What does the natty limit look like?

What does the natty limit look like?

If you put a person with average genetics and an average body on a solid nutrition and workout program for a year, what should they look like afterwards? How much can be accomplished in one year?

like this

>implying the natty limit can be reached within a year

Key factor for the natty limit is how long it takes to achieve vs roids.

The natty limit is basically your body's way of saying "alright buddy any more muscle mass at this bodyfat would just be useless and make our muscles lose their purpose"

Natty limit is fairly big, but not that big, most normies see it a "steroids" though

There is no "limit" per se, but you suffer diminishing returns. This is why people say to lift for a few years before hopping on the gear, so you have the muscle base you can actually build on when you push the juice in

Five years.
If you bust ass and really go for it...you'll see the majority of your gains and reach near max potential withing 3-4 years.
After that you'll be lucky to get 2-3 pounds of real muscle and any significant strength gains.



Here you go

Errbody is different but something like this. Mind you that this is with pump and good angle.


And true to form, Scott looks DYEL with clothes on.

That's the natty life.

who's the terrorist?

some dyel fag

i would be so mad if i worked natty and ended up with abs likme the guy on the right. looks like a cobblestone path

is the second most aesthetic one there

if 3 men are married and they all beat their wives, but one brother beats his wife the least.. he is the best husband, but they are all shitty husbands

this is the natty limit after 4 years of heavy calisthenics and over 90 kg at 185 cm

Best progression I've seen on this site.

Natty? Hell no.
Natty+? Definitely.

lmao you are so ignorant . You must have never seen what discipline and hard training can give you

Obviously genetics plays a part on thins but definitely natty and achievable.
Just search him Adam Raw and you will understand

>everyone bigger than me is on gear
>everyone smaller than me is dyel

Welcome to Veeky Forums

Why are you posting your shitty fat body everywhere? Are you trying to force a meme?

>uing with gf about weightloss
why is his squat so shit?

what's natty+? like small test cycle, sarms, what?