Work at gym

>work at gym
>6" 200 lbs (semi lean)
>On treadmill when a 8/10 qt takes the one next to me
>We make idle chit chat
>She's new to the gym and was nervous about coming in
>Have a lot of interests in common
>She nervously asks if we might be able to hang out some time soon
>Give her my number

Here's the problem...... She's got to be at least 220lbs. Am I becoming a degenerate?!


cheers for the blog update senpai

Man, Jimmy Neutron is looking rough

>220 lbs

she better be like 2 meters tall, otherwise you're definitely a degenerate

She was probably about 5" 10

i've seen a female witth a 8/10 face on a fat ass body but face was somehow lean

>"semi lean"

read : blubby sack of shit


waste of digits

The THICC meme has claimed another victim

You're In a good spot op. Assuming this is true and she's as cute as you say all you have to do is become her workout buddy, help her get fit, then you'll pretty much be drowning in sex since her self-esteem will skyrocket and you were there the whole time to see her through it.

no one cares about digits here you Mongoloid

The long con. High risk, but could yield good results.

apply youre self lad

Shes going to the gym. Make her keep going and lose that weight, and dump her if she doesn't.

Literally zero risk.

I rooted a chick like this for a while. Problem is I enabled her to continue her shitty diet and now her face is filled out like fuck

>220 lbs treadmill walker who was nervous about being a new gym member

Wow OP you lucked out! You caught her in one of the only 2 weeks she will ever go to the gym before giving up and being fat for the rest of her life!


I do.

>caring about degeneracy

You fucking pussy. Give her the good D.