Shin Pain

I've never posted on here but can't really think of a better place to ask so you're all I've got
Trying to lose some weight and starting off with cardio but I'm getting immense pain in the lower parts of my shins after certain runs
Feels like they're about to explode when I run but I can walk no problem, is there something I need to be doing to try and ease the pain or is it a case of waiting for them to heal and then run again and they'll slowly get better and used to it
Pic related: it's my leg where the pain is worst

Please no memes can someone actually assist me?

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Google shin splints

You probably have ass running form. Overweight + heelstrike = pain

Yeah I guessed that's what they were it does anyone on here actually have any personal tips?

I'm not that overweight and is there a guide on how to run properly as I was unaware I was running poorly if that's the case

Chop your legs off and use robot limbs.

Stop stomping your feet when you run. Heel to toe not just slamming down

There he goes

Take a couple weeks off to let it rest, and stretch your calves for a couple minutes every day. You can do strengthening exercises too. Just google that. Also, I suggest doing a couple practice runs barefoot. It helps you learn correct form (landing forefoot, and not heel striking)

You don't need to run to lose wait. Exercise accounts for like 4% of TDEE.

Do this instead:

Shin splints.

They are EXTREMELY common. Work on developing strength in your legs and calves particularly.

Get a good pair of running shoes, run till you stop being a fatass

to lose WEIGHT***. fuck i'm so gay sometimes.

It's shin splints. Go on a bike, stop running. I had it too, didn't listen to my body, cue 6 months of barely being able to walk.

are bio-enhancements natty?

If you are wearing a pair of shoes with a huge heel drop -- like most modern, shitty, expensive, cancerous, shoes -- it can cause you to heel strike. That will fuck up your shit. I used to have shinsplints and plantar fasciitis. Got rid of the meme shoes and have been pain-free ever since.

That's the deepest ethical question I've ever considered in my entire life.

are bio-enhancements raw or equiped?

Other anons already answered but yeah you got shin splints.

Unfortunately it's a case of waiting for them to heal, no way around it. Trying to push through it only makes them worse and extends the recovery time, trust me.

You're getting them because you're either running further/longer than your body is able to handle or you're running too frequently (multiple days in a row). That's not to say that you can't do these things eventually, but you gotta build up to it.

Probably should only run every other day initially at most (don't really have to worry about distance too much if you space out your runs) until you start really getting used to running and then you can try increasing the frequency. You'll be able to tell if you're pushing it too hard, at which point take a day or two to let it rest.

Had this issue. Stopped running untill it went away (took about two weeks), bought shoes with better suspension. Now it's fine.

Take slow, really slow and check if you are doing everything right.

Yeah I got them when I started running and just fought through them as hard as I could, I got to a point where the day after I ran I couldn't climb a set of stairs and was worried I'd done some permanent damage. So I took a week off and they were still sore after a full 7 day break but I could run on them again and after a couple of months I saw such a fast mass incrase in my calves I try to just fight through it now.

Shin splints. I get them horrifically despite not using a heel strike. Try reverse calf raises.

If it's localized, on or over the bone, and if you sit on the ground and manipulate your foot around with your hands and that causes it to hurt on that localized spot, it may be a stress fracture.

Rest is the main key, regardless of which it is.

Building up mileage slowly and using good form i.e. don't hit your feet on the ground well in front of your knee, don't ram your heels into the ground a midfoot strike is better, etc., is good preventative.

If it IS shin splints there are some exercises and stretches to help as well.

4%? Unless you're being a bitch during your workouts its going to be around 10% which is a huge help when cutting.

>Exercise accounts for like 4% of TDEE.
>3kCal TDEE
>120 Cals from exercise

As someone who just got out of professional therapy for shin splints, take my advice.

First of all, go to a physical therapist. They'll be able to identify what part of the kinetic chain is fucking your shins up, and prescribe treatment from there. Running is a very complex action involving dozens of muscles, tendons, and ligaments; no two cases of shin splints are exactly the same.

But you're obviously not going to go to a therapist because you're asking for advice on Veeky Forums, so do this:

-Stop running
-Start cross-training (walking, cycling, etc)
-Exercise your hips, thighs, shins, feet, and especially CALVES
-Stretch your calves and do lots of heavy weight training on your calves
-If you have flat feet, do lots and lots of arch exercises
-Buy stability shoes. These shoes lock your ankle into a neutral position while running/walking so you don't over-extend the tendon that runs from the arch to the shin
-After a month of treatment, start running again but only in intervals. 1 minute of running, 2 minutes walking, repeat. Stop immediately if you feel legit pain.
-Increase your intervals gradually until you can run without pain

Had that shit as well. Just massage that part. It will hurt like fuck but it will help.
Get good running shoes. Shoes are very important. Walk on soft ground. Not on asphalt.
And most important is, run alot. It wont go away from itself. Just walk more often. It will get away on its own.

Is it possible to get shin splints from squatting? I also get shin pain from squatting.

>Stop running

That's the gayest thing I've ever read on Veeky Forums

Enjoy being arthritic in your senior years after decades of fucking your joints up

OP listen up.

You've been sitting on your ass a lot over the last year's right?

Your calves are tight as fuck and weak.

1. Start doing calf and hamstring stretches
2. Start massaging rolling put your calves (apply heat pack first)
3. Start with biking, running on shitty legs will fuck your knees up

You're welcome