Are there any legit companies that sell SARMs?
I've been researching for days and can't get a straight answer.
Are there any legit companies that sell SARMs?
I've been researching for days and can't get a straight answer.
currently taking 30mg of mk2866 a day for 8 week from Olympus labs. gained 4kg and im 6th week in.
Nice man. There's so much shilling and scamming with sarms
>Olympus labs.
Can't find where the sarms are
Anything linked to Dylan Gemelli is a ripoff. Deer Antler spray is a scam. MK-677 will not make you grow, height wise or muscle wise, but it is a damn good injury recovery supplement.
Where would you buy it?
irc dot bio
research grade, meant for labs
no test-base i assume?
what are you noticing gainswise? atm im taking 20mg ostarine a day with 250mg test a week and on my second week of osta (i bnc test) so I'm prolly not gonna notice much at all but popping orals makes you more more motivated to hit the gym hard even when it's a very mild drug
no i am only running with a OTC AI/test. in the way of gainz by reps went up and so did most of my PR's. i am biiger too but i am using it to bulk ebfore my cut the end of this month.
Doesn't ship to Canada
Sorry should have mentioned that
I'm on the fence between enhanced athlete and Canadian medical supplies
Sarms are the sketchiest thing I've ever tried to order online...
jesus fucking christ sauce please
Taking cardarine atm. Going to see how much i can cut in a month.
Do you need a PCt with sarms?
Enhanced athlete is pretty legit
>Check out enhanced athlete's youtube channel.
>Keep in mind he does sell SARMS and his results/research are greatly exaggerated but he is a good database on steroid profiles.
They say you don't but I would just in case. Anything oral you should always take something at least for your liver.
For heavy sarms like lgd you need a pct
So basically you are using a legal supplement a sarm and have to use an illegal PCt?
Have you tried their sarms?
I'll try lgd and gw from enhanced and report back after two months
They're not hepatoxic, that's not how they work, so you don't need to worry about your liver unless you didn't actually get sarms.
how are SARMS sketchy? I don't know much about them.
When you google sarms, most of the forums are sponsored by sarms1, sarmsx, sarmsearch(taken down). And the users posting are shilling hard. The third party reviews I do find are saying their stuff is bunk.
Maybe I'm paranoid, but what's stopping these sites from selling bunk product? There's no regulation