Arm thread

Post those arms.

>tfw still DYEL

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Plz bully

you're supposed to post flexing and with a pump like everyone else. unless you already are then lol

OP, how many calories are you consuming?

believe it or not this is what females want

>tfw 6.5in wrists

that's a really weird angle, your biceps look alright and triceps look non-existent
your tattoo looks like it was done by a decent artist though

About 3000. Why?

>inb4 nice gyno

pls b kind

the towel has more creases than your arm


Thanks user i was laying in bed. My triceps are there but ill obliterate my triceps and dream of you humiliating me. And yeah my dudes good at tattoos

Douchey face is best face

im jealous

Am I skeleton mode?

Natty lifting is a meme.

What are your stats chad

cheekie isn't natty, she's way bigger

rolling for push ups

208.2lbs as of this am, currently cutting
Just turned 21

315x6 paused bench
545x3 sumo dead
220x6 ohp
445x a super easy five low bar squat


Don't tell me to cut I don't want to




Let's see your twig arms dyel

5'9 188
280 bp
385 sq
405 dl
135x5 ohp
Mirin btw

Lmao can still see your weak chin.

Your face doesn't fit your body very well desu

My chin is fine



>My chin is fine
>LITERAL Oval shape
Sure breh

What that mean?


Your face looks too "innocent"?
Baby face lumberjack

Where's your chin then faggot let's see show me both of them

You better be a grill

Hm ok ok I mean do I get extra points in I weld

Either the lighting or a really nice tan line. Either way, that's one large arm


You should be in a zoo.


4 A R M S

how do i get steroids I've asked normal drug dealers and they only have normal drugs.


whats your arms routine



I unironically follow an aesthetic Zyzz routine.


monkey mode
you hairy fuck

you have a broad manly chin, but not like the crimson chin more like beat up someone at a bar chin.

Veeky Forums is a dyel board. Is there anybody on here over 200 lbs and low BF?

190lbs 511

My dick is thicker than that

Im sure you're strong but you honestly look disgusting

Only 3 months in and i am already bigger then most of u tiny faggots

I was simply doing a most muscular. If i looked like that relaxed it would be strange. Although youre probably a pajeet DYEL

>nipple piercing

Very nice tan

I had arms that looked like those for about 5 years.
You are very wrong.


>me last night
>5"7 148lbs

tilt your head back more faggot

looks like a girl could break your face

And flexed


Ahaha thanks user, I knew my fatass arm could be amusing somehow

You lift in a clothing store?

it's like most of you don't even want to be big

Your arms look like you're short
Are you a manlet?

Plz be nice

5'11 so whatever you want the cutoff height to be. Might just be the angle I took it at. I'm no photographer, I just lift stuff.


Chad Warden?

>nipple piercing


are you that dude with an ugly black gf?

ye i lift @ the secrete 3rd floor of a khols in chicago


why the fuck do i remember you, used to have long hair and ex addict too right?

Talk to a roid head at the gym, Hell, I've even heard that the gym receptionist was peddling tren. If you have a vet friend he probably has decent access to some good stuff too.

I've looked but I don't see anyone who stands out. When I was first starting out there were these two really big guys I overheard talking about it and I thought about asking them but didn't and now that I want to I haven't seen anyone.

What's a fair price?

what the fuck?
ive always been bald and i have never done drugs.

my name is sam

but you do have an ugly black gf? weird.

no i dont it was a joke u mongoloid

stop lying, stop pretending to be in chicago, i know who you are

don't worry i won't broadcast where in florida you are located

starving monkey mode


I would eat her pussy until I reached my daily caloric limit. I would munch her ass until she felt my tongue in her intestines. I would touch her nipples until they were purple. I would kiss her lips until her taste buds knew the taste of my desire. I would caress the curve of her ass until it was impossible for me to forget. I would marry her in front of everyone she knew. I would fight heaven and hell to defend her honor. And I would do it all even if she refused to remember my name.

>just be confident bro



what's that schmutz on your face?


You look like a croissant

>acne scars

are you the girl in the pic? kik plz

I'm her bf desu.

Don't have one

lucky. what does her pussy feel like? does she have a roastie?