Any runners here?

Any runners here?

I just started running to lose weight and the main problems i have so far is that my legs(specifically my calves) get extremely sore before I even run out of breath.

Does anybody else get this too? Is there a solution? fucking fat are you? Seriously we need to know your weight and height because you could be seriously fucking up your legs.

Why do all you newb niggas start with running?

Follow this guide if you want to do this right.

>running to lose weight

bye bye knees

just go for long walks fatso
or swim
or cycle
or anything


if you're fat running puts a lot of stress on your joints

If you're over 20% bodyfat as a man and 30% as a woman then you're going to just annihilate your knees.

1 Hour long brisk walks with the occasional not even minute long jog+basic calisthenics and a strict diet for a month.

THEN you can consider couch to 5k.

>go for run
>after about 1 minute horrible pain under ankle
>get home by not putting weight on foot
>try to stand up 10 minutes later, literally can't put any weight without terrible pain
>takes about 2 weeks for pain to entirely subside
>now i'm afraid to run

I'm not even fat or old

T-this chart is kawaii as fuck.

Generally this is due to lack of water

im 5'6 176 lbs, i didnt think i needed to pace myself but i guess I do. It just feels with that progression it will take me too long to make any progress.

I just finished week 3 of this shit and i started getting pain on the inside of my knee. I wanna get back to running but dont wanna fuck my shit up. When should i start running again?

This stupid game kept me healthy for awhile

You are a skinnyfat fuck and are retarded - you need to take this slow - three months is not that long. Hope you end up in a wheelchair.

take a week off and repeat week three then go on from there

>9 weeks
>too long

neck yourself, fitness isn't a short term game

Just keep doing what you're doing op, eventually they won't feel like shit anymore. No need to pace yourself like you're some 50 year old lifelong smoker who suffered 2 heart attacks. Don't listen to that other fag

>some dirty weeab took the original couch-5k chart and put anime shit on it

jesus wet

Question to runners:

How do I drink? should I run with a bag? Are there specific running bags?

Make sure you practice good running form. My abductors were hurting for weeks until I realized that I was bringing my legs to far in causing unnecessary strain. I fixed my form and my legs stopped hurting.

I don't know what causes calf pain when running, but you can probably fix it by doing something different.

I don't do this. I park my car somewhere along my ~7 mile loop and put water in the trunk. I also know which gas stations have drinking fountains. If you are running less than 5 miles you really don't need water during.

The bag will slow you down more than you think if it has an appreciable amount of water.

During races kids will hand you a cup with a sip of water.

lol have fun getting raped since u cant outrun the rapist with all the time u wasted on shitty riding

>erectile dysfunction

Hey, question for you all. I get bad shin splints and it makes running difficult. What are some solutions you guys can suggest?

I'm 6'6" and when I started running I was 280, lmao. My knees now sound like they have gravel in them when I walk up stairs. I didn't even wear good shoes. I wore Polo's on a treadmill. Will my knees ever recover? They don't hurt, but I can feel there's a bit of tension when I strain myself. I really want to get into running desu.

I carry a gun everywhere I go

You sound like a fun guy

You're too tall. How many marathon runners are 6'6? Should have stuck to rugby.

>3 months

are you fucking serious? Thats fucking nothing son.

Get real. It aint even an hour a day too, you can squeeze in all the video games and masturbating before or after doing the run.

I just want to do it to better myself man, getting faster times is fun to me. I could care less about being a professional. Rugby is for queers who want to grope other guys.

You shouldn't really need to drink mid-run; carrying water is just adding weight in weird places that can cause injury later

Calf pain can come from running too hard on the balls of the feet (engages calf muscles). A lot of runners tend to compensate with bad form when they're tired, even if they practice good form normally. Try to focus real hard on steady breathing and heel to toe form when you're tired at the end of a run

Ice and ease up on the running, shin splints means you're training too hard too fast. When easing back into it, use compression socks on the calves and stay slow until comfortable

t. runner

We have nearly identical stats user

>Currently training for the USMC pft 3 mile
>Running is hell on earth
>"Ran" a 5k this morning in 35:07 (Ran 6 laps, walked 1, ran 2, walked 1, ran 2 more)
>Holy shit this is hard

Not too tall at all, the best runner on my team is 6'5 and runs sub 4 miles.

Though I can see how being too short may become prohibitive at a certain point

thanks brah

If your knees really sound like that go see a doctor, don't consult a japanese shitposting forum

But n=1 I know someone who runs 100 mile races and has destroyed their knees but still runs somehow, so it should be possible

>rip in piece to your knees if you jog. Just lol. Enjoy your wheelchair, faggot
>Brb. Off to squat this 3pl8 for reps.

Make sure you're running properly. Land with the middle of your foot, and really focus on bringing your knees up. It forces your body legs to more evenly distribute the work load, and prevent certain parts from wearing out first.

