Front squatted 2pl8s today

Front squatted 2pl8s today
>pic related


I too front squat over 2 plate on a regular basis.

Pic related

yes, it looks like you barely lift.

lel, no definition.

Why are your legs rotated!!!???

i don't do any leg exercises


>thinking 2plate fs isn't beginner tier
>thinking those quads are good

>be at gym
>there's a regular indian guy working out there
>curly hair by the shoulders
>greasy hair
>disgusting color skin
>smells bad
Indians truly are disgusting

serious question, why do indians smell so bad? diet? hygiene?

Well done user.

Hygiene. They don't have the same hygiene standards as many people in western countries do.

Kek, i'm black cumskin

OP here

Wanna know how I know you don't lift?

Where is your nigger genetics?

You don't. But go ahead.

Post pic then. Otherwise, leave this board DYEL

Nice Blog

lol mate, you don't know what you're talking about. your 'quads' are testament to that. how dare you accuse anyone of not lifting for daring to mention they front squat more than a piddly 2plate lmao.

no i won't post a pic because i don't have on on this computer and don't feel like taking a pic of my legs to appease some random arsehole with high opinions of himself on the internet.

My nigger genetics is allowing me to fuck multitudes of Beckys with relative ease tbhfam.

Tl;dr: Confidence and lack of autism

Mad dyel confirmed lel. "You don't feel like taking a pic of your legs" is code for you not having legs.

No, not wanting to take photos of my body and post them for you on Veeky Forums is code for not wanting to take photos of my body and post them for you on Veeky Forums.

even if i was DYEL (i'm not) and even if I couldn't out squat you (I can and anyone could with more than a year of lifting, its not that unbelievable to those who aren't dyel) then you still can't tak shit because your squat is low and your legs look like an average joe's

get your squat up higher. texas method pushed mine up to just beyond 200kg for a double.

Shame you have to e-stat just to impress little old OP.

I'm flattered

>thinking 200 for a double is anything to brag about
i'm done, little man. if you think 200kg is somehow an unbelievable claim in a board dedicated to lifting then you're just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point

>poo in skin

Hygiene and worse body odor because more hairy and no grooming
Source : I'm Indian

Wanna know how I know you don't lift?
>Front squatted 2pl8s today
>posting pic

When my legs looked decent... :(

H8s gonna h8

They look like Big Lenny's

What's up with the black chicks?

Thats my girlfriend, she isnt black, she is filipino, irish, native american, and lithuanian.

Who is Big Lennys?

Doesn't look like it.

My gf is in the blue dress lmao. And that pic was from like 4 years ago

and youre still together happy to hear :))))

You clearly don't lift enough.

Yeah, :) together forever

I would post pics of her but i respect her too much to show rando anons

I'm fat as fuck and I can barely squat 1 plate for 10reps on back squat. I don't even know how to front squat and my legs look better. Well at least I think so.

They do. Genetics is a bitch.

You're the man, front squats are the best.

I front squatted 91kg for 3x5 two days ago and still feel sore, it was a shit workout for some reason. But front squats are the full squats older brother that's not just a mongoloid mass monster but can read and write poetry and knows basic mathematics. Just a lot more sophisticated if you know what I mean.

Nah they look fat, unless its the lighting.


I am fatty slowly changing my life, i have been squatting for a while now and can do 5x5 with 70 kg. I am 190cm and weight 130kg so that is actually a very small amount. but i do feel that i lack proper form, and that the knees are taking a beating and hurt afterwards so i have decided to lower squat weight until i have proper form, problem is i cant seem to "get it" by watching videos, do i have to fucking pay a personal trainer to help me or something?