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Health #409
Why do people consider 'thick' attractive all of a sudden?
Tfw fell for the kombucha meme
Is this achievable at 17 el naturale way?
What was the Major's routine?
What is your opinion on plastic surgery...
Guys who weren't fit and are fit now, what changed, if anything, for you?
Sugar and carbohydrates are good for you and you should eat them everyday
What makes girls want to suck my dick?
I started paying for sex Veeky Forums
Would it be possible to attain a thicc body like these natty Veeky Forums?
How come his face is so fat even tho hes so tiny/skinny
Femanons, would you ever get breast implants?
"You can totally be friends if she rejects you, user!"
What are some kino home DIY workouts other than push-ups and sit-ups ?
You don't still use the leg press do you?
Goal physique thread
How's the cut going Veeky Forums?
Running General
Is diet coke the most laughable drink?
Roll For Your Gym Bro
/plg/ - /powerlifting general/
Is she too fat for this outfit?
What to do with big muscles? Literally what's the point
SIPBOYS general
Laugh at manlet thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Just be confident bro
Although male masculinity is associated with health benefits...
ITT: People you watch for motivation
Thoughts on joining the army? does it worth it?
What mode is this?
What's a good full body workout? Pic related; don't want to be a fag and imitate this dude just because animus
Who else has been casually lifting for a long time with minimal gains ?
How's it going any luck yet?
Requesting pics of what a lean 6" tall 1/2/3/4 tier lifter looks like
Tell me about your gym crush
Redpill me on boxing...
Should this humble degenerate go gym?
Physical Therapy General
Making it thread
Free weights
High Test
Find a flaw
Legitimacy check
High proton dishes
This guys is a manlet, beats women...
What's the best way to subtly identify someone as a Veeky Forumsizen...
I keep getting /gaymires/
Why is crossfit filled with so many retards?
Whats the ideal weight for a 1.80 meter men?
Is this the new "it's not you it's me" break up line? Or have I officially made it?
Is joining a frat worth it to smash more sloots?
How to achieve josuke 8 mode Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums, what's your ORM on the following?
Explain to me how rest days aren't just basically spiritual weakness days?
How long is the ideal waiting-time between sets on weight-training? and why? science me, bitches
Tv show
Daily reminder that this is what men want
How to get Veeky Forumscial aesthetic?
What causes depression?
Supplements General /sg/
Nickname thread
Highbar vs lowbar squats
Spent 8 months eating like shit and rarely increasing my lifts. How do I fix?
Fat hate general
Did he cheat?
Rate my gains please Veeky Forums
Is this an attrative body
/Friday night feels/
/fat/ Fatty General
Go to gym
Post the ways in which you identify DYELs
What days are your days off from working out?
Chest question
Is keto a waste of time or legit?
Does this seriously get more comfortable than sitting?
Front squat
Hey /fit
Lifting only three days a week
Hunger Thread
Am i skinny fat?
Anyone using? I'm honestly contemplating jumping on. (MK-2866)
I've came home from Uni where i have no friends to go out with. I also brought back 0.5g of MDMA
In which sports do short people have the advantage or height is a nonfactor...
If I hit 1/2.5/3.5/4.5 in a commercial gym can I bring my Vita and play it during my rests
Gain Goblins
Arm thread
Match with girls easily
Do you believe that any form of ascension begins with the physical, or the mental?
Enter the gym
Are chads actually rare in public?
Is lifting without steroids a waste of time? I was going to start Strong Curves...
Ok Veeky Forums, i got a problem
Progress thread
Meet new gymbros
Is she fat?
Bf% estimate thread?
Is this what its like to be tall?
Is Sabina still /ourgirl/?
TFW addicted to Veeky Forums
Hey guys I just started working at Starbucks but don't know any good drinks or food that would be Veeky Forums approved...
Skinny fat here
Loss of Appetite
Just how bad is eating shitty food in small amounts?
