Veeky Forums girl lovers get in here!
which muscle groups do you find the most attractive on a female and what is your order of preference?
I'll start:
back > abs > quads > glutes > bis
also Veeky Forums girl thread I guess
Veeky Forums girl lovers get in here!
which muscle groups do you find the most attractive on a female and what is your order of preference?
I'll start:
back > abs > quads > glutes > bis
also Veeky Forums girl thread I guess
Other urls found in this thread:
Legs obviously.
Then a bit of leanness for light abdominal definition
Then shoulders
Then arms and back
Ass> Thighs
If any other muscle groups are overly built and defined then she's little more then a mockery of a woman and will thus be ignored.
abs and glutes is the only muscle I would give a fuck about on a girl, but flat stomaches are cute as fuck too desu
>Defined six packs on girls
>Defined six packs with heavy vascularity on girls
glutes, thighs, (those hip muscles?? )
das it mayn
Corpora cavernosa
Nobody likes back and v-taper?
Fucking no.
go on...
I do. There's this one asian femlet in my gym, who competes in bikini. The girl has great legs and ass, but her back is absolutely incredible. I'm almost considering asking her what her back routine is.
back > abs > glutes > bis > quads
Starting from skinnyfat, weightlifting 3 days a week and 1 day endurance (eating plenty of protein ofc), how many years is it going to take to reach this as a female? Any idea?
without anavar? never
>Those hip muscles
This man speaks the truth
Well that sucks. Thanks anyway user.
for what it's worth, if you don't want to look like a freak, gymnasts are a good inspiration (don't know if they use anything or not)
I'm too stocky with my bonestructure to be able to look like a gymnast, so not good inspo for me.
Either legs or abs
Cmon man, just start fucking fucking dudes.
That gave me a boner desu, has to be my /nofap/
legit question, is 20lbs curl her max?
uhhh it doesn't look like it
What the fuck is wrong with her bellybutton. Looks like a snatch
>traps, sexier neck area
>glutes, giant ass
>leg*, all of it
any webms where she curls some serious weight?
Thighs and the general back area then biceps
Dani Reardon on youtube
angelica a cute
how fucking old is she jesus
yeaaaaaaa 20lbs dumb bells are her curls working weight, confirmed for dyel
>woman is weak
looks about 25
the Gizzard Queen is not 25
Wtf with all my testosterone i cant build half of those shoulders WHY!!
I mean, she looks bloated as fuck, was hoping she could move at least something heavier
>t. natty mad he curls twice the weight with 11in biceps
>are you jelly of my delts user?
demmasum nice gams
Glutes > Leg adductors > abs > back > quads
>that tensor fasciae latae
Natasha Aughey
ADductors not ABductors
Usually you see them in toned girls bending over
>same DB weight as mine
>arms twice bigger
moments like this makes you want to trade your natty card, desu
Mirin them shoulders too , wtf does 3d delts only comes from roiding or what cause look at her arms , are not even impressing
>3d delts only comes from roiding
that is the general concensus, yes
No woman should have less than 25% bodyfat, this will cause a hormonal imbalance resulting in a deficiency of oestrogen, infertility, lack of periods, and possible reduced bone density.
Think about that when you can visibly see a woman's abs.
Who dat?
chad's fleshlight
Just eat right and it the right amounts and keep working out. That's all there is to it.
Everybody makes the same mistake, we want to look like others or better than others, and when we don't we quit. The only person we should try to be is the best WE can be. The only person you need to outwork is yourself.
Best way to do that is to find a diet/workout regimen that is sustainable for your circumstances, stay on it and avoid mirrors naked for the first several months. Then you will see progress (t. Henry Rollins)
>Brazilian dwarven girls on steroids
>I don't even train delts they just grow
a man shouldn't go below 15% but who the fuck cares
Best girl incoming
Olivia Moschetti
she's getting bigger
Thanks for cropping the dude's butt outta this picture
no prob bob
Legs (quads and hamstrings), ass, back, shoulders, lats.
>girl lats
good taste
It's all about the delts.
Growing up, Street fighter and tekken got me into girls like this.
Holy shit.
I'm glad morbid curiosity and my "if it's feminine and was born with a cunt give a chance" mood brought me to this thread.
Who else /chloemode/?
great taste desu
I love her. Wish I could spar with her.