Can I just do a fullbody routine like below/pic related every other day?
>1x5 Deadlift
>3x5 Squats
>3x5 Bench Press
>3x5 Overhead Press
>3xF Pull-Ups
>3xF Dips
Is there anything that would be lacking on a routine like that?
Can I just do a fullbody routine like below/pic related every other day?
>1x5 Deadlift
>3x5 Squats
>3x5 Bench Press
>3x5 Overhead Press
>3xF Pull-Ups
>3xF Dips
Is there anything that would be lacking on a routine like that?
Other urls found in this thread:
He forgot to mention roids
do what you want man. i believe in you. you can do it
Add chin ups as well
Thats too many dips
delts for hypertrophy
You think he's roiding?
There's nothing that says "roids" in that pic
Alright alright so new routine is
>1x5 Deadlift
>3x5 Squats
>3x5 Bench Press
>3x5 Overhead Press
>3x8 Chin-Ups
>3x8 Lateral Raises
>3xF Pull-Ups
>1xF Dips
Pretty sure he wasn't on roids but that'd be the shortcut, probably. I'm planning to do this routine for the rest of my life though so
rip lats
>heavy deads and squats based routine
>disproportionate UPPER body
Rlly makes u fink
>can I just do reggie parks beginner routine and make gains
Add a few different exercise variations to compliment the main lifts.
I would also recommend to just throw in some curls in there from time to time. Just don't go over 10 reps.
Stiff-Legged Deadlift
Box Squats
Close Grip Bench Press
Paused Overhead Press
T-Bar Row
Pendlay Row
And why not run this program
>bench, pullups, dips, and overhead press
4/6 of the exercises he listed are upper body
Did you just not read the whole list of exercises or what
plz be bait
What can I do instead of chin ups and pull ups if I'm too weak to do them?
You can do assisted versions. Using the assisted pullup-dip station at the gym. You can also do negative versions, where you start at the top of the movement and slowly drop to the dead hang position ussing your strength to slow your descent
Do negatives.
strength =/ aesthetics, I don't know where this notion came from. Two years ago it was as established fact as calories in vs calories out. The dude in the OP only looks big because of the lines drawn on him, take them off and he looks like your typical 6 month lifting skeleton
if you can handle it go for it solid routine for a natty.
For me though, i'd just get rid of deadlifts entirely and just do sprints(hamstrings) and rows(upperback and traps). Deadlifts just fucking drain you so much and hardly gives you hypertrophy.
Also guys like Layne Norton, myself, and many other guys have slipped a disc even when their form is impeccable. I have a video of myself when I got a disc herniation from deadlifting, no rounded back at all and yet it still happened.
Nowhere in the pic is a full body routine mentioned
too much volume for a noobie
don't make up your own routine
sub maximal strength gain = muscle gain
aesthetics = low bodyfat, muscle, and genetics (how you'll end up looking)
protip: even top strength athletes use isolations or higher rep movements traditionally used in "bodybuilding"
>dont ever do curls
>snap elbow while jerking 180kg or cuck yourself out of a high bench press
I've been doing reggie parks w/ accessories thrown in for like 3 years now.
Is that bad?
No, full body workouts are fine. How strong are you? Are you where you'd expect to be after 3 years?
seriously he got a shit body
no chest
baby biceps
can't see the no triceps
shit core
chicken legs
his forearm are also fucking shit
It's only good lightning
You can get the same body in less than a year if you're not a fucking retard
OP you really think you can handle all those compounds in one day, while adding weight to the bar? Here's my routine.
I alternate Push and Pull 6 days a week with one rest day, or rest when I need too.
Chin ups
Some times I'll throw in some accessory work, but not always.
>Are you where you'd expect to be after 3 years?
No, I started the program at 400 lbs while cutting, cut down to 195 with very little mass gain. After that I tore the meniscus in both my knees and had two surgeries so my squat and dl don't exist because I'm afraid of injuring myself again.
Post bod
Did you get a meniscus removal or a repair? if removed lifting is totally fine, you can even max out. Tons of powerlifters I know have had the same injury with no problem afterwards.
Yes I know it's not that big of a deal but I still get pain and inflammation in both my knees, which is why I'm afraid of doing doing heavy lower body work.
