Grip general

Added 40kg to my deadlift in the last 2 weeks just by fixing my grip

Where else is mixed grip useful?

What damage am I doing to my shoulders, if any?

Has anyone used hook grip? I hear it's the omega be all end all of grips but my thumbs are too small and it doesn't really work for me

im stronger and it feels better to hook grip. mixed makes the bar drift and akward to pull on my mixed side

hook grip makes chalk almost mandatory though since two sweating surfaces are in contact

ive been using mixed grip for years. I only start using it when i get to a point where normal grip gives out. So like first 2-3 sets normal grip then switch to mixed grip for 80-100% of my 1rm

Hook grip + chalk is my favorite. I've used mixed grip but it just feels wrong.

If your gym has oly bars you can hook grip better with small thumbs.

In b4 bicep tear.
Hookgrip is fucking awesome I can hit 145kg one hand deadlift with it.

Also thumb over grip for lat raises and rows etc makes it so much more effective for your lats and back rather than your arms- another big one most people are missing out on

>hook grip makes chalk almost mandatory

I wouldn't say almost. Unless your fingers are so long that you get a complete wrap-around your thurmb, you need chalk to not slip.

I'm surprised there's so many hook-grippers. I also find that mixed grip feels wrong. It doesn't really affect my lifting ability but it just doesn't feel good. Hook-grip gives you that symmetrical feeling and you also don't need to worry about tearing your bicep.

>not doing suicide grip diddlys

i used to used mix grip but if ur gonna use mix grip u might aswell just use straps. double overhand is GOAT and makes ur forearms jacked

My qt3.14 azn gf can hook grip. You can as well, sadcunt

well my hands sweat a shitload so i may be different bdut i can more easily hook grip 4pl8+ than over under

Dangers from mixed grip are(im a main mixed grip user and love rackpulls and stuff, so most of this is from experience):
The danger of gripping unevenly, as you will have trouble finding a symmetric grip because you cant go "2 fingers from the ring", and if you put too much force in you can really snapp your shit up.
Another issue is the neck and mid back as a mixed grip increases the stress there, you need to be careful that the weights are perfectly balanced and you dont lean/turn your head to the side.
At really heavy loads your underhand side hangs lower than the other, provoking a loss of symmetry that can cause the above mentioned issues, and a bicep tear, which is extremely rare.

I use mixed grip constantly, sometimes even with straps when doing rackpulls, you just need to be careful and try to keep as straight as possible, only had issues when i looked to the side while holding 200 kg

But what if you do mixed with straps?

i stopped doing mixed when i shrugged at the top and felt my bicep work HARD

>>Where else is mixed grip useful?
Muscle imbalance.

I bought these and i'm glad i did.

I don't have to fuck around with chalk and i'm getting more work done on my lats and traps because my sweaty hands aren't fucking me up. Also, they're way faster to use than straps.

use liquid chalk

I never use chalk when hook gripping.
But right now I only rep 3pl8 5x8. Usually finish 3 full sets double overhand, then on my 4th near the end I hook grip.
Last set is usually half DOH half hook.

I tried that. It wears off and I've got to use like 10x as much eczema lotion during the day to keep my hands from drying out.

theres no difference between double overhand and mixed grip usip straps except theres a bigger chance u will tear ur bicep if using mixed. just go for double overhand, and if ur gonna use straps just train grip later with like high rep romanian deadlifts so ur holding onto the weight for a very long time

They have an odd design. How long did it take you to find a matching purse?

I opted for the matching belt.

Yea, shrugging is dangerous due to the underhand shoulder hanging lower, if you have any shoulder or scapula movement you need to go light enough to keep your shoulders in line. Slightly hurt my collarbone while doing this after rackpulls, but otherwise its fine, if you watch your form you can even shrug with mixed grip

You are either a genetic grip wonder or dyel, otherwise you would know how much difference mixed straps and overhand straps make, i mean mixed straps only get neccessary for me at 1,5x dl max, but sttaps overhand or normal mixed do nothing for me then. Normal mixed is way stronger than strapped overhand imo