Face progress thread

Here's mine, went from a 3/10 to a solid 8/10

You're not an 8 dude lmao

Face on the left looks like the disgusted spic from the Chloe Moretz memes.

i wonder where this dude is now, these posts have been going around for 3-4 years atleast now

probably didnt even post it on Veeky Forums for it to start

Somehow you looked better with some fat on your face.

NCT of peace

Neo/fit/ is too young to remember the glory of Eyebro

Well I still have an ugly mug no doubt. Blue shirt is most recent. Did lose 30 though by eating less and jogging. Going to the gym today for first time, so I'm kinda nervous since its crossfit and I'm weak af.

You'll fit right in with crossfitters

Bah youll be fine.mate good progress

Because I'm weak or because I look like shit lol I wanted to do strength training + accessories to be honest but its free and at least I can use their weights.

Thanks man.


is he still around?

Your new arnt ya?

Is this the birth of an epic NEW meme?

Only one new here is you

it's the rebirth of an old one newfriend

I don't think so, he tripped for a couple of days when this image first blew up, then disappeared

I remember him popping up couple of times back in 2014, but he kinda disappeared.

muh progress
was pretty ugly, hopefully less ugly now

You're now average. Congratulations.

Looks a lot better, don't forget to smile and don't shoot up your school

I know you dude, you are from the netherlands

100 lbs 4 years and contacts.

this has to be puberty

b8 af

At least you tried.

top one was when i was 17 or 18 lmao

Holy shit, that guys Negative Canthal Tilt is repulsive

how the fuck did you do it

what's the second age

The average male in the US is fat, the average person in the EU is skinnyfat.

I have big lips too, don't suck them in. Chicks dig it senpai

I want to mess up your hair in the second pic. Maybe even pat you head

i was a late bloomer, not sure what else though other than lifting

you somehow look like the stick that was up your ass in the first pic got pushed further in there for the second one.

Why can't you go to a regular gym? It ain't that expensive.

Face gain is also looking pretty good. Don't ever stop.

thanks for the advice m8
Didn't know my big sis browsed Veeky Forums

I can't afford my bills currently. Adding more wouldn't be wise. I wanted to get slim/trim for the longest time but after being here for sometime I want to get joocy now. I won't quit though. I'm still working on being stricter on my disciplines.

this is very unsettling

so why is everyone bullying this guy anyway

chad/10. Go forth to victory.

You look like Adam Sandler now

Cause he thinks he's an 8 when he's a 4 at best.

>Didn't know my big sis browsed Veeky Forums
>browsed Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
Do you mean that she browses other boards?!

Stay away heathen, she's pure.

fat fuck here 209lbs 5'9

I'm still to lose like 50lbs, will my face slender down a bit?


the wonders of HRT, should've stayed a lesbian though, was cute

300 > 160

Pls DONT be in london...

>tfw years but still not satisfied


quads confirm... not sure what, though


>that look in the before picture
You wanted to eat the camera, admit it.

you at least look a good guy to chill with, that's just an impression based on looks alone though, hearing you speak and your gestures can change that easily.

Nice quads.

>nice quads
>in a fucking face pic
This place is full of dyels who can't name 3 muscles jesus christ

>calling other people dyels
>doesn't know fats have huge quads
Watch some DBZ newfag


dubsman must learn.
the dubs chose him for this.

Everyone seems to agree with your statements around here so good assumption



>actually got Veeky Forums
>posting on this brazilian candy bracelet making forum

What has happened.

you shouldn't ever post a before picture, knowing you were fat once id stay away from you

>elbows too sharp 2/10 would not bang

Both pictures look like shit.
>Weak jaw
>Sunken droopy eyes
>Shit looking hair
>Loose face skin

from fat dyke to nordic bug eye
>tfw you realize the chad inside you was a lie all along

It's ok brad just do the Mac system

you post tha samet picture in every single face progress thread since 1998 lol

sorry bro, i made a new one for you

About 80 pounds, 9 months between these two. I'm still ugly but I can't believe I ever let it get that bad.

This meme is at least 5 years old. Please stop feeding the new fags

>Roseanne Barr had a sex change

Who'd a thunk it.

Hey dude progress is progress, you should be proud.


how did you make your glasses grow

Would bully before pic in a non harmful, little brother kind of way.

Lots of protein, 5days/week workouts, consistency and dedication.

This is what he looks like now

you're gonna be real pretty when you get lean, looks like you might have good cheek bones

keep up the good work bro


Looks like you have fairly strong cheek and jawline, go for it man


>tfw you used to post in these threads and see this poor kid's mug everywhere
Fuck it could've been me. I had better progress than him and would generally get positive replies, but all it takes is a lil bad luck to become a maymay. Honestly kind of feel bad for this kid, someone please tell me he had it coming so I don't feel so bad.

No, why?

Ugly granny face in the after. Get plastic surgery.