Reminder that the underlying factor of obesity is not calories, its insulin, or rather insulin resistance.
Get to know this smart gentleman, Dr. Fung. His argument is that insulin and insulin resistance are the enemy in terms of obesity, not caloric intake. It’s about eating foods that keep your insulin low. It’s also about eating once or twice in a 6 to 10 hour window and then fasting until you eat the next day at break-FAST. This gives the body enough time to clean out the glycogen stores and get to the fat you want to lose.
Fasting has been lost in our culture in the last 100 years. Mainly because you can’t make money telling people not to eat and you can’t sell pills to healthy people, but I digress. Fasting is an ancient practice found in practically all religions. It makes evolutionary sense as well. If you haven’t eaten in a while you don’t want your body to shut down, you want it to rev up so you can get out there and find some food.
The Nobel Prize winner of 2016, Yoshinori Ohsumi, also found an amazing body function called Autophagy. It’s basically a house cleaning mechanism activated during fasting that has profound effects such as preventing cancer, anti-aging, and metabolizing loose skin, just to name a few.
Oh, and worried that you’ll lose muscle mass on a fast? Your body always goes for the fat stores first, that’s what it’s there for. Why chop up the sofa if you have firewood available. In fact, in males, your Human Growth Hormone (HGH) increases up to 2000% while fasting. Source:
This thread is for Obese or overweight people who have questions about intermittent fasting and the diet involved.
Please bump the thread if you're lurking and interested. I'm doing this for the love guys.
Henry Butler
Get out of here Dr. Fung
Jason Gonzalez
Oliver Young
A calorie is not a calorie
Leo King
Thanks, This shit deserves attention. Watch the recommended video, its pure gold. I care about my obese /fitizens/. They've been given bad advice and then they're ridiculed when they fail. I'm doing it for the love, my dudes.
I'm willing to answer questions if you have them. Or debate some.
Cooper Jones
I'm pretty sure what he's saying is true but also that it's irrelevant to the majority of the obese population, who have no idea how many calories they are consuming/need to consume vs can't loose weight because of muh insulin resistance. His book is on hoopla I will read it and see if it's good because I'm actually interested but his youtube videos were good but nothing mindblowing.
Ryder Campbell
Yes. I wish more people knew about this.
Some things that have drastically changed how I look and feel: fermented cod liver oil, apple cider vinegar, intermittent fasting, and increased digestive enzyme consumption.
The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) has a lot to say about this type of diet.
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon Morrell is a great read on this.
Joseph Sanchez
Actually this is 100% consistent with cico
Just that insulin affects the "out" side of the equation
Logan Brooks
Awesome, it really is good stuff. I accomplished what I couldn't do in a year of "counting" in just 2 months of intermittent fasting.
Any links? I'm kind of stuck in a bubble on youtube.
William Cruz
this. he literally says in the video that CICO is 'one of two compartments' of weight regulation.
Ethan Thompson
Yep but its not as straight forward as it sounds. CICO doesn't work if you're eating 6 times a day and never give your body a chance to fast. Even worse if carbs are a big part of your diet because they're so insulinogenic (produce a lot of insulin).
The problem is people think that as long as they count calories they can eat whatever and whenever throughout the day. That's where you get into trouble.
Daniel Jones
it's one part of it, yeah. you can fast however fucking long you want, but if you cram 5000 calories down your gullet, it's still going to net weight gain.
it hardly counts as "BTFO"
Adrian Sullivan
I just came of from a 10 week fast, where I would eat from 7pm until 12:30ish am. Honestly ruined my body composition, and I pout on 4 kgs. I was that hungry I often found myself just going for anything especially after 7pm. Still kept a high protein diet.
I believe fasting is good but not practical. Evolutionary wise we don't need to rely on certain factors because our main evolutionary stand point is our ability to adapt.
Realistically from a historical stand point those that couldn't afford to eat and had a diet that was mainly whatever they could get there hands on but low protein and certainly not people you would see on greek statues.
TL;DR >Evolution arguement is out the window because we are all about adaptation and our body doesn't care as long as it has a source of fuel and that each macro has its own fuel properties
>Fasting causes your body to store the best type of fuel and use the one that is needed for the its property. This mean that as soon as glycogen stores are filled, everything but protein will go into storage.
"Everyone has a doctor in him; we just have to help him in his work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness." -Hippocrates, one of the three fathers of Western medicine
"Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor." -Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C. Fasting activates Autophogy: A house cleaning mechanism that prevents disease:
Robert Gomez
Let me reiterate that that ancient Egyptian inscription is 6 thousand years old. And we've only stopped fasting in the last 100 years and there are fucking diseases everywhere. There seems to be a correlation.
Nathan Fisher
Its more of a shock statement to get the thread attention, I will admit.
But I would still argue that Insulin resistance is the primary cause and CICO is secondary in terms of obesity.
Jordan Williams
>fatty still shilling dr chung
let me ask you a question OP
how many lbs did you lose since you started this?
Julian Gonzalez
Like 25 lbs. I feel way better and its way easier to manage. I feel sharper and have more energy. It hardly feels like a strain. I also don't count calories I just eat one small meal every morning. Sometimes I skip a day. I need to lose 10 more lbs.
Once you're accustomed to the lifestyle its super easy. It was tough at first because I was eating a lot of processed carbohydrates. I had headaches and was a cranky prick the first day and a half. Now its easy street.
I drink a lot of water throughout the day and 1 or two have salt added in. I also take a multi with the small meal.
Ethan James
Not OP but let me ask you a question.
Why does your body store fat?
Julian Myers
I'd like to add; it is also way easier to commit to after you've researched 20+ hours of content on the benefits of fasting and the disadvantages of refined carbs.
Noah Fisher
To build muscle you need to eat in excess.
Eating excess within short periods of time isn't just effective for building muscle.
The body just has so many ways for utilizing food sources, I can't believe for a second that dumping a whole bunch of calories into your body is just an effective means for any kind of productive and utilization for fuel.
I'd say it would be more accurate that if we look at it historical we would eat where and when we can, but mainly before doing strenuous activities and in rested states where food is available and in between that we wouldn't but that doesn't have such a genetic impact that it effects our evolution just doesn't make sense.
Nathaniel Nguyen
>fatties thinking this is some sort of excuse for being a fat fuck Let's be honest, you're not going to follow this gook's advice if you can't even keep your fat mitts out the cookie jar and eat at the caloric deficit in the first place, which by the way is much easier than IF.
Henry Morgan
ALSO its very important that you get a good nights rest. It will lower your stress levels caused by cortisol which also has a great effect on weight gain.
Benjamin Bell
Yeah this is for obese people. Once I've hit my lean goal it will give me motivation to research the application of intermittent fasting on gaining mass. Until then I'm only versed its effects on losing weight.
Jaxson Foster
Their addicted to food because their insulin resistance is so high and they need to eat a lot to get enough insulin for it to work. Its not a behavioral affliction. As much as people would love to bash fatties all day, it just isn't the case. The only behavioral implication was listening to your doctor and eating a less fat / more carb diet which is very high in insulin. Then he gives you more insulin for your diabetes furthering the damage. Its a vicious cycle. The answer isn't MORE insulin, its less.
Beginning the fast will be tough, you'll have great withdrawals for the first 1, 2 or 3 days depending on the severity of your obesity. After you get acclimated it'll be a walk in the park.