Hey I'm 6ft 2 300lbs. I've been walking 9 miles a day at 3mph. I've also been eating less that 1600 calories...

Hey I'm 6ft 2 300lbs. I've been walking 9 miles a day at 3mph. I've also been eating less that 1600 calories. But my weight isn't going down much at all I'm just hovering around 293. What am I doing wrong?

Try to do something more than just walking. Can you go swimming?

Add some upper body exercise.

I don't have access to a pool. I can try push-ups and sit ups though I guess. Thanks for responding

Also aren't I burning enough calories walking to keep my calorie intake below a thousand? I thought that puts you into starvation mode or some shit.

Dude. With all do respect. You are a fucking retard. Let me explain

You eat 1600 Cals a day right?
Your BMR at 300 pounds is probably about 3000 Calories.

BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the amount of calories your body consumes to keep functioning AT REST.

To effectively lose weight without losing muscle mass aswell you will need a calorie deficit of about 20-25%. Meaning that to effectively lose weight you will have to consume about 2600 Calories a day.

You fucking idiot. By eating so much less, your body is going into starvation mode, trying to save as much body mass as possible. If you want to lose hope and stay fat keep doing what you are doing.

Yeah I'm and idiot. Thanks for telling me how it works.

Disregard that I suck cocks. Your BMR would be 2400, so workout how much you calories you burn with the cardio and then get that 20% deficit. Goodluck.

Thanks for the help I really appreciate it.

>By eating so much less, your body is going into starvation mode
mate you are so fucking wrong.
OP's problem is that he doesn't know how to count calories. if he was TRULY on 1600 calories a day he WOULD lose weight

read the sticky, starvation mode isn't a thing unless you're anorexic.

Sticky = solid advice given by juicy dudes
Veeky Forums = horrible awful advice given by DYELs and some gay porn

Yeah I remember when I weighed 300 pounds. Goodluck brother, it really is worth it.

How many days?

If you lose over 1lb a week it's been a good week. I just dropped down from 165lb to 147lbs. I went boxing 5 nights a week and I ate clean/counted my calories. After the first week I lost at an average rate of 1lb - 1.5lbs a week at the most.

It's a long process. Don't diet, just make a sustainable eating plan for the rest of your life and the weight will fall off.


You are correct. Starvation mode is the dumbest shit I've ever heard come out of someones mouth.

MANG. Way to fucking ruin it. Im just helping this pleb to not eat under the threshold, lose muscle along with the fat, and end up skinny fat. Same mistake I did.

It's been a week and a half and I normally hover between 300 and 293. I've been eating 2 eggs and a slice of toast in the morning. Then I eat 4-5 toast with peanut butter throughout the day. It not that healthy of eating but I'm unemployed with no money and this is the food I have left. I'm pathetic I know. But if I can lose some weight maybe I won't be so depressed and get some confidence.

Hey man, if you have internet take a look at Athlean X. Hes a Jewtuber with solid fitness advice. Helped me a lot. Youre gonna make it bro.

You need to eat some vegetation also to avoid malnutrition and lack of vitamins. If you live in a rural area, try to find some dandelions and eat the leaves as a salad. You can also cook stinging nettles (just like spinach).

Google what they look like, be careful to not eat anything poisonous.

Walking around looking for that will also help you burn more calories. Good luck!

Try to kick the peanut butter as soon as you can. The calories in that blew my mind.

Also focus on getting a job, that will help with confidence levels and allow you to buy some decent food.

You should be losing about 3-4 lb a week if you aren't lying.

Either way it's working dude. Go for 1000 if you don't have muscles

Thanks for the advice everyone. X

You are not eating 1600 calories a day

Bruh it's been a week and a half and you went from 300 to 293? Just keep at it

You're lying and you don't even know it. I'm 5'8'', weight 167 lbs and lose weight by eating 1900 calories per day.

Learn to count calories.

>starvation mode
I think you're the retard here, lad

This is what I eat eaten the last week and a half.

It's only been a week and a half! Just keep at it. It's barely enough time to even track any progress