HELP ME Veeky Forums
Here's my story.
>Never was taught about fitness/health growing up.
>Grandma raised me because no father and mother was never there.
>Grandma would feed me 2 mcdonalds platters and a medium soda every day for breakfast.
>Grandma would feed me a Panda express plate every day for dinner.
>Joined the military. Got Veeky Forums
>Got kicked out of military, sent to prison.
>Got insanely Veeky Forums
>Dealing drugs and running my crew of homies. We were all training.
>Met the woman of my dreams. Married her and had a kid.
>Getting my credit up, got a new car, new place to live, taking care of my family single-handedly.
>Somewhere between meeting wife and now, I gained 80 pounds of pure fat.
I enjoy your board, its a great place to learn about self-improvement. Heres my problem: I can't stay motivated. I will start running, losing , lifting again to a point, then just stop. I am getting depressed, and hating myself. Please, I come to you for help. I need it ALL. How do you stay motivated, how do you work your way up the ladder? Please give me quotes, memes, pictures, stories ANYTHING! I know I am worth it I just need to break my bad habits and form new life habits. I have stopped drinking and smoking and will go to pick up a bunch of healthy food today. Please help me Veeky Forums, I don't want to pass along these negative habits to my daughter. I thank you fit and if just one other person sees this thread and gets motivated to be Veeky Forums, then it was all worth it.




Just keep going. Make it routine. Don't let yourself skip ever.

Take progress picks so you can see the changes.

Ice the fuck up and realize you've still got a better situation than most humans so just keep playing hard

just come here and look at the FPH/FPS thread every day.

I like that ok my brain is starting to go in the right direction

Worth a shot Ill do it

>Married with a child

No wonder you can't commit to something like working out. You poor, poor fool. Why'd you have to go and do something like that?

cmon bros, I know you're out there

my wife likes to watch me fuck other women and threesomes, but yeah, I see what you did there


Honestly just watching a video or two of bro youtubers gives me motivation. Not those dumb fitness techno motivation videos but just lifters I genuinely like to watch. I'm sure if you try different things to try to motivate yourself you'll find something that works for you keep at it man.

You need to see your goals in front of you at all times
Talk to your friends about it ( they might think you're a duchbag but who care dtel)

For me it's to look like a jojo character but you have to find your own goal
It will be a long journey but in the end we'll make it


Hi /fitlit/

Craig knows it to user, get thos gains in the name of zyzz

Here u go

>helping a degenerate drug dealing criminal "readjust to society"
fuck off degenerate trash, you think you can just leave behind all the shit you've done by raising a kid? I sure hope she ends up being a criminal fuck like you too and gets killed in a drug deal gone bad or a roastie slut getting pimped by Jamal. Nothing you do in life will ever make up for the damage you've done to society dumb nigger

Have you read the sticky?

You gotta find your own motivation, we can't do that. But it seems like you already have some in the form of your daughter. Do you want her to grow up thinking your a fat sack of shit or look up to you as a hard working dude?

Have you considered going back to jail, Eduardo?