I alway noticed how thin they were but since I was full skeleton mode it wasn't "severe" i'd say, but now since I started lifting about a month ago and made some noob gains it kinda looks ridiculous, so you can imagine how silly I look when I make some serious gains
Now I don't do complaining, it's my least favorite thing but i'm just exploring my options, sort of
1- eat like a pig, lift heavy, put on serious amount of fat to cover them 2- do hgh (very very unlikley) 3- wait for a second puberty since i'm like 18 but that is too, unlikley since i'm already fully grown i guess
What else can I do Veeky Forums pls help i'm really lost
Jonathan Martinez
I don't know OP, I'm just dropping by to say that my dick is the same circumference as your wrists.
Ethan Ramirez
Op here, and yeah I was gonna mention that but I forgot
my dick is literally thicker than my wrists (6in) which is kinda weird don't you think?
Robert Hill
Chads cousin here, dick smaller than OP wrist, but cuzzo gets mad pussy.
Isn't it weird?
Aiden Ramirez
idk my wrists are like 9"
also im 6'4" loll
Owen Gutierrez
tfw my dick is as thicc as my dick
Christopher Watson
i'm 6' ffs
Benjamin Garcia
Samuel Diaz
You can't do shit, maybe doing heavy ohp, cleans, etc will over the years strengthen and enlarge the tendons (and bone) somewhat but it's unlikely.
Matthew Cruz
thanks user, and i'm already doing shitloads of wrist work and forearm curls (that's what theyre called rite) but it seems the bigger my forearms get the skinniest my wrists look
Charles Ramirez
>9" wrists Ultra fatty or complete liar detected
Hunter Sullivan
Blake Evans
bump brb i better find some good shit if i come back
Nathan Ramirez
Small wrist are top tier, it gives you the taper on your arm and when you build up your arms they appear bigger then they actually are. Bodybuilding is all about visual deception
Eli Parker
>tfw can make loop around wrists with pinky and thumb
Gavin Baker
Same, 5.9 inch wristlet here
Lucas Brown
Nah don't worry i have a friend from college that is literall biceplet. Though he is borderline anorexic.
He can touch his thumb an middle finger easily, he could do it even if it was twice as thick as it is now.
Luke Long
D-do wrist transplants exists?
Brandon Morris
So cover them wrists with layers and layers of fat i suppose?
Elijah Ross
me 2
Luke Phillips
HAHHAHHAHHH how can you be THIS DELUSIONAL????????????
>having a fragile bone structure is top tier my sir :)) *tips fedora*
Austin Anderson
he simply said its about visual deception why you have to be so insecure