Daily reminder that girls only want intelligence.
Daily reminder that girls only want intelligence
you mean average
real intelligence is not something women want
Nobody wants someone too intelligent, it makes them feel inferior. Why do you think 99% of geniuses are fucking miserable?
book smart nerds aren't the same as street smart hustlers
>Implying playing good chess is sign of intelligence.
Learn the openings, play some midgame with danger analysis. Great, now you can beat %99.9 percent of the population.
Africa's birthrate would be close to 0 then
daily reminder islam is the ONLY correct religion
Exoterist pleb detected.
you misspelled "america"
What's the difference?
Charismalets, when will they learn?
Same thing tho
Just be confident.
Litally, das it, even if you are stupid, just have slight arogance and DO more than you TALK
virgin detected
Trying to be anything is stupid, if you aren't naturally arogant don't put it on, arogance doesn't pass for confidence. Just be yourself, aslong as yourself isnt an unfunny retard you'll find someone.
>Just be yourself
If you are natural than be yourself, if you're a beta bitch than fake it until you lay some pipe.
Above average intelligence is good
You do not get far with anything genuinely beyond that. Women don't like that, only people who want high intelligence are pseudo-intellectuals.
Unironically this
You'll get much farther in life with CHA
almost spilled my cocoa
>girls only want intelligence
>*if you are a 10/10 chad
>Just be yourself
154 iq genius level here, officially tested by a professional.
Life sucks I have been unable to relate to other people for a decade. The only way I was able to was through drugs and that shit nearly killed me.
I think autism is Pretty much guaranteed at high lvls of intelligence
And this includes girls, I haven't been with a girl in a year.
I am probably 9/10 on normie scale with genius intelligence but autism overpowers.
Do not fall for the meme that girls care about one attribute. Just be average in everything and that's perfect to them
obviously high IQ does not guarantee general high intelligence
Honestly, things like money, charisma, intelligence, height, face, frame, etc, attract women and they'd like to have them in their man...
But literally the only thing she actually needs is the knowledge that you "love" her or are at least attracted to her, or else her insecurities will go through the roof and she'll eventually be driven away.
Let this be a lesson to all you anons who have made it; girls are actually terrified of you, and if you don't demonstrate you at least find her physically attractive (despite all that flabby skinny fat, awful habits, bad posture, and meme diet that characterizes most modern girls), she will be turned off.
Too neurotic to have sex or really talk to women, can't relate to people. Just spend years in neet isolation hating myself for a lack of anything better to do.
Thread is right that Cha > Int but pretending to be charismatic or even socially adept makes me feel like a sociopath.
melanin deficient gentleman detected
Are you trying to meme with a long "b urself" post?
There are several things that women are inherently all attracted to, and intelligence is usually the least important of them to most women. It's attractive to them, but not being intelligent won't really kill you by any means.
>Learn the openings
Spotted the idiot.
Different soon but I no what your talking about. I'm pretty good at faking charisma but I feel bad about it. It's also a lot of work so I only turn on the charm for things like job interviews.
ITT: People who think they're smart but can't talk to people, especially women
If you're so smart, you'd figure out how to socialize. It's not something you're born with. If you spend time in isolation you'll be bad at talking to people. If you get out and practice you'll improve. Simple as that.
If you are so intelligent, you'll achieve your goals. Stop making the same excuses ugly retards tell themselves
>I haven't been with a girl in a year.
heh...what a loser am i right
High IQ makes things easier, not harder.
Autism makes things more difficult, but not impossible.
Source: autistic high IQ guy who isn't a complete retard and can figure out how to talk to people.
i wanna eat that girls ass for dinner senpai she top cheddar
>he isn't /fitlit/
Just kill yourself, pleb.
It's not that it's impossible to learn how to socialize, it's really not that hard.
The thing is being alone just feels so much better, though this eventually builds up into longing for someone.
This is exasperated by the high test boosts from lifting making us horny as fuck and even more desperate to find a partner
Girls dont know what the fuck they want
This right here boyo. Don't listen to women, listen to your own experience.
Don't listen to this tard. Just be objectively better than them (its not hard).
Women want everything without doing anything.
not too bright there are you bud
Girls don't know what's intelligence.