I HATE LOOKING NATTY Pic related is me at 8 or 9% bodyfat
I hate the soft natty look when you're bulking and the depleted natty look after cutting. I only look good with decent lighting...
Why even lift if you only look good on pictures. I just look "buff" in t shirts and I hate it.
The only reason i'm staying natty is because of my shit hairline FUCK
Elijah Torres
If your hairline is already fucked why stay natty?
Cooper Davis
Luke Cook
Because at this level i can still camouflage it and look good.
Xavier Robinson
>he thinks he's 9% bodyfat with no visible abs
you're at 15%. cut down to 12% and you'll look better
Gabriel Flores
he looks less than 15%
just do tren fuck it
Jose Hernandez
not with all that fat he doesn't
Matthew Williams
cut down from your 18% bf first, m8
Camden Barnes
You are 12-13%
Eli Bell
>thinks le abs tell you how much your bf is
I can confirm that you're a skinnyfat dyel. I had visible abs, but I only have 4 visible abs because that's how my fucking genetics are. If you look good you can see fucking veins on my chest. I also had veins on my abs which were not visible with that lighting. I can assure you i was sub 10% there.
Asher Long
what did you take a caliper measurement and it told you you're 9%?
go use a more accurate method and then cut when you figure out how much fat you can actually lose. Then start training core strength so you can look fitter when you have more fat on you
Nicholas Ramirez
This is me at 12 or 13 You can see how much more volume i have here and how i look "fluffier".
Evan Torres
you look the same m8 either your genetics are so shit that not even roids will help you or you need to cut more. I'm leaning toward the second one.
Robert Ortiz
You're way too light for your height if you look this DYEL at 8%, skip this summer and clean bulk
Brandon Robinson
My height: 5'8 Starting weight: 166lbs Weight in picture: 128lbs Btw When i looked like in the OP i couldn't get my dick hard.
Alexander Walker
first of all, you're not 8 or 9%, you're about 11% or 12% second, work more your shoulders and traps, and isolate abs third, don't give a shit about your shitty hairline, just cruise test and deal with it, it won't get any better, why be ottermode with shitty hairline if you can be shredded with shit hairline
Aiden Richardson
so you can look cool holding your beer, man
Christopher Reyes
128 lbs
Dylan Garcia
Meanwhile here I am looking like the worst skinnyfat fuck you've ever seen. Fuck off op and quit complaining. I think you're already insecure enough, doing steroids would suit you great
Jason Martin
>128 lbs guaranteed you have disproportionately small legs you look tiny cause you are tiny
Daniel Davis
>being this dysmorphic
Don't bother with steroids OP, you'll still be just as depressed with your self image, money would be better spent on a therapist
Nolan Walker
I'm 6ft2 200lbs about 10%bf all natty and i look swole as fk even on rest days no pump. You need atleast 25lbs more muscle with your shit tier manlet genetics i don't think you will ever make it unless you juice
Anthony Powell
You look mediocre even for a natty. Maybe you should go and make some real gains first instead of over obsessing with your looks , faggot