?

If i cared about the h8rs kid i would