Even us real runners know running is hell; it takes a special kind of sadist to enjoy it

stick with it brother

it takes someone with a deep seated fear of being chased.

It transforms the fear into contempt, waiting for the oppurtunity that someone with a knife will come and chase you and all you have to do to assert dominance is to turn around and outrun the nigga

Yeah I run. On a track team. AMA. Other than why you're injured. You're injured because you stressed your body.
I was the fastest on my little league baseball team and in 5th grade they had the whole class run the mile and I got my ass beat by some soccer players.

Can't afford rn. My biggest concern is that I can't work out my legs so I'm all upper.


Rad dude, what are some basic tips to running that most ignore or are ignorant to?

elliptical or bike better for your joints if you want to get some cardio as a fatty


Sounds like a tendon thing. Go see a medical professional.

OP don't listen to these cocksuckers on here. In November i pledged to accomplish a 5k every week after 7 years of #nocardio
>mfw 1st week was 39 minutes
>mfw I run 2 5k's per week now @ 28 minutes

Just get on a treadmill Or go outside and do it. Fuck your joints they'll get better.

Inject peroxide into your aorta

That's creative you edgy fuck

Running with other people (or a dog I guess) makes motivation and pacing come easier. If you only know people who are out of shape, I had the idea to take turns on a bicycle while the other person runs. The person on the bicycle is responsible for keeping an even pace while not pushing the runner beyond the possible.

Running on pavement can lead to injury.

Doing sprints around a track requires you to make constant left turns which can be bad.

Don't use the bane masks, you may as well huff glue. Just run uphill if you want aerobic resistance beyond that of a flat surface

Never take the inside lanes of a track when there is a yeah practicing on it unless you have permission to join the workout.

Take fewer electrolytes than whatever is in the electrolyte product you have.

Don't take electrolytes in combination with high fructose corn syrup or any other sweetener other than fiber bound simple sugars (and don't take these in excess)

Stay hydrated.

Burritos are the best food a runner can get.

I found supplementing chlorophyll to increase the bioavailability of copper had a positive effect when I was not training. Also eat tons of greens.

Don't train the midday heat if it's uncomfortable and you're just starting out.

Cover the ear facing the starter when in a race. Guns are annoying.


Lighter shoes make you faster with diminishing returns. Maybe unnecessary when first starting out.

It's a good idea to spend a week walking 3+ hours a day before trying running for the first time. Not that I've ever done this. I have walked for 10+ hours a day for 3 days straight though.
Yeah. Running isn't bad for your joints when done properly.

>elliptical or bike better for your joints if you want to get some cardio as a fatty
Agreed. Running doesn't involve your body weight moving any direction other than forward.
If you can't remember the neurological pathways involved in running you may end up bouncing up and down.

I got it off of iFunny, I hope you feel dirty now

Can you explain how to run by distributing pressure across your whole lower body. I'm trying to lose weight, and not being able to run due to my knee is killing the loss.

Dunno. I don't have a background in kinesiology, but... I'll try. Your core is responsible for supporting you. It also is essentially what lets you breathe. The torsion generated by your running gets uptaken by your core.

Your lower back is more important than your abdominals. Essentially your lower back is what you want to relax. Sit ups a shit.

Walking will teach you want you want to learn. And incorporating your core more.

Running only fucks your knees If you heel strike like an idiot. Buy shoes with no heel drop and you will naturally run on your forefoot, just like you would on grass.

I want my Chinese gf to cosplay as D.Va, too sexy.

It isn't that simple. Lots of people get injured with low drop shoes. I would recommend using them on a supple all weather track.

And then fuck the living shit out of her.

The funnest, nigga. Funnier and more fun to be around than you. I get invited to all the parties. Especially the ones where your "friends" said they call you but they never did.

Yeah, nigga, yeah

You can buy low drop padded shoes, they don't need to be vibrams. You do need to build up the miles slowly though, since you will be using muscles you have neglected

I've been doing it long enough

>Fuck your joints they'll get better.
Basically this, your joints feel like shit at the beginning because you aren't used to it. Unless you've had a real previous injury on your joints there is nothing to worry about.

I did interval training in cycles to stress and then heal. I did intervals of 2 weeks where I would run hard and push through the pain and try to stress the bone for 2 weeks and then let it heal for 2 weeks. Did that until the shin splints went away and I haven't had shin splints since, and my shin splints were so debilitating that I physically couldn't walk.

Except you're running on cement, not grass. The only time shoes with zero drop or those retarded Vibrams would be applicable would be running on sand or dirt, gravel too probably. Pretty much every other surface is too hard and offers no cushioning like the aforementioned soft surfaces do. Humans feet are meant to run on sand and dirt, not solid concrete.

I'm about 5'7" and weigh 157 lbs and am having the same problem. I've been doing 1 hour of cardio for 5 days a week to try and flatten my stomach. Am I destroying my legs?