Holy crap I just ran for the first time in a long time (done some other cardio in between) and I feel fucking fantastic...

Holy crap I just ran for the first time in a long time (done some other cardio in between) and I feel fucking fantastic. How did I leave this out. I love lifting, but running especially with no music is so free, and feels so good.

Why don't you run, Veeky Forums?

rowing > running

Shin splints.

I have these things called "gains" which i plan on keeping

The "cardio kills gains" meme takes another victim. Well, actually, heart disease will

Motherfucking this. I jog 2 miles and my heart is perfectly fine, barely worked up a sweat, but my shins kill me.

enjoy your blocked arteries and death at 60 fatty

If you can make it 2 miles, it's not shin splints.

It's boring af.

5am starts an hour in the gym, then 2 mile run at ever dropping rate (currently 6:40min/mile), 1 mile walk to cool down before shower and head off to work at 7am.

I just power through the pain. I start feeling them around 0.5 miles in. After 2 miles I can't even stand because of the pain.

retard you're doing damage to your body. cut down on running and do some other cardio

But I really like running. What can I do to prevent shin splints from happening.

Sounds like that's a bad idea... Ever tried working your way up? Like run till it hurts then stop, and see if you can build up resistance? Idfk how shin splints work, so that might be retarded.

I used to have them too but lifting regularly got rid of them entirely for some reason

run less.i cut my running in half and feel way better now. instead ill do kbell swings or bike on cardio days. you will fuck your shit up from running too much. when your body hurts it doesnt mean power through the pain it means stop

If the only thing I want to do is lose my chubby cheeks (I have a normal sized body), is cardio okay?

Sorry I find it hard to believe it's shin splints. There's no powering through that for 2 miles, no fucking way. Even the fact that you make it .5 miles without it kicking it says it's something else. I have shin splints but only happens on treadmills. I can go about 10 steps at a jogging pace on one before my ankle completely seizes up.

Your form is shitty. Watch videos on proper form and practice before you go all out

are you fat

cardio is just a meme

you have to work into the speed, don't start running at a fast pace. Do slower runs, get comfortable and allow your body to adapt, and then get faster

Welcome to the cardio side bro. I run and swim too so i just feed off of the endorphins.

>In navy
>stationed in Japan
>running the hills and cozy mountain side cities and towns
>cardio+exploration=life is amazing

probably the best years of fitness in my life. Running released endorphins and the adventure of running randomly in any direction and always finding new restaurants, bars, stores,etc was so liberating

I thought I loved running and I convinced myself that for a good 4 months then one day, seriously like it just all of a sudden happened one day, I got really sharp back pain. I woke up the day after a run and my back was just feeling fucked. I started experiencing that pain back in late November and I still have that pain, and I run half as much as I did back then. I don't know what the hell I did wrong but my back is fucked. The strange thing is it doesn't really hurt my when I'm actually running, I don't think it affects my running. But it's omnipresent in my daily life. Doesn't help that I'm 30 lbs overweight either..

Same happened to me. What I realized was I needed a good 2 weeks of legit stretching, especially hamstrings and lower back. Not just stretching for a few minutes, but like dedicating to actually going further and further in flexability each session. After a good 2 weeks of legit "jean claude van damme" style stretching, shit was back to normal yo. give it a try

What stretches do you do? Touch your toes and back rotations?

>people actually believe the "cardio kills gains" meme
I don't think you guys understand the importance of not running specifically as an exercise. Rest days are extremely important