Can you ask her if I can borrow some activated almonds?
there's a bit of truth to it, if you're eating at night and you've already eaten during the day there's a higher likelyhood you'll eat at a caloric surplus, esecially if you're a stupid normie.
Also it promotes good eating habits in terms of willpower and not eating like a pig
I really hope you're having sex with her to be dealing with this.
Yes, she gives head like a champ
But that's true
Tell her
>be me
>intermittent fasting
>eat 3k cals at 10pm
>read this comment
you are silly
need pics
>forget that i'm hungry
>decide to snake it and eat everything in one meal
>too full to finish
>too tired to wait until later
>glass of milk with S E V E N S C O O P S to meet protein macro
>fall asleep
>wake up
>room smells like fart
Not that guy but he said if you already ate during the day, dingus
>if you're eating at night and you've already eaten during the day there's a higher likelyhood you'll eat at a caloric surplus, esecially if you're a stupid normie
>esecially if you're a stupid normie
that's the important part. for actual bodybuilders that count calories, eating at night doesnt mean shit
i'd love to say that most of Veeky Forums is taking bodybuilding seriously but lets be real...
How do you not shit your pants after that?
>3k calories
Are you REALLY REALLY fat or are you trying to do some weird IF bulk?
>be not a manlet
>play sports sometimes
ez 4.5k cals son
>Be overweight
>Believe that
Thats true though
your body metabalism isnt as active and will make you gain weight easier
is it going to happen? most likely no can it happen? yes
What's weird about bulking on IF?
Nothing. Some people just have small appetite and can't understand how some can eat huge amounts in one sitting.
Some people also believe IF is just a way to lose weight.
Are you ok m8?
>that immediately identifiable writing style of a normalfag using electronics
This grates me so much.
Yeah this guys got it
It is bullshit about eating in evening but if its gonna help her sort out her eating habbit then you shouldnt destroy her motivation
>being a stupid retard
Its not that dumb - if you eat your food during the day you'll have more energy to do more and thus burn it off. At night it wont have that effect.
This implies that she burns any more calories during the day time than she does when she's asleep. She probably doesn't burn enough during the day to make a dent in the 20 mcchickens she eats for breakfast. And unlike during the daytime, she cant shove anything more into her fat gullet while she's asleep.
This is a half truth, high amounts of carbohydrate at night when you're about to sleep is just going to store as fat; but otherwise eating late at night isn't gonna do you much harm otherwise unless you have terrible digestion.
Teenage idiots thinking they are better experts at how the body deals with nutrition than people who spent years studying it. Lol.
If you burn 2500 calories daily and eat 2500 calories, it will not have any effect, you dweeb.
It only means that you dig deeper into your reserves throughout the day and replenish them later.
That's not how it works dumbo, your body is constantly doing stuff and burning energy
For fuck sake, if mi TDEE is 3500 and I eat 1000kcal of carbs in the evening to meet my macros I won't fucking gain weight. You think that your body doesn't consume energy unless you're doing something physically demanding but that's fucking bullshit, you are ALWAYS burning energy and CICO is the main driver of weight change
Why does every retard on here lay their fasting window into the work hours? Do you all work as fucking garbage collectors or what?
It's so fucking stupid to go to work malnourished - just lay your fasting window towards the end of the day, what the hell.
>be manlet
>disagree with that
I´m suprised that nobody knows about insulin resistance. Insulin is the greatest factor that decides if what you are eating goes to your muscle or to your flab.
You want to spike your insulin around workouts, this is the entire premise behind carbtiming. At any other time, when sedentary and especially when sleeping, you want to keep your insulin low.
You SHOULD eat slow protein and some fat late at night but that´s not what normies do. They go for sandwiches and other quick food that drives their bloodsugar and insulin up the wall, making their sleep quality go to shit aswell as building nothing but fat.
Eating bullshit all day long also makes you insuline resistant, Giving your insuline a break by not eating late will give you a chance to spike it the next day around a workout and gives the normies body a break from the eternal bloodsugar rollercoaster that leads to diabetuus.
TL:DR; this seemingly stupid meme actually helps normies not cram carbs and sugar down their throat at night
Also, for you lifters who never seem to get lean and lose tons of muscle during cuts: You are insulin resistant. Fix it.