Ywn be tall enough to cosplay master chief
French foreign legion
All memes aside how many of you actually go to the gym?
QTDDTOT - The thread
Mfw I'm a manlet
What will Veeky Forums eat today?
/drugs/ thread
Life is meant to be enjoyed anons. Why are you torturing yourself by eating tasteless...
MFW cutting on a 1,000 calorie deficit
Lifting music
ITT: We write a message to scoob one post at a time
What'll happen if I just eat protein and fats?
Extended Fasting Help thread
What goes through your head during cardio?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How the fuck do you meditate
Who else here lifting for the upcoming race war?
Have you guys ever gotten a deep tissue massage before? I got one yesterday for my back and now I'm all sore
What are some good exercises for winged scapula...
Any recommendations for protein powder that won't break the bank?
How do we solve the femlet problem Veeky Forums?
Who can bench their body weight for 5x5?
How can i be more fit?
I lift for girls
High bar or low bar?
This is who you're competing against
Stay up all night to fix up my sleep schedule
Hard gainer
Daily reminder that girls only want intelligence
/fat/ General
What exaclty is the definition of "making it"?
Life is a haze
I cant go to the gym for 2 weeks because of injury
This is why I lift
Bad Spotters
Achieving it
How do we fix Belgium?
What's the craziest thing you ever saw happen in a gym?
Girl here. If I want big legs and a big butt, should I squat and deadlift 3x a week with a few other accessories...
Why do some fit guys date "fat" girls?
I need to be fat
Stops balding
Women look dyel no matter how heavy they lift. Why not advise them to just stick to pilates...
Vision correction surgery general
6 feet tall, even taller with heels
Hey /bros/
What is a typical normie workout routine?
OK, memes aside. What do you think Tom Hardy's routine was when he was training for Warrior?
Who does /fit nominate as the best fighters in the world? For military I nominate finns...
Meanwhile on female Veeky Forums
How big is your dong
How did men achieved this body type back then without roids, mordern equipments and proper food?
Post 4th picture in Veeky Forums folder
Veeky Forums Ideals thread
You should do overhead press, they said
Did you finish the Greeks yet?
Tfw I bought into the sips meme
Bad days at gym
Need some advice, looking to start running to help lose weight and work myself into being fit...
Is vodka lemon/lime and soda the best low calorie option for getting wasted?
OK Veeky Forums settle this argument:
/dnp/ - yellow poison/lazy fatass general
I hope you trained for functional strength, American anons
Do any of you have any experience with these homemade power racks?
Day 4 of no soda
Gallon Of Water A Day (GOWAD) thread
Women really are a meme
How do you react when you see another guy at the gym doing the same movement you're doing but with much higher weight?
Keto Diet
ITT: Ask a dental student anything
Anyone else doing these?
Veeky Forums I have decided to start deadlifting
No matter how much Veeky Forums lifts, they will still fail to satisfy a woman in bed
Why do liberals love 1984, but hate Brave new world?
How to raise testosterone?
How long can Veeky Forums plank for and does planking help you a lot?
How large are your wrists boyos
Why lift when it's all about the face?
How can the human body get this fat? you need at least 5500 calories per day which is like 5lbs of food
What is Voicelet territory to you lads?
Fitlit discord server (please don't delete mod)
Your reasons to lift
Veeky Forums memes we fell for
Height thread
Work at gym
Just lift and be confident, bro
Wtf just happend
How did you sort yourself out?
THIS is what girls want
Are taller than average individuals genetically superior?
Any thoughts on this Veeky Forums?
Friendly reminder to skip leg day
Why has fasting become such a meme on this board recently...
tfw normals hate on your neck gains
/plg/ powerlifting general
This guy comes home from a busy day and the gym and office to bang tranny maids
Who here lifts for 2d?
