What's the best workout clothing in Veeky Forums's opinion?

What's the best workout clothing in Veeky Forums's opinion?



Not larping as a portland protestor

How much is that shirt?


Yes. Makes you look intimidating and is made for combat.





Probably $60-80

Atleast compression shit from under armour, nike etc is ridiculously expensive in yurop


that'd be pretty funny


Combating feelings of reality and your fathers crushing dissapoint

>t. faggot jedi
Why wont you be a badass modern sith warrior?

Veeky Forums as fuck


Singlet and leggings

Comfy gym wear is the best

>basketball shorts

>not working out in full armor
never gonna make it

Not working out in full tattoo armour? Not going to make it.

if you dont wear rick at the gym you're a guaranteed dyel

Raf Simmons you fuccboi!

Polo, Capri jeans, and some pumas. The bitches can't resist.

High schooler detected

Wal Mart stuff.

It fuggin works

>Top tier:
an old t-shirt that you've converted into a cutoff

>Good tier
regular t-shirt or longsleeve

>Tryhard tier

>Nigger tier
basketball jersey

>Pajeet tier
polo shirt

>DYEL tier
store-bought cutoff
compression gear
"performance" wear

those look disgustingly cheap

undershirt and well-fitting athletic pants


Just a pair of some old sweat pants/shorts, a regular t-shirt/tank top, and some old beat up chucks.

Keep it simple. No need to look flashy while lifting.

>so freaky you can wear whatever you want and nobody say a fucking word

Completely nude

Im considering on getting this tanktop, what do u think Veeky Forums?

How old are you, 12?

Got something wrong with DBZ dyel?


no clothing