>CICO is the main driver of weight change
I totally agree with what you're saying, what I was referring to was body composition for a given amount of calories.
As an extreme case, if you're eating your TDEE in potato chips and snickers; you're going to lose muscle and retain water and look like shit, but your weight probably won't change much overall.
But yes, you can't beat thermodynamics lad; just saying it's not the only factor in this.
not the poster you replied to but:
>triggered manlet detected
>One of the only sensible things said in this thread so far
Listen to this guy, you figs.
When I was playing rugby 4 days a week plus doing Texas method 3k calories was having me lose weight and I'm a 5'7 78kg manlet.
>7 scoops
Leaving humanity behind
Protein spikes insulin as well friendo.
Work while fasted is best. Pussy
True, though not nearly as much as carbs and sugar. But taking a slowly digested protein like Casein instead of Whey may still be a good idea
ahahah cute 5'5 guys
This is Veeky Forums, people just pretend they have jobs or have jobs that don't require brainfunction.
Still tho, working fasted is still fucking retarded. The only ones who wouldnt lose muscle this way along with the fat would be hamplanets and roiders.
>some random variation on the metabolic window
It's broscience.
A bro told me that a sulfurous smell is evidence that you haven't properly digested all the protein you ate, user
dude, if i dont do IF i will be hungry the entire day and dinner wont even put a dent in it.
dieting and bulking become so much easier on IF
also because i can easily calculate what i eat every day since its in a 3-4 hour window at home.
your right that you shouldnt spike your insulin constantly with snacks and sugar. but the timing when you spike it does not have to be around your workout at all.
Doesnt have to but spiked insulin after a workout means more gains and you may aswell ingest your carbs at that period since it leads to better performance (If you eat carbs before) and better recovery (If you eat carbs after).
Insulin builds both fat and muscle. If you spike it when the protein synthesis is at it's highest, you build more muscle. It´s not such a great factor that I would build my entire diet around it, but it gives an edge. Having MASSIVE fucking pumps from carbloading a workout is neat too.
>What's weird about fasting and bulking at the same time?
I don't know, user. What's weird about pushing your shoe laces to tie them?
Are you retarded? The fasting part of IF isn't meant for weight loss - it's simply a healthier way of consuming your food.
It happens to help with weight loss but that doesn't mean that it is intended for that.
IF works the same for all amounts of food - whether your bulk, maintain or cut.
IF is the absolute best way to lose all your muscle mass. Unless you are on roids or do some sort of semi-fast where you still ingest BCAA or protein, prepare to lose gains.
It´s great if you are obese tho then just keep at it
What? You have 8 hours to eat and you litterally eat at maintenance of even bulk.
Why exactly would you lose muscle mass when you are hitting your TDEE or even surpassing it?
And even if you cut on IF, why would you lose more muscle mass eating 300 deficit on IF than on any regular diet?
Eating food raises your blood sugar and raises other neurochemicals eliciting wakefulness in turn. Eating gives you an energy boost, leading to doing more hopefully. Really not that hard guys.
>Also, for you lifters who never seem to get lean and lose tons of muscle during cuts: You are insulin resistant. Fix it.
I'm coming up on my first cut and am worried about losing strength, teach me your wisdom user.
The only thing that eating in the evening/night does is make you sleep worse, why? Because it gives the body something to work with when it's supposed to hibernate.
It doesn't make you fatter
It doesn't increase chances of catching autism
It just makes you sleep worse, not in a noticable way at first, but it just fucks with how the sleep works in terms of the melatonin production etc.
It's bs. You'll use up glycogen during a cut and that removes mass from the muscle. It's just water weight. Insulin has nothing to dp with it. The body conserves muscle like crazy, and when you do end up in a position where it starts being broken down you're almost certainly going to need a trip to the hospital to unfuck your kidneys. Rhabdomyelysis is no joke.
Really don't encourage the broscientists, they're like whiney old men with shitty stories that get overexcited when they think someone might have listened to them.
When I started out eating a metric shitton of eggs, my urine & farts would smell sulfury as fuck. This stopped after like 2 weeks on the diet
On the surface, it seems like some sort of hormesis but I'm curious if anyone else has experienced something similar.
>not practicing and learning to imitate it