/Fraud/ steroids general
Be 5'9
TFW can't even plank for a minute despite lifting for 4 months
Hey Veeky Forums, what are soon good team sports to get into as an adult? I'm 26 and all I really do, activity-wise...
Well Veeky Forums?
About to spend 20k on cosmetic surgeries, any Veeky Forumsizens have experience with it?
HGH supplements and growing taller
Tfw increased my height by nearly 1.5 inches after less than 3 months of hammy, glute, and back/core stretches
Hey user join us for lunch
A gym bro told me to only do ohp and train my lats so i dont get boxy and can have a waist. is this true?
How do you deal with the feeling of inferiority?
Do you guys prefer tall girls or short girls?
Just smile and be urself, sister!
Is this achievable natty brehs
PureGym thread: don't dox the PTs edition
What body type are you?
Things virgins do at the gym
Hey meat head roid ragers
Barbells are a meme. Gymnasts have more aesthetic, functional and healthy bodies all without picking up a single plate...
What is it about him that looks like shit? Can't out my finger on it
Who else /easymode/ here?
I'm questioning your logic Veeky Forums
Running General
Hair gains
Functional strength thread
Hi Veeky Forums
How do I sleep better?
How to de-autism sleeping
"Wow user you're really strong, how about you come show me those lower abs? ;)"
Why do Asians get big so easily?
All bullshit aside, do you like Connor McGregor has or does take steroids at some point in his career?
Water fasting
Suggestions for good metal to listen to in the gym
Ok, so I am a fatass who tries to make a change, but I've encountered some problems, please help me Veeky Forums
How the fuck do I stop
How do I get an ASIAN gf?
How to pick up girls
Hi Veeky Forums
Fuck you Veeky Forums, I finally get a match and follow your advice and this happens. What did i do wrong?
Alcohol and Veeky Forums
Stretch Marks
What does Veeky Forums think of Kali Muscle?
Do decline and incline bench really result in more load on your lower and upper pecs respectively...
Feel inferior to others for not playing any sport what sport should I puck up Im 24
Tahnk u freg
You are on the bus
Guys at the start of this year I weighed 62kg, now im 75kg with almost no fat. be me -->
/CLT/ - Current Leg Thread
What is Veeky Forums eating for breakfast?
You're getting pretty big there son
ITT: We talk like normies
Post your rest day face
Tfw I got nudes from a girl on tinder,even with timestamp
Let's do a quick survey Veeky Forums, how much time do you spend working out
That sinking feeling when your long term relationship is about to end
Opinions on alpha manlet?
Have you tried to reach a prostate orgasm yet? i heard it increases testosterone
Hey friendos. I need some help, and maybe someone here has been in a similar situation...
Smokers on Veeky Forums?
Sleep on floor long-term
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
This is what you get when your skinny ass mum gets with your skinny ass dad. I dont wanna reproduce...
Gym music thread
Realistic advice to control cravings and temptations whilst on a cut?
How do we deal with the womanlet problem Veeky Forums?
Who here is /nogymbro/???
He counts the bar
Go running
Omg help me
CBT: No angles edition, dead on photos only boys and girls
Starting Strength is a meme
I just realized all u dumb fucking retards tellling kids "roids won't get you laid" is completely just downright absurd...
What's your favorite exercise/lift/workout?
I'm curious...
Let's talk about 'water only' hydration changes
I think you've fucked me /fit
You should try to give up porn for a week. It would help with your gains
/weak/ general
Bench won't increase
What's the best PPL routine?
Fix your posture
Stupid fitness shit numales do:
Have YOU ever been to /snapcity/?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
What will it take to get below 200lb?
Your father wanted a son he could play catch with, teach to play football and come out to little league games for
How do I into
Why can't you guys just act normal?
/fat/ Fatty General
He doesn't go to the gym 7 days a week
This is what girls want
Tfw too intelligent to work out
Is Veeky Forums a normie board or are most of you actually lonely?
