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>wears this
>is himself a fuccboi

look at those lips jesus wet those are the gayest I've ever seen

True dat those are some bitch lips

I assumed the OP was either a woman or trap. It's usually women I hear use "fuckboi" or any variation of that to disparage men.

bitch hips, bitch waist, leggings/yoga pants? Come on now.

back the fuck off!

>wearing memes or quotes that aren't in dead languages


This term is used so broadly. Any guy i dont like is the meaning.

So like roastie?

Roastie is specifically for women who have had lots of sex partners and developed beef curtains.

Its specific, fuckboy is not.

but beef curtains are genetic

I fucked my ex at least twice a day unless we were apart for 3 years and she still had dat fat compartmentalized pucci

I thought fuckboy was for guys that emotionally manipulate women into having sex and then leave them, among other things. Veeky Forums seems to apply roastie to any girl they don't like.

>but beef curtains are genetic
No it isnt. Its caused by multiple sex partners , germs viruses it makes the skin tissue beef up.
Virgins don't have beef curtains or women that stick with a partner.

The roastie thing is retarded because that's not how chicks get the wizards sleeve.
There's plenty of chicks with callouses in their pooters from slaying more cocks than a fowl butcher who's vagina's look untouched.
You're either born to have one, or not.

Fuckboy seems to be judging from instagram any guy a woman desired that chose another woman over her.
Roastie specifically refers to women that are whores and angry men wont date them.

Wrong ive even seem photographic evidence of what happens to a virgin womans labia after a year of whoring herself out.
It goes from fresh with hardly visible flaps to discoloured and roast beef.

We're not talking about the pictures in your mom's photo album Mohammed

I can tell you're a fucking roastie or whiteknight faggot by your posts.

My ex was a huge nympho. She had a perfect pussy. Like pristine. No beef. It is entirely genetic and you need to not shame women for that. Shame fat people, shame sluts but the roastie thing is /r9k/ robot trash they are on par with horsefuckers and furries. They are starting to cut the labia of women now and I find it disturbing the same way they jew dicks here in the states.

post proofs. I have no doubt that a complete slut bag would get a little raw down after a while but I really don't ever see photo time lapse photography of this.

Dont believe you. Ive only been with virgins no beef curtains. Most women in porn have beef. Ive swen maybe one nude model ever that didnt have beef curtains.
Its just the most common tell of a promiscous woman.

You need to stfu you dumb whore and face facts.

Neither, I'm just not a permavirgin like yourself Nasir

Ive seen an example of a guy who had a virgin wife with a fresh vagina and he whored her out to many guys to purposefully give her beef curtains. By the end of his experiment she had huge beef curtains.

Roastie seems to be judging from Veeky Forums any woman a guy desired that chose another man over him.
Fuckboy specifically refers to men that are womanizers and angry women won't date them.

Seems like it's really easy to be biased either way.

Your feminine debating skills is so childish.
Why can't you fembot cunts stay on /r9k/?

Fuckboy is a prison term for a guy who is passed around and raped. It is both homophobic and victim blaming. For some reason feminist have picked up this word and use it like crazy.

Stop lying. You have only been with virgins? No doubt.

Again, post proofs. I would like to see this.

Why can Roasties and their whiteknight cucks just get over it?
Its a sign of their bad life choices that women get beef curtains.
The denial in some stupid cunts is so strong ive heard them say its porn that makes guys think women should have fresh vaginas.
Thats hilarious when has neat new vaginas ever existed been cmmon in porn? They all have beef.

How am I childish for pointing out the parallels? I'm also a dude and I don't browse /r9k/. Just being fair here. As said, roastie seems like some /r9k/ thing that's spilled over.

Because they are hypocrites and think its a good way to make men do what they want. Most women who use the term fuck boy don't really have that much to offer anyway and its basically them saying they are sick of getting hit on by beta male men.

Just ignore it. Women are pretty trash, men are pretty trash. Gotta wade through the shit. No woman who says fuck boy is worth your time.

You're a numale cuck.

>thing i dont like comes from board i dont like
Roastie isn't /r9k/ its been used for years outside Veeky Forums to refer to whores.
Whores are in damage control and trying to say anything to excuse it. Female promiscuity is aided by people not knowing their past. A physical tell is the achilles heel in a whores lifestyle.

