What's up roid shills I have a question for you to answer and I want scientific evidence I know they say that you aren't supposed to cycle at all unless you are over the age of 25. First question is why? Second question, let's say me, a 20 year old male were to do one test cycle but a low to moderate amount, just one. How much damage could that really cause granted I do proper PCT and do my research for awhile before hand. What could really go wrong with my body? Jeff seid does it and he's perfectly healthy, and is able to get a boner fine.
Last question, how much muscle off your first cycle did you keep? Thanks.
Joseph Green
>Last question, how much muscle off your first cycle did you keep? Thanks. Heh.
Cooper Kelly
Ayden Jenkins
>I know they say that you aren't supposed to cycle at all unless you are over the age of 25. First question is why?
during puberty your body's hormones are still unstable and growing, and any interruption in that growth tends to fuck it up for life
>Second question, let's say me, a 20 year old male were to do one test cycle but a low to moderate amount, just one. How much damage could that really cause granted I do proper PCT and do my research for awhile before hand.
nobody ever does just one moderate test cycle, trust me
if you do proper pct, and actually know your shit, you will do almost no damage. its possible you may even be better than when you started out.
> What could really go wrong with my body? Jeff seid does it and he's perfectly healthy, and is able to get a boner fine.
with test alone, probably nothing (if you do everything right) its when you get to the more powerful shit that it starts to mess with you.
usually the most common cause of death from steroids is cardiomegaly, or an enlarged heart
>Last question, how much muscle off your first cycle did you keep? Thanks.
lol. desu if you're only running test, and you do a standard 8 week cycle, you'll probably only keep half of it, and even that will steadily decline unless you get on test again or have insane natural test levels
Elijah Ross
so why then dont all people hop on 8 week cycle of test, get their easy gains and hop off.
Luis Lee
you dont keep shit,
source, on trt
Jackson Myers
So what you're saying is that it would be stupid for a 20 year old to run a test cycle, but if done right it could potientally so 0 harm?
Nathaniel Baker
Matthew Clark
I do this. But only cause I get trt from my doctor and u can fit my blasts in between blood work.
Dylan Smith
Levi Brown
Youll be fine if u do test only at =
Evan Miller
Gabriel Lopez
Okay sounds bro
Connor Cox
Oh and get your blood work done before, during, and after
Zachary Hernandez
Meep is dis u T. Chadjeet
Carson Nguyen
OP - I'd do a test only cycle as your first time. Stick to a shorter ester test like Propionate if you don't want to swell up with water weight and make it obvious you're on (see Test Enanthate). You'll have to pin more often (EOD probably) but in my opinion its worth it. Plus pinning isn't bad as long as you use a separate drawing needle to keep the injection needle point sharp.
Easton Bell
Cypionate could be a good balance between E & Prop. if you want to compromise.
Jackson Morgan
>reusing needles Are you trying to get an infection
Xavier Young
I use 2 needles (new) every time I inject. One to draw and one to inject. I would never advocate reusing needles and apologize if my post made it sound that way. Never had an abcess and never want to get one.
Parker Moore
Ahh ok I thought you were advocating using a drawing needle and a pinning needle to keep them sharp across multiple uses
As you were
Kevin Garcia
not true but you definitely don't keep much
Charles Smith
Time to get faurking shredded
Jason Lopez
where does one get TRT?
Christian Parker
Prescription by a doctor here in the US. Next time you go in to take a physical ask your doctor to check your test levels when they do blood work.
Cheat Mode - go in after a cycle when you know your body is still not producing test and everything you've pinned is out of your system. Get a low T reading. Enjoy blast & cruise 4 life.