Mfw its cutting season
*blocks your path*
Post your girlfriend Veeky Forums. But only if she is Veeky Forums
Why don't you do Cardio again?
Tfw u spill ur basket of protein
God-tier cutting foods
/fph/ - Fat People Hate Thread
The "healthy food keeps you fuller" meme in my experience is just that - a meme
Do I have gyno?
Growing food
How the fuck?!
"Okay user, why don't you go to town with that tongue of yours on the other hole tonight"
Mom bought me Domino's cheesy bread
Dad is 5'5 or 5'6"
My six year old son is fat, help /fit
I want to be strong, /x/
Make a tinder
Hair loss
Since breasts are composed of fatty tissue, are their size affected by exercise?
/mg/ Manlet General: Manlet Rage Edition
"I was struggling to lose weight again, and one day I just thought ... why am I fighting against my body...
Running general
Gf just became ex-gf and I'm on keto. Best way to dull the pain other than alcohol?
How would MK-677 affect growth during puberty?
About to get in a fight with my neighbor
Be all A student
Rate my body and give me addvices in food and workout for my body tipe
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
How does Veeky Forums dress on a daily basis?
Weaboo Gym Music
Fitness Cringe
Just be confident bro
Cold Shower General
How do you avoid junkfood cravings...
Leg press requires spotters
Sips general
By chance i bumped into a forum where they were saying that DHEA makes you taller
Wtf is the deal with the nofap meme? pic related, I'm about to jerk my dick off. but seriously...
Go outside
2/3 of americans are overweight. Get yourself together america, jesus
Why aren't you playing the sport where you can use your gains to literally smash betas into the ground?
Supplement rate/discussion thread
Why do we let women into our hobbies?
Veeky Forums Gif or webm
Do you ever come to think that there might be more to life than being really good looking?
Is this a decent plan? Looks interesting but I'm not sure if it's too much...
5ft 7 and I weigh about 150lbs. what does everyone recommend for me so i can workout and actually gain muscle...
Is it possible to make jaw gains?
Guys, i want to fill my fit meme folder up...
How do I punch harder Veeky Forums?
Why is Reddit so obsessed with squats?
Had exam in college
What's the best breakfast possible
Why doesn't anybody else make a trap bar with angled handles?
You can't get wide shoulders breh, it's 100% geneti-
Motivation thread
Redpill me on beets
"oh my god look user just took his top off! Ahahaha!"
ITT: We post and rate each others Tinder profiles
Is it bad if I get like like 50% of my calories from gouda?
You are at the gym with your gf and she is on cable machine when this dude approaches her
Who here /gayandmakingit/?
University FItness
match with girl on tinder
Confess your Veeky Forumsness sins to Lord Zyzz
Tfw not as much potential as Clarence
High test thread
Friendly reminder that this is what women want
This is what woman want
How do I get traps?
What to do now?
A friend of mine decided to start lifting with me and one of the first things he asked me was what kind of routine he...
Is this legit
How many days a week and how many bowls each day can I smoke and still maintain 90% performance at the gym...
Manual Labor Jobs
/CBCB/ Current Body Current Book
Not living in Sweden
Tfw no friends
I'm trying to lose weight I'm doing 1200 cals a day (6'1 220 lb guy) and I'm plateauing right now
Milk or no milk
/fat/ Fatty General
High test thread
Why do you lift?
How does Veeky Forums remove their back hair?
When people talk about getting 1/2/3/4, are they typically talking about their 1RM or something like 3x5?
Front squatted 2pl8s today
Hit 200lbs on bench for 5x5
So are pre-workout supplements just a meme?
Why don't I feel the same "burn" on my chest when I do chest exercises that I feel when working any other muscle?
Why don't you want a thinn gee eff Veeky Forums?
Is there anything worse than pinching yourself with a plate?
Is pizza a good food to eat when I'm bulking?
CBT: aesthetics edition
Name my gym crew Veeky Forums
What is the proper feet position for leg press? Apparently my hips externally rotate a bit to much...