>a shit body
Shut the fuck up. You're so fucking stupid. Stop with the goddamn hyperbole, you little shit
post yours nigger
You'll probably have to break it up into an "A" and "B" day, or it'll be too much volume for one day. The lifts that are later in your routine will suffer.
When you do that, you'll probably end up with something that looks an awful lot like SS, SL, etc. It's almost like they * know* somehow....
Dedicated core.
On off days. Or at the end of the workout.
Planks, Russian twists and hanging leg raises.
At least once a week.
Also you could add a row. You have 3 x upper body push...
And maybe lunges.
post vid please, I have a morbid obsession with snap city vids
people look funny at me when i do it
Guarantee OP's back look like shit
Fuck those people.
>every other day?
x5 Deadlift
x5 Squats
x5 Bench Press
x5 Overhead Press
xF Pull-Ups
xF Dips
>Is there anything that would be lacking on a routine like that?
If i had 3 days a week to train I'd do
>Squats, deadlifts, low impact cardio (swim, bike, rowing machine)
>Bench, OHP, pullups. Dips, (cable) rows, isolations if you aren't dead by now.
>this normal looking physique is impossible without roids
He's not even incredibly jacked
Pic related is what I'm doing.
Bro tip: if you got long arms, you won't get nice delts / bis / tris without doing accessory work.
Op pic is most likely uber manlet tops. That's very attainable doing full body compounds and a couple isos (curls and dips)
its just the photo it fools the eye, first impression you get is that he's HUGE but he looks more like 6' / 185lbs instead
Add rows and your good. And fuck this thread, some people saying roids, some DYEL.
Super satan has spoken
t. dyel
What about side delt and rear delt
He needs rows
I do three different workouts and rotate them
>2kilometer row
>4x8-12 bench/dumbbell press
>4x15-20 flys
>50lbs to 5lbs dumbbell curls to exhaustion
>4x8-12 skull crushers
>4x15 dips
>a few other arm exercises rotated in
>row warm up
>4x8-12 shoulder press bar/dumbbell
>4x8-12 dead-lift
>4x12 bent-over dumbbell row
>4x12 side lateral raise
>4x12 shrugs
>4x12 pull ups/chin ups
1-2 mile run
>4x8-12 squats
>4x12 leg press
>4x12 calf raises
>4x12 lunges
I do an ab workout every night that's pretty basic
I've been there. Just ignore them. In a few weeks you'll be doing great pull-ups. You can either be laughed at for improving yourself or be laughed at for never being able to do a single pull-up. Your choice.
hes intermediate at best like 1-2 years in natty
you're a fucking weakling if you care about that, much more so than you are for not being able to do chin ups
his chest only looks shit because of his inserts m8 and even then it's not that bad
>8 sets of curls
what level of insecurity is this?
Really curls your toenails
Yes. This is a solid routine that you'll only need to change up once you get really big and need to do accessory work to build up certain muscles you aren't completely satisfied with to be able to go heavier on the core movements, i.e. hip raises to improve your deadlift
I'm basically doing these lifts plus accessories. Did SS for 1 month then ditched it. 4 months into lifting now. Any comments are appreciated.
Workout A:
BP 5x5
Squats 3x5
OHP 5x5
Curls 3x8-12
Rows/Cable Rows 3x8-12
Calf Raises 3x8-12
Workout B:
Diddy 3x5
BP 5x5
Chin-ups 5x5
Lateral Raises 3x8-12
Decline Sit-ups 3x8-12
Shrugs 3x8-12
Same volume as doing 2 types of curls 3x8, so I super set with a couple other lifts and don't waste time doing curls..
Dips also work chest
Pull ups work lats, chin ups work lats and biceps
Otherwise the picture is correct.
Don't forget cardio - only reason you can see his abs. Only alternative is eating a massive deficit without cardio in which case - goodbye gains
>no triceps
His triceps are objectively fucking huge, probably bigger than your head you dyel shit
i'd argue that calf raises (unless done religiously) are mostly a waste of time and that there are better alternatives to decline situps, such as hanging leg raises. you could also make some room for RDLs and front squats. aside from that, it looks fine
Come back when you actually lift princess.
Except you're talking shit about someones physique on an anonymous Australian scuba diving forum but you can't even post your own body. Keep baiting dyel cuck