Is this a decent plan? Looks interesting but I'm not sure if it's too much. Obviously each is a different day and I'd do each one twice a week
(1) dumbell incline-10/8/6/20 (2) barbell incline-10/8/6/20 (3) machine press-3x10 (4) dumbell OHP-10/8/6/6 (5) Arnold Press-10/8/6/6 (6) Reverse Machine fly-10/8/6/6 (7) cable tri kick back-10/8/6/20 (8) french curls-10/8/6/20 (9) dips? (10) cable push downs-3x(5/15) Back/bi: (1) pull ups 3xF (2) close lat pull down- 10/8/6/20 (3) lat pull down wide- 10/8/6/20 (4) one handed cable row- 10/8/6/20 (5) bent over row- 10/8/6/20 (6) spider curl- 10/8/6/20 (7) one handed rope curl-3x8 (8) 2 handed rope curl-3x8 (9) Neg machine curl-3xF
Legs: 5x5 (1) leg press (2) leg extension (3) one leg squat (4) leg kick back (5) calf raises (6) leg retractor machine (7) lunges
Kayden Sanchez
9hr arm workout?
Camden Powell
Is it really that arm heavy? A lot of people told me to have 4 exercises per muscle group
Levi Gomez
All you need is pushups, situps, planks, pullups, dips, bodyweight squats, and cardio.
Luis Sullivan
If I wanna be a fag
John James
im gonna assume you are DYEL based on this shitty routine you slapped together a bunch of random exercises with a retarded rep scheme >mfw10/8/6/20 id recommend SS+GOMAD for a beginner like you. This routine would work if youre roiding though
Joseph Flores
Same poster as above if you want to keep a PPL somewhat aesthetic routine then do this and focus heavily on compounds (the big 5)
chest/tri/should BB bench incline DB bench DB flys OHP side lateral raises DB shrugs overhead tricep extension tricep pushdown
Back/bi deadlift bent over BB rows lat pulldown ezburl curl hammer curl
legs squat leg extension calf raises (use smith machine and one of those meme ledges or some plates for full mobility)
like i said focus on compounds do 4-6 rep scheme (advance weight when you can do 3x6 or 3x5) and 6-10 rep scheme for isolation lifts.
Dylan Martinez
Awesome thanks man
Juan Gomez
But why is this bad? Not a total DYEL, been lifting on and off because of medical reasons for 4 years
Isaac Wright
>Not a total DYEL What is your squat,deadlift, bench, and OHP max?
Noah Bell
>t. Guy who doesn't have a gym membership and deludes himself into thinking this is enough
Justin Jenkins
way too much volume, we can't say anything without knowing your experience
Samuel Smith
Disgusting. Way too much volume, and way too many sets. What is 10/8/6/20 even supposed to do? Why such a large difference in reps in one session? What weight? 20 with the same as 6? Why would you be doing the same thing every week? 3xf makes no sense, it causes much more fatigue than it's worth.
Brandon Diaz
Explain special forces
Jose Phillips
I was attached to sf for 3 years and they didnt just do bodybuilding exercises. Our gym has 20 squat racks/platforms.
Thomas Martin
Am I suppose to be doing 35 sets per workout? I usually bitch out after 10 or so
William Clark
Bodyweight *
Daniel Ward
I was a SWCC for 4 years and we didn't use weights
Christian Bell
Most SF are cardio bunnies
Brody Murphy
I can't squat heavy at all after l2-t2 fusion, bench was 345 ohp was 250. Not close to that now because I'm 2 weeks in to being able to lift again
Zachary Diaz
Also, it's the internet, I could just lie anyways
Henry Stewart
if you had a 250 ohp you wouldnt be on here with your shit tier routine and shit tier questions. Dont lie when asking for help, retard
Jayden Russell
Had a personal trainer you diptard
Jaxson Gonzalez
>spent enough time in the gym to get to 250 ohp >unable to remember what he did during those hundreds of hours wew lad might wanna go to the doc and get checked for brain damage
Ayden Lewis
>goes to a thread about helping someone >starts Internet fight that no one actually cares about