More like your a bitter little man child. I am not white knighting, I call them like I see them. I see plenty of women who don't have beefy vaginas. I know your dick got chopped at birth but you would have a nice little scrap of ugly skin hanging off the end of it. Honestly why are you so afraid of pussy?

It really doesnt refer to beta males though.
Its basically a thing trash women say to comfort themselves when they get passed up by a hot guy they like.
They rationalise it by saying he wasnt man enough or a fuckboy. Rather than occum's razor he wasn't into her and her attitude was the issue.

Fuck off cuck. Reddit is a better place for you join a cuck community.

Can we pack these retards up and send them somewhere? It's like they have some for of autism where they react to things they don't understand by spouting "cuck" everywhere.

Was waiting for that one. Anyone that doesn't completely agree with you is a nu-male cuck. Not childish at all.

I suppose that's fair. Still though many are using the term in the way I described.

Remember how drink bleach got picked up by loads of liberals and tumblr feminists?
Its origin comes from blacks who murdered, tortured and raped white people in hate crimes. They used bleach to try and destroy the evidence and as a form of torture by making victims drink it.
For some reason liberals picked up on "rightwingers" outrage and started using the term all over social media to mock and threaten people.

>Its origin comes from blacks who murdered, tortured and raped white people in hate crimes. They used bleach to try and destroy the evidence and as a form of torture by making victims drink it.
Uhhhh, someone would like that have a word with you.

See? This is how I know you are some /pol/ack mgtow fuck head. You are a little bitch

I think your right but they rationalize it as beta behavior. As in they immediately take the "he wasn't man enough for me" approach while they continue to brood over the drama.

>The medical examiner said that Christian died after hours of torture, suffering injuries to her vagina, anus, and mouth in repeated sexual assaults. Bleach was poured down her throat and used to scrub her body while she was alive in an attempt by her attackers to remove DNA evidence.

A pattern repeated numerous times its "hood knowledge" that bleach can cover up crimes

Drink bleach. Please. They do use bleach to clean out evidence but fuck boi is specifically referring to the bottom in any homo encounter. Its a gay thing. You will hear it from women with gay friends.

Point is liberal your kind uses many phrases with disgusting immoral origins.
Yet either seem oblivious to the origin or act like they don't while claming moral high ground.

Don't insult Lord Krishna or the Bhagavad Gita by wearing such a shit tier shirt.

Srila Prabhupada would disapprove.

>Point is liberal your kind uses many phrases with disgusting immoral origins
Yeah all those rightwing folks talking about gassing people is completely moral. Excuse my while I put my blinders back on

That's not fucking "hood" knowledge that's literally something everyone knows. Everyone knows you can clean and disinfect with bleach and any criminal or killer knows its value for destroying evidence. That's like saying that shoplifting is hood knowledge because some of the people who do it are black. Get a grip.

Post examples of conservative republicans talking about gassing people on social medua
On the flip side you have liberals talking about mass murdering whites, gang raping whites etc and it never gets taken down.

Oh dear god you cant be this retarded. The point is bleach DOES NOT hide crimes. Its retarded ghetto wisdom because niggers are dumb.

Not him but I think they do it for other reasons like if the guy leaves her early on because she didn't meet his expectations sexually, or he dismisses her because he values appearance too highly, thereby making him not a real man.

She was a total roastie

Thats why its used too broadly. You can safely assume any woman that uses it is trash damaged goods.

The whatver the fuck they are I assume sjw give themselves away when they start calling random anons "/r9kpol/ mgtow puas etc etc."
They are just listing their fixations.
>i don't like ABC and D you are all these things!

It's like any term that becomes buzzword. it loses it's meaning and impact, and gets used by others to deflect.

you my friend are a virgin and dont have a clue about pussies if you are serious about what you wrote.
Hope you are baiting.

No you fucks, the pussy stays always the same, it doesn't matter how many time she uses it. like your tiny weak benis, it will always stay small.

bait harder you fuk

ITT: Women get mad that the roastie meme is somewhat real and are in denial.

gays never use the word 'fuckboy', its not even a thing.

t. fag

he's a culture cuck. stop using nig prison words

>Ive only been with virgins
Wanking yourself off doesn't count

So you're saying all women are promiscuous then? Sounds about right.

It originally was another word for fag

holy shit please tell me you r9k autismos don't actually believe this

what does fuckboy mean?

> t. faggot who believes shit on the internet