How much do I need to squat before I'm not considered a weak beta?
How do people eat oats for breakfast every day and still accomplish anything at all?
This Danish guy is 6ft8 (203cm), 18 years old...
I want to ______ the peanut butter
What is your Veeky Forums morning routine?
Time between training and fap
Routine rate thread
Eat a couple bananas per day
/Fraud/ steroids general
Your everyday shoes
Is parkour considered Veeky Forums?
Since sleep is important for gains, let's have a sleep thread
How do I get traps like this guy?
Normies and Fitness
Just saw my gym crush flirting with my gym nemesis
Push ups thread - roll and hump the floor edition
Be at the gym
Just walked 8 miles. went at my own pace and stopped to pet a few cats
Mirin Part 2
I'd been on a 1000 calorie per day deficit for over a month and still haven't lost any weight. What am I doing wrong...
When will they l
Any advice on NoFap?
When did you grow out of the bench press meme and what did you replace it with?
The virgin walk
That one slav who always goes above the limit
Am I aesthetic yet
Veeky Forums girl lovers get in here!
TFW you realized spending time on such a pessimistic and depressing place like Veeky Forums is messing up your thinking...
Motivation Thread
This is the body women want all men to have
Fight clubs: Europe
Femlet here (4'11")...
Sleep General
Tfw 17 inch arms but flexed still looks small
Do you prefer barbell or dumbell shrugs? Does it make any difference?
Why has no one told me about this shit? This stuff is amazing on a cut
9 Weeks Out
Embarrassing gym stories thread
What is the Calisthenics natty limit?
How to find a fight club
Yo guys, need help with my Tinder profile. Not getting many matches...
Cardio is torture
Theres guys 6 feet on this board right now instead of out getting laid
Daily reminder
So I fucked my car a can't go to the gym, so I have been doing milk jug lifts. Currently I just do squats, bench, rows...
Tfw go to gym to play basketball
Tfw today I saw the qt snowhite girl I like smilling and walking with a 5"7 brown manlet ugly as fuck
Will this be horrible for building strength or my knee health?
Cutting Kryptonite
Thoughts on pre-workouts? I used to use Optimum Amino Energy on and off...
After cumming, how long will it take for no more cum to be in your urethra/pee when you piss?
What do you guys think of my ex bf's build?
Fat and weak
What percentage of the Earth's population can OHP 185+ lbs?
/fat/ Fatty General
What books did /fitlit/ make you decide to pick up?
How to start eating meat as a lifelong vegetarian?
Is (((Scooby)))'s A D V A N C E D workout plan any good for a natty?
I want a body that turns lesbos straight
CBT - masT is by bitch edition
Do you guys have a system for naming your plates too? Here are mine:
Post other god-like condiments for your chicken and rice
Does giving up soda really help with making progress or is just a meme
Why is wrong to get physically fit and lift just to get girls ?
Which activities make you feel that you worth something in life?
Fat, healthy, skinny or what?
/Gyno thread/
Lunch and dinner alternatives
/Chad/ general
I didnt think i'd get this far desu. Dubs decides my response
Take MMA classes
Have any of the shows you watched as a kid influenced you to become Veeky Forums? Pic related...
Start seeing girl
Why aren't you outside getting sun light?
Mum is having another go at me for being 'too big'
/plg/ powerlifting general
Be honest, how mad does this picture make you feel?
How do I stop or control the hunger pains? Drinking water isn't helping it just makes me piss much more
That guy who does more sets between sets
How come rappers that don't even lift look better than most of you that post in /cbt/??? I don't get it...
When you talk about plates like in 1/2/3/4, do you talk about US plates (45lbs/20.4kg) or EU plates (55lbs/25kg)?
