Anyone have any progress pics starting from skinny dyel? Need some motivation to get back into lifting after this semester.
Progression Thread
Lift and eat faggot. Skinny to fit is easier than fat to fit.
I got you pham
nice man, time frame?
>snare lankets
Why are there so many?
>Skinny to fit is easier than fat to fit
glad you see it my way
t. former fatty busting my ass in the gym 4x a week and still look like hot garbage
Everybody knows percussion are full of lanklets, woodwinds are manlets, and trumpets are Veeky Forums.
>trumpets are Veeky Forums
hahahahahaha no
percussion was always the fittest, woodwinds are girls and brass are socially retarded dorks
You sir need to learn about Drum Corps International. Turning dweebs into fuckable chads, stacy's and sociopaths
"you sir"
Kill yourself
is this 2 year progress on roids or natty?
How are these roiding 'females' that have more test running in them than a horny 18 year old male motivating?
Nearly every progression pic ITT has or is cycling
can someone tell me why i cant do 1 pull up or 1 dip?
Last 2/3 months i have been practicing but i cant do that shit.
Im doing like 50 australian pull ups and deeps from bench also 50.
But cant 1 fucking pull up or 1 normal dip, wtf is wrong with me?
okay, mirin' hard, bro. Natty?
If so, how long into lifting before you got that line under the lower chest?
not showing progress but asking where to progress. is it retarded that i want to lose my loser back fat but dont want to rn beause i dont want to arbitrarily be a lighter weight on the scale?
the same way that guys who take steroids are motivating to you, you closed-minded retard.
Yes. Stop being retarded.
nice progress user, mirin hard
routine? diet? what do you think your bf% is in the second pic?
any tips?
you are goal my ninja
You need to progress to smth harder. Do negative pull ups and negative dips for 1-2 months and you'll get there
ugh dubs of truth
natty? if not what did you use?
Yeah, natty. And which lines? My serratus or you mean actual pec line? Either way idk. I started auschwitz mode and slow bulked up. Always been lean
Time frame between when you started and picture?
3.5 years. First pic is technically from like 8 years ago, but that's how I looked when I started lifting anyway.
Low brass are bigguys (4u) and are peobably the strongest on average. Also the chillest. Trumpets are otter mode or skinny fat and tend to be a bit high strung. Mellows are girls even when they're guys.
This was true in my middleschool band
Trombone = Trumpet > Drums > Tooba/French Horn > Saxophone > Clarinet > Flute
I know, isn't it horrifying to see a young female you don't want to have sex with? Like wtf is she thinking not looking the way you want her too.
What a fucking bitch.
Lol, I quit drumming so that I could lift. Best decision ever
Of course natty, I weigh 160 pounds ffs
I do madcow 5x5
Diet is nothing special just no junk food
Body fat is maybe 13%
My stats are still noob level I think i just have good genetics
They are selling a fake image and it's in no way motivating. I don't give a shit about people that take more drugs than Kali Muscle. Fucking junkies man.