Sort yourself out.
Sort yourself out
Other urls found in this thread:
how do I into sorting
bubble sort breh
kys yourself
Ask nicely, faggot.
I'm working on it.
JBP videos are so good for me.
bring your dad back to life
slay the dragon
I'm trying, dude
I am
Get your bloody act together.
strangely i accidently into reviving my dead father
did you take the ironpill and awaken the volkisch power inside?
I can only give you a 3/4s yes to that question.
and that's that, bucko
>not quicksort
wow, Veeky Forums really IS pleb...
The inspiration for self-command must be indirectly acquired.
You can't command self-governance in people and not be accused of the same thought arresting contradiction which the vain guru uses to inspire dependency on his confidence.
On it.
Can someone link me his best video to start with about sorting myself out?
Just the recent introduction, to get me on the right track. There's too much to just watch everything from the beginning.
I'm not saying your words. It's my language. I'll take responsibility for it.
>they don't merge sort
it's almost like you don't understand its recursive function LMAO
his Maps of Meaning lecture condenses everything pretty nicely
it's that long because it actually needs that much articulation
but it's time well spent, it's a sacrifice to the dragon of chaos from the future, who will waste even more of your time if you don't sort yourself out properly
which year? 2017,2016,2015,1996
I dont mind doing them all eventually, but I wanna start with the one that gets me hooked.
I'm on my way to a proper sort out.
>left school at 17 because of depression/anxieties
>going to a graduation course this year
>seeing a psychologist and counsellor
>got back into lifting after three months
Just need to get my diet together.
It can be hard sometimes but watching Maps of Meaning is helping quite a bit.
Im trying, Dr. Peterson, I'm trying...
Finished my education 2 years ago, havent gotten a job due to lazyness.
I'm doing his "Personality and it's Transformations"-class on youtube atm. and feel like my true self is finally peaking out after it's been hiding in cowardly fear for so, so long.
How do I stop being lazy and stop filling my day with useful things?
they're all one and the same lecture
just watch the newest one that's still ongoing
Tfw just took a test
you need a routine, a plan
not a plan of things you have a responsibility of doing
but a plan of a day that would be meaningful in your eyes
you know *exactly* what you need to do, don't you user
now do it
so 2017 Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief ?
just wanna make sure!
yes exactly
>tfw every single day is made better since your introduction to Jordan Peterson
Haven't drank, smoked, or done drugs for almost 6 months. Been sorting out my injuries and hitting the gym again.
I just deadlifted 1.5 plate yesterday, more than i have in 2 years due to si joint problems. My diet is 75 percent good and I'm doing intermittent fasting with it.
Sorting myself out m8s. Only downfall is my social life since i quit drinking and all my old friends were major boozers. But I'm making reasons with the reasonable ones to chill and do things that arent getting fucked up.
Thanks Jordan
>How do I stop being lazy
you are what you do repeatedly, write up a plan, even a shitty plan at first then stick to. keep that which works and discard everything else
Thanks lads. I fixed my personality by forcing Chad behaviour. Now I need to sort out my habits and the way I spend my time.
any chance you happen to have his homework he talk about in his first lecture?
like his ressources and assignemnts.