Skinny fat here.
How do I reach hungry skele mode?
I want to be extremely small and thin so I can bulk for a while.
Skinny fat here.
How do I reach hungry skele mode?
I want to be extremely small and thin so I can bulk for a while.
don't eat
that dude is becoming cringe
Is there a website that lists all the big tit whores he pays to hang out with?
Asking for research purposes.
>that dude is becoming cringe
He always was. You're just growing up. He does get some high quality escorts though, I'll give the bastard that much.
He's living the life that men envy and wish they could live. If he had a few women he kept to sire his children and they weren't going to fuck him out of half of his shit, he'd be considered a modern american king or noble.
>roids 25/7
>wears giant beard because face is fucked
>has never worked a day in his life, 100% daddy trust fund
>spend life posing for instagram photos with prostitutes
which part if that says king or nobleman to you?
i want the 16 year olds to leave
>>roids 25/7
Kings and noble men spent inordinate amounts of time on their looks
>>wears giant beard because face is fucked
They wore wigs, got surgery, wore makeup etc etc.
>>has never worked a day in his life, 100% daddy trust fund
...LOLOL Name 2 kings who worked or weren't 100% daddy/mommy's/ancestors trustfund/empire/wealth
>>spend life posing for instagram photos with prostitutes
Spend life posing for statues, pictures, writing down their vapid thoughts, starting wars and taking down essentially helpless or peaceful empires for their own egos.
I want retards who have no concept of history and a romantic notion of life to fuck off.
>LOLOL Name 2 kings who worked or weren't 100% daddy/mommy's/ancestors trustfund/empire/wealth
1. Ghenghis Khan
2. Napoleon Bonaparte.
Great Khan and Emperor
i dont envy shit about his life u fake piece of shit
Genghis Khan is a conqueror and ruler
Napoleon is a general who manipulated his way to the top.
Kings, for the most part, did not earn their positions. The true kings of this world, this time, were born into their power and wealth.
They were both self made.
Ghenghis khan was basically an outcast and his mother barely survived with their children.
Napoleon's father was a bootmaker and Napoleon rose up in the ranks through skill.
>living embodiment of money can't buy taste
>becoming cringe
This guy is an insecure manchild. Imagine how pathetic you have to be to pay women just to hang out with you for instagram pictures.
holy shit this guy has issues
if he thinks the only alternative to not paying whores is to squirt lube and fuck your fist then this nigga is gonna die either alone or in a miserable relationship with a succubus
Its funny people call him childish, yet 99,99% of all guys that arent full blown nerds/geeks strife to be that men that fucks a lot of girls. Also known as chad/Tyrone/jamal.
So what is it? You either full of shit or jelly as fuck.
human life is meaningless. rich people prove it.
Defensive as fuck.
Conqueror and man who manipulated his way into the position.
That doesn't happen as much as you think it does. Most kings and royalty are born with that.
Dude is modern day nobility. I know this ruffles your feathers and your retarded masturbatory fantasy of being a self-made this really comfy western world where you don't have to deal with shit. But it's true.
>Kings and noble men spent inordinate amounts of time on their looks
>Name 2 kings who worked
Pretty much every king who wasn't a puppet you absolute retard. Inheriting power doesn't mean you don't have to work to keep it.
>Spend life posing for statues, pictures, writing down their vapid thoughts, starting wars and taking down essentially helpless or peaceful empires for their own egos.
>writing books and fighting wars=posing for pics with chicks who are only there because they're paid to be there
>thinks there is such a thing as a "peaceful" empire
How do you think they became empires in the first place dumbass?
>Chad: gets girls because of his looks and/or confidence/charm--preferably a combination of the two
>Loser: gets girls because he pays for them
Dan Bilzerian is not a chad.
>>Kings and noble men spent inordinate amounts of time on their looks
Basically any history book you can name.
>Pretty much every king who wasn't a puppet you absolute retard. Inheriting power doesn't mean you don't have to work to keep it.
Wow, you're fucking retarded.
>How do you think they became empires in the first place dumbass?
You're fucking retarded. Like you honestly know fuck all
But you will say the average famous rich person who is objectively inferior to the chad/jamal/vincent archetype is in fact a chad in the same sentence.
>doesn't actually provide a citation
>thinks calling someone a retard is an adequate substitute for actually providing a counter-example or -argument
Am I getting baited?
Calling someone who thinks queen elizabeth is actually doing anything on her throne or thinks the Rothschilds aren't the god kings of the world a fucking retard is not an argument. It's a statement of fact.
Kings and queens aren't all out playing power games like in fucking GoT.
he probably cruise test like most big guys that are always lean
his face is normal, there are plenty videos and pictures when he was on the army with almost no beard
yeah, i wish i didn't have to work half as much as i do
i would too if people have any interest in my miserable life
you may think that his life is sad, but thats just you justifying your jealousy
How do you know exactly that he pays for them? His status alone will pull him enough chicks for life. Also Chad never had to work for it either and pulls sololy because of his beauty. Why would that be more respectable?
Anyhow, in the end he fucks a lot of women. Thats a winner in my book.
>implying I brought up Queen Elizabeth
>believes in the Rothschilds meme
Male Kim Kardashian
>Also Chad never had to work for it either and pulls sololy because of his beauty
I literally said right in my post the more a Chad pulls because of a combination of looks AND charm, the more Chad it is.
>Anyhow, in the end he fucks a lot of women. Thats a winner in my book.
I'm guessing you're a virgin. Most of the pleasure of meaningless sex stems from the ego boost you get from "the chase" and being successful at the end of it. The remaining part is a combination of physical pleasure and a certain level of intimacy you get with a girl who is physically and somewhat personally attracted to you--you don't get that with a hooker.
does this really warrant a thread?
If you're skinny fat you already look like shit so what do you have to lose by actually lifting and putting on some muscle mass. If you come out fat you'll look like shit but you did anyways. And I guarantee you wont as you gain muscle. Stop being a pussy. Lift some weights eat alot
better to bulk up and then cut
cut is super easy. bulk up and build muscle is a way different story
just stop eating and do cardio to get in an even bigger deficit.
I wish I were born rich so I could do the ridiculous shit this guy does.
Rich guy that pays for women here.
I'm pay for them two ways. I sometimes go the direct route and just flat out pay for high end girls, especially if tired and don't want to party or do anything. This is the cheapest way even though the girls I get are between a grand and three grand a night, sometimes more.
But the most common route I go is I just spend a lot of money at clubs and that attracts girls. I take them places and just keep in contact with them, and sometimes will offer to fly them to where I'm at. I never directly pay for sex, but, you figure I'm buying them dinners and taking them to expensive places... it's basically indirect paying.
that actually make more of sense