This guy comes home from a busy day and the gym and office to bang tranny maids

This guy comes home from a busy day and the gym and office to bang tranny maids

How jealous are you?

>that will never be me

Doesn't he have an STD by now? I recall reading somewhere he's had sex with 2000 different people

Christian has, perhaps, the most niche, obscure, and degenerate occupation known to mankind. Dude literally bangs trannies on camera for a living. Imagine someone asking him what he does for a living in a casual conversation. "Well, I bang men who have altered their appearance to that of a woman via hormones and plastic surgery, and film it so people can pay money to view it online."

He's ahead of the curve desu

Traps are the future

Just rumors

True, do any traps browse fit?

>so christian, what do you do for a living?
>i'm chief content creator and head of talent acquisition at PureTS, a small business in the entertainment industry

you do, and I'm pretty sure you're half a fag

lmao, yes. If he had a resume, I'm sure that's what it would say.


Samefagging this hard

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you all appear to know who this guy is.

So do you

I can honestly say that I do not recognize the man in the OP at all.

Neither one of them for that matter.

Dean Norris is really living the life after Breaking Bad ended

>oh boy time for some trap fapping
>this new vid looks hot
>start playing
>fucking christian comes on

kristin no...

your such a faggot

At least he's better than that other baldhead

the "ohhhh myy" guy is best
second is Axel desu

To the lads in this thread who fap to actual, 3D, traps: How do you justify it to yourself later? 2D traps is one thing, almost anything can be hot in a doujin, but 3D? That's gay as shit m8s.

Maybe but at least I am not a virgin like you

oh yeah, I really wish tyrone popped my cherry, too

honest question how do you even jerk off to anime girls

i dont get it. they dont feel like anything, they dont look real, it just seems so non-arousing

I'm not a bottom user dont really like reciving anal.

not jealous because I'm not gay

you use your imagination. it's like /nofap/ except you're still watching porn and fapping so there's no benefits.

>don't feel like anything
as opposed to the porn chicks who also feel like nothing because you're not fucking them either?

source on the video? trap looks good

literally 5 seconds on google

Pretty jelly desu

Because I fap to traps, so I'm bi.

What else would I justify

i not find