What exercises can I do for upper back...

What exercises can I do for upper back? At the gym right now and I need to stop looking like a dipshit so any help is appreciated

Bent over rows

Pull ups
Lat Pull downs
Seated Rows
Rowing for cardio
Row row fight the power

bear the weight of the world

You can pretty much do anything for upper back with any sort of form. Don't round your back is the only real thing you need to do.

If your goal is to look like you know what you're doing, do perfect form bent over rows. Watch that Brian Alusaaaaad or whatever his last name is for the most beautiful rows you'll ever see.

If your goal is to impress normies. Do weighted pull ups or chin ups.

If your goal is general size and to destroy your lats, do t bar rows with way too heavy of weight and kip the fuck out of it with some angle. Go slow on the descent.
Kroc rows are along that vein as well.

And if you want almost complete isolation, do seal rows or bench rows. You laugh at them, but they are so much harder than bent over rows.

You're going to build a decent back with any of these. The only exercise that I really feel stretch the fuck out of my lats are the t-bar rows, but my back has been growing before that with weighted chins and then bench rows. Back is easy as fuck. You just have to be pulling something towards you to hit it.

In summation, just be yourself.

Snatch grip up right rows

Snatch grip bent over rows to upper chest


So a lat pulldown machine is expensive as fuck, what can I instead? Too fat for chinups, I can only do 1 at a time right now.

i'm going to second bend over barbell rows and deads.

Bent over rows make me feel alpha at the gym low key

just do pullups. everything else is a meme

this guy is pretty accurate

pullups, kroc rows, some sort of chest supported row machine

adding in power shrugs/rack pulls and facepulls/rear delt row

Do negatives until you are strong enough to do more pullups.

Use a chair to get yourself all the way up and just let yourself down as slow as you can.


snatch grip for more upper back recruitment

Does this actually work?

>does training a muscle by working out make it stronger?

Can confirm. Good advice. Works well with push-ups too.

it fucking does

Pullups and rope climbs (add plates once you're strong enough)

sup scoobz

It definitely does work you weak, pathetic son of a bitch.

How do I fix shoulder impingement? Pushups? Face pulls? Rotator cuff lifts with 5lbs pink dumbbells?

1xF not getting advice from a fitness board on a Tasmanian devil-worshipping complex