ITT: fitness myths that refuse to die
Tfw Easter is one week away
This is what peak performance looks like
Sup Veeky Forums
Doing your cardio in the sweaty smelly gym
Who's your favorite fitness YouTuber
Tfw you're running on ketones
Sup Veeky Forums
Thought I was 5'7, last time I measured was 2013
Can I just do a fullbody routine like below/pic related every other day?
Can you guys help me tone up over the next few months?
Have been "cutting" for about 5-6 months now
Who did you vote for?
Who here /low carb/?
Tfw when 6ft 1
/Manlet/ General
Keto and meme diet summed up
I'm looking for a protein bar. Something I can keep in my bag and snack on in class or at the gym
Is starting strength a meme?
What's the point in lifting if I'm a manlet? If I get muscular i will just look like I'm overcompensating
Dont you know that being lazy is just fine, Veeky Forums? Wouldn't you rather have pop tarts and hang out with friends?
Any good way to work abs that doesn't involve fucking up my spine doing sit ups or using this fucking meme wheel?
He doesn't do yoga
There can only be one champion
Id's for Veeky Forums
1600 hours of my life wasted playing dota
Bread and butter
Fat hate thread?
Reg Parks Beginner Routine
Who else here enjoys a good sip while fasting?
Best over-the-counter fat loss supplements? I have a bit of a belly and I've lost weight...
Prove this picture wrong
Look at progress pics of people who did intermittent fasting
Face progress thread
Calorie Questions
Are strong jaws on females considered aesthetic?
Physical Education was so much better in the 60's
Everyone agrees that your body stores fat for times when food is scarce
Mum bought KFC again
Haha vegans are protein defici--
I'm screwed!
Help Veeky Forums, how do i carry conversations?
How did getting Veeky Forums change you mentally and emotionally?
What's the point of lifting if you don't do cardio?
Who's getting /thicc/ here? Discuss thicc specific inspirations, routines, nutrition, etc
Open gym doors
Redpill me on spinach
Fat people logic
I want to ___ the peanut butter
Would you train your child, Veeky Forums?
He wears tanks and gym shorts OUTSIDE of the gym
I have a question related to IF
Proper edition
Is there a way to just make my brain receive less joy from eating food?
/fat/ - Fatty General
Small wins thread
His birthday was March 24th
What the fuck happened to /fat/?
Whomst here in college
I'm tired of being fat. How do I start this whole "fitness" thing? Sorry if you get these posts 24/7...
Is smoking one or 2 cigs okay if it helps me with anxiety ?
Is lifting for girls overrated?
Is halo top the only junk food substitute that actually tastes good? quest bars aren't bad...
Ywn have a petite azn gf
Anyone ever had one of these? Are they any good?
If your doctor puts you on TRT and you're under 18, will it stop your shoulders from getting broader?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Is water fasting a meme?
Mirin thread?
Veeky Forums food tips
Wow those Rich Piana 5% meals have legit Macros
Rate the Plate
Ground beef
You don't actually have autism
390 calories
Veeky Forums Celebrities
How does Veeky Forums feel about recreational amphetamine usage
My shoulders are like this I've always hated them
/self improvement/ and autism
Anyone else drink every night, yet still hit the gym like 4-5 times a week...
Reply to this post and you will get a gf the next time you go to the gym
Why am I so fucking angry?
I need help
Veeky Forums BTFO
ITT: un/fit/ people you live with
Daily reminder
What does Veeky Forums do for a living?
What do I say back?
High test thread
Sip thread?
/cut/ failures
How does one go MC Ride mode?
Kidney Beans
My last meal of the day is a cup of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of peanutbutter, and a glass of milk
Poorfag here like dirt poor can someone give me some tried and true ways to have a good leg workout without weights or...
Dear lord in heaven lend me your strength
Redpill me on Coconut oil
Inspired workout routines
Day 1 of no soda
Okay boys, ITT we post the most Veeky Forums shows we watch. Chinese cartoons need not apply
So some Chad in the gym is mad at me for hogging the bench for too long...
