Be all A student

>be all A student
>get diagnosed with bipolar disorder
>take meds
>now I'm getting straight Cs

Does it get any better? Anybody get off of this shit and live a successful life?

>Taking "medicine" for mental issues with all that is known about the psyche medicine industry

Dude you fucked up

>falling for the big pharmaceutical drug meme

good goy

came here to say this

>b-b-but they're doctors! They have PhDs!

The Earth is flat. Let that tell you how fucking retarded modern scientists are.

Gg good luck next time. Ikyf

I didn't "fall for the meme", I was forced against my will do go into a psychiatric ward because I said I was suicidal. When you go into a psychiatric ward they force you to take medicine. Unfortunately I have parents that say "you're not going off this medicine unless a doctor says so", no psychiatrist has suggested that I get off the medicine.

Do the meds really fuck you up that bad? I've noticed bipolar symptoms in myself which have cause me to have suicidal thoughts. I've always avoided talking about for fear of this same situation. Sorry user just wanted to relate

May need to change meds. Had friend that was really erratic until she got on lithium. Every cocktail they put her on just gave her different weird side effects until then. Keep trying.

>taking brain destroying drugs for some nebulous 'disorder'

shlomo gg no re'd you brah

uh why don't you do this thing called LYING and tapering yourself off dumbfuck?

>be bipolar
>don't take meds
>don't attend exams

Wish I could afford another psyc appointment to get the prescription for meds

just throw the pills out, it is not like they force it down your throat

First tip: whenever anyone asks whether its a therapist, psychologist, law officer, psychiatrist even if private if you are suicidal or have homocidal thoughts always reply with no.
That shit is a trap so they can baker act you (or whatever it may be called in your area) and fuck your life up

the meds will make you not care about anything, not in the way it sounds though.
They make it so you cant be so depressed that you are suicidal, but also so that you cant be happy. Taking these pills is never worth it, it limits you to living a dull shit life. They will fuck with your ability to get erections within a month or so too. Im assuming you got SSRIs or SNRIs, just get off them as quick as you can, lie to your psychs that you stopped taking them a week ago and are feeling good
Hint: dont say you are feeling TOO good if you say you didnt take them because then they will think you are having a manic episode.

I've had autism since I was a kid, supposedly my autism is a blanket term for having the autz, ocd, ied, and bipolar. Took respiradome for most of my childhood, took away all motivation and left me with apathy. Stopped taking it when I was 15 and just dealt with my bad months. Can't say I miss having to take medicine every night

I took calc as a junior and dropped out senior year

How did they get that to appear on the carpet? Is this shopped?

Get diff meds. Finding the right shit is fuckin stupid and difficult, but itll work eventually. Dont listen to the dumbfucks in this thread, idk if you have bpd or not, but it is a very real thing caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. Meaning you cant willpower your way out of it. In the meantime just study differently. Or hide the pills and only take em if your parents are gonna test you and let the crazy take over until you actually become an hero. Your choice

I am having same problem. I was always straight A student, skipped a grade, go to an Ivy university and did very well my first 3 semesters in college.

I started seriously working out thinking it could only help me and it has improved my social life very much. However, this semester I have done really poorly on all my exams.

I am all of a sudden having problems with concentration issues in school, but not exercise. I am quite sure my father has ADHD. Is it possible to have resurfaced in me at 18 years old?

People always commented on how disciplined and focused I was. I feel like I have lost that. I don't drink, do drugs, or even drink coffee because my father has addictive personality and was alcoholic and drug addict.

I honestly don't understand why I am experiencing this problem now and I feel very frustrated. If anything, working out should have made me more focused, right?

So many people here use and abuse Adderall and are able to conquer all their stuff with that.

I just feel really lost and I can't tell my parents about this because they have so much hope in me that I'll move the family up from a blue collar background.

Does Veeky Forums know how I can turn this ship around? I really could use any advice from you guys

I've read that you can gain and/or lose adhd into adulthood so maybe you do have it. Adderall isn't so bad, especially XR(extended release). Talk to school psych and they will set you up with and adhd test and get you a script. Make sure you eat before taking it for the day, or take half doses and still be able to eat

If you're doing well in school, why the fuck would you get diagnosed, and start taking psychoactive drugs!?

You fucked up.
Ween yourself off the stuff. Over about a month.
Stopping cold turkey won't kill you ,but is suboptimal.

>medical doctors