Can you guys tell me if i have gynecomastia(gyno) or am I just fat ???

Can you guys tell me if i have gynecomastia(gyno) or am I just fat ???

Probably both,
also >>/SQT/

if you ever had gynecomastia you would know, it's like a lymph node

Monitoring thread. Your chest is a copy paste of mine.

That's one of the most unaesthetic bodies I've ever seen, congratulations.

Looks like it, although you look terrible regardless. Put on muscle/lose weight, work on that neckbeard

holy shit this

Can't tell if gyno in this pic, but it looks like a combination of no chest muscles and fatty tits.

yohimbine + fasted cardio to get rid of the fatty tits, do some lifting to get rid of the no chest.

Also, you look like a mormon with that scraggly beard, razor to fix that.

3 huge problems, all solved with 1 post.

I'm no expert but your nipples don't look puffy enough for it to be gyno. Either way you need to loose weight and lift.

Isnt that the school that got shot


is that montenegro or albania?


What does lymph node feel like

I had that EXACT body a few months ago, lost weight and lost the tits.

bags of sand

it's like a small testicle under your skin, except it doesn't hurt anywhere as much

>Calvin Klinefelter

Show us a picture where you aren't sucking your stomach in.

lol this
>asks to be assessed if fat
>sucks gut in to hide fat levels

cant give an accurate asssessment with your sucked in gut, but if youre doing that, youre probably a fatty

chubster + gyno for 300 please



You look like a sack of shit

>Be fat fuck
>Suck in gut to hide fat
>Now looks fat and physically deformed
Jood gob bro.

How can you tell he's sucking stomach in

Gyno is the least of your problems.


So basically poor and the ugliest ethnicity in the balkans? I'm sorry, my man.

How can you not?