Gym grabbler grabs the poop scissors from the locker room
Should I incorporate nuts into my diet? More specifically cashew nuts...
Okay Veeky Forums I need help with this one
How am I doing fit?
Is it true that deadlifts are not optimal for hypertrophy?
Besides surgery, how do I get rid of Gyno
Inspiration Thread
Why should i even bother lifting?
Why on earth would I take fitness advice from here when Reddit offers much more substantial answers and can be easily...
Anyone else think fitness is class biased and we shouldn't berate DYELs or fat people because they have no means to...
Lifting since around 3 years
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Summer is coming
Would you care if your girlfriend was fat Veeky Forums ?
Ok Veeky Forums, I'm never really on here so I don't know if this is the right place to post this
Do you guys have a system for naming your plates too? Here are mine:
Hey i have a Veeky Forums boyfriend now, he is also from Veeky Forums and went from skelly to buff...
Protein thread
I hate this cunt and his dutch accent
Chicken genocide
[Fat People Hate - FPH]
CBT - Tfw Cutting would equal Ausschwitz mode edition
Hi Veeky Forums
Where are you supposed to measure your dick from? the bone? or touching the skin?
Was it ahead of its time?
Let's see them fatceps
What percent of the US population can bench 225?
All posters in this thread will have their gains for the day (both physical gains and brain gains) multiplied by the...
I know at least one of you are in wakefield puregym right now. And i can see a bunch of /far/ggots too
Have you guys hit your summer body goals yet...
I cycled 200 miles yesterday and now have reduced feeling in my bellend
Well Veeky Forums?
Femanons can you stop wear this shit at the gym? I cant concentrate when lifting
Come to Veeky Forums for motivation
40kg ohp
I have a big dick at 7.8 inches yet I can't get laid. I've been described as being a "very nice man"...
I just made my first meal prep
Are you telling me.. 1 pl8 OHP is only 40kg in total?
/fraud/ general
What is the absolute fastest method for losing weight? I need to lose 40 lbs in 2-3 months
Post your 7/10s
/fraud/ Steroids general
Rate my take on bulletproof coffee/breakfast Veeky Forums, keep in mind I'm a skelly
Hey I'm 6ft 2 300lbs. I've been walking 9 miles a day at 3mph. I've also been eating less that 1600 calories...
I can lose my virginity to a thick milf
So as the weakling pleb I am, when should I stop doing machines and go to free weights?
Veeky Forums I accidently activated my entire bag of almonds but only want to eat a few now and the rest over the next...
Did you skip leg day?
Shin Pain
Can anyone give me one good reason why I shouldn't become a masked vigilantly...
Post a physique more aesthetic than this
What's the best, most dangerous fat burner I can get my hands on in the US...
How do I not get old and die?
Gym/personal trainer stories
Hey guys. Second time I make a thread about this. So here is my situation:
When did you realize the "manlet" meme was 100% bullshit?
Can you do this?
My girlfriend's personal trainer is more handsome than me. Nothing will happen r-right guys?
Can Connor ever make a bad video? Also Tinder general post your tinder profile and anons will give advince
Alright guys after a year and a half of dieting I'm finally down to 172lbs, 6'...
What are the best foods for a fucked up unhealthy body?
Does NoFap work for girls?
Have been "cutting" for about 5-6 months now
What's his workout?
Why I do think it's time for another unabashed fitgirl thread!
Well, Veeky Forums?
Is 0.5/1/1.5/2 respectable for a beginner that's into 1 months of lifting?
Men have very low standards
Get in faggot, we are gonna drink milk
Tfw too fat to ride Millennium Force
Should I invite her to hang out today?
You guys are my friends, right?
If I'm already prone to autoimmune diseases and inflammation should I stop eating meat?
Post your symmetry
Blood donation general
Redpill me on these things Veeky Forums
Gimme your fit wallpapers
What are some Veeky Forums memes you wish you fell for and now realize is fucking stupid
Decided to start lifting at the age of 31. surprisingly i'm not fat but i'm weaker than teenage girls...
How do you make these taste good holy shit
This is why I lift
Hey guys, my gym has one of those shitty squat stands that offer no safety whatsoever...
Why aren't you eating kidney yet?
Does drinking beer make you more manly, mentally speaking?
Hey Veeky Forums I've been inspired by Conor McGregor and was thinking about, as part of my summer cut...
Whats your excuse for not having a gf when its this easy
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
"So, what sport do you train for?"
Sort yourself out
Day 1 of nofap
Skeleton Beginning
Push up thread
Why do girls do huge bulks and put on like 20+ pounds if they gain like half a pound of muscle a month...
Smile bro! Confidence is all a girl is after!
Hey Veeky Forums
Hello Veeky Forums!
Take 50mg Ephedrine and 200mg caffeine to lose weight with EC stack
How am I supposed to increase self esteem
Why do we take this man seriously again?
Come to Veeky Forums
Why is this place such a right wing infested shithole all of a sudden?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Multiple starving human beings in africa could survive off the calories this man eats and he would still have enough to...
Dad thin
You're at the gym and this guy asks your girlfriend to spot him for his pelvis curls
Why shouldn't I use these pads?
Srs brahs, how do I stop attracting emotionally broken women...
So I don't really care about gaining muscle but I want to get rid of my gut...
Progress / CBT? Year ago, was 6'1 200. Currently 225 and vegan. Howd I do a year in. Pls bully
For whom do you lift, Veeky Forums?
Anyone have experience with Minoxidil(Rogaine) for beard growth?
Give me 3 good reasons why I shouldn't roid
Do you guys ever get sad when working out?
Hey Veeky Forums, I was wondering what your thoughts are with intermittent fasting are...
What does Veeky Forums think about tatoos
Protein Farts
Mfw I can only bench 70 pounds
Sex Pills
What mode is the short guy?
How can you bring utmost pleasure to a girl in bed?
Hey guys! Worked out for about a year now. Can't wear normal jeans anymore haha :D
How do you get rid of belly fat and muffin top? I'm eating 2/3 sandwiches a day...
Bicept r8 thread
Thoughts on alphadestiny?
High bodyfat as a male = Pathetic
You will never get the results you want just doing your arms or chest; it doesn't work that way
Are you confident, Veeky Forums?
What Training gloves do Veeky Forums recomend?
Poop gains
Smith Machine
A sort of incident happened in my first week of going to the gym, so I'd rather not go anymore...
Veeky Forums Ideals Thread
Sup Veeky Forums, autismo here, who sucks at social situations
Let's talk about Joe Rogan
/FITLIT/ general
What's a good routine for a beginner?
Hey Veeky Forums
Manlet shame thread
High Test (Colored Edition)
Anybody here got alphadestiny's naturally enhanced program?
Trying to lose weight, 120 bucks for 21 of these meals delivered to my house a good deal?
Is SS for one month enough for me to go do my own bootybuilding routine?
Injury thread
/Keto General/
What's your opinion on weighted vests? I don't even know if there's one to be had, but thought I might ask
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Kegel Excercises
Chad walks up to you in the gym, puts his hand on your shoulder and gives you this look
Tfw curly hair
What you eating today Veeky Forums
/fat/ - Weight Loss General
Alright Veeky Forums
4 years hard hard work and looking like this
Just lift and be confident bro
Quit smoking
300g of protein
Intermittent Fasting
He wears slim fit or skinny jeans
ITT: Perfect bulking food
/owg/ - European edition
Just flex a 'cep
What are some exercises a girl can do to develop more curves and attain a more feminine body as opposed to an...
What are the 16 wheys of the Veeky Forumsness warrior?
How many of you take creatine Veeky Forums? Does it work?
Weekend feels
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games