Thanks creatine

thanks creatine

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Nice meme m8

calling it a meme doesnt excuse the fact its linked to thinning hair and baldness

Why dony you post some scientific evidence

Prob should look in to those shit genetics you inherited

bull shit


One study """""linked""""" (lol that word) creatine use to possibly having an effect on DHT being increased.

If you are susceptible to male pattern baldness then this might be an issue. But if you're prone to MPB then you should have killed yourself already anyway.

If you are not MPB prone (ie, have good genes) then you can take creatine without a problem.

>Creatine has been implicated once in increasing DHT. The study has not been replicated, and direct studies between creatine and hair loss have not been conducted

I'm not convinced

>take creatine monohydrate
>stack with creatine HCL and creatine ethyl ester
>creatine in my whey
>creatine every day for months
>gain 30 pounds of lean mass in 3 months easily.
>bench max goes from 2pl8 to 4pl8
>grow 3 inches and escape manlethood
>mfw creatine saved my life
>mfw strictly liquid diet every day, put a scoop of creatine in everything and blend it up

Joke's on you I'm already bald







Whats wrong with examine com


it requires college level reading to fully grasp so the manlets just laugh it off


sounds like your creatine was laced with fish oil brah, better get some blood work done is amazing you fucking newfag. unbiased evidence based research with citations in an orderly fashion.


i never noticed that toothy is in the first panel

man i miss her art


noticed hair thinning at my already fucked hairline.
fuck that shit, too scary for me.
can i cycle that shit to make my body adapt to the DHT or something?
if not, fuck it. i'll keep a head full of hair anyday than faster gains.


If its affecting your hair then you're going to go bald anyway. It literally cannot cause your hair to thin unless you are predisposed to baldness.


Fuck my hair is all I got.

Throwing that shit right out.


yeah but it sure as fuck can speed things along

enjoy balding at 25 instead of 39

That page doesn't say creatine causes baldness.

yeah but i'd rather bald at 50+ like my dad than when i'm 18

I've been using creatine for 5 years and my hair is just as thick as it always was.
Theres no MPB in my family tho :)

>Too swole to control
my sides are in orbit right now

lucky you gayboy

it's on both sides of mine so there's no way in fuck im touching that shit

Is there a source for the artist? This is a masterpiece?

Heres an album of his work.

It says if you're susceptible to baldness, it's plausible that creatine will accelerate that process, based on the limited research done.

It's perfectly reasonable for somebody to decide it isn't worth the risk.

How much were they taking tho? And how frequent

You know what also increases DHT?

Lifting. Or eating. Or literally anything that increases test at all because 98% of your body's test immediately gets turned into DHT.

If i recall correctly that study was done with higher than normal dosages (20g or something like that ) of creatine per day, is it possible that a lower dosage of 5g or even 3g a day would minimize the issue?

Haha fuck you, I am already shaving my head because I am balding. Eat shit Creatine

It was 11 (eleven) men in the the ONE study.
These men were all rugby players.
Rugby is one of the most genetically self-selecting sports in the world because you need a big ass frame to be good at it.
Guess what hormone is highly present in people with a large build?
That's right! DHT.

This one (1) study on 11 (eleven) very similar subjects is ALL the evidence there is to support the creatine contributing to baldness.