Friendly reminder that this is what men want

Friendly reminder that this is what men want

Muhhhhhhhh dick

Only trashy whores have long crazy colored nails.
Basically all niggers

Found the virgin cumskin

>long nails
Not all men buddy. This is a pretty commonly debated topic

good one, nothing but trashy shallow whores have long nails dude. If you havent figured this out yet youre an idiot.

>boney, angular, masculine foot
>painted toenails
Holy shit she's a disaster.

Literally a turn off

Pre bunion as well coming in

not into long nails at all.
its definitely an overall negative.

100% agree. This looks like an old ass witchy woman.

I thought we were talking about the slanky.

That looks comfy. Fuck nails tho.

OP blown the fuck out?

THIS is what men want.

>getting a handy from a soft girl with nice long painted black nails
dont know what its like since im khv but sounds pretty great

long nails are sharp, its like little knives at the end of each finger.

rip you dick

Can I get a hat wobble?

This is what men want

>when you're a non-white and have such low intelligence that you best insult is just a slightly altered version of one used against you

That's as bad as the "lanklet" oxymoron that butthurt manlets still try to push

>those perfect feet with perfect polish

>those elegant perfect hands

literally got a chubby from looking at this. Theres nothing worse than a woman with fatty ugly feet with short stubby tose

>"a eighth"
>this is the literacy level of /pol/tards

are foot fags acceptable with grills?

Masculine bony feet with talons does it for you?
Have you considered dating large birds? I hear there's great emu farms in some southern states.


HAHA grammar error

Also depending on how you count there were either 4 or 9 crusades, so it makes even less sense

What exactly is "this"?

Yeah, I've been with at least 5 that have known about me being a footfag.

did they embrace it?

No. This is a transvestite.

This is what men want.

> not preferring painted to unpainted.

you very much might be gay and certainly a left-winger. I'd consult with Mike "Taze the Gays" Pence to see if you can be cured.

This is what men want

This is what REAL men actually want

No this is what real men want.

>Long nails
Gross. Painted is cute but keep them a decent length.

Why do women wear toerings and paint their toenails and wear open toed footwear?

Logically speaking there is only one conclusion.

Disgusting. Short cut pastel/conservative nails on a beaut are the only options for paint.

All the mistakes in that pic really triggers my autism.

>long nails
>colored nails

fucking disgusting, it's not the 90's anymore

You might think you're all about painted nails until you live with a girl that brings her friends over and literally fumigates the entire house with toxic chemicals. That's probably why they get so dumb

>when first post is also best post

This is what men want

this is what men want

I just want a family.

you have to take a very gradual approach to it otherwise you look like a fucking freak

that being said, even some of the weirder stuff related to it, dont even bring it up, like it youre into crushing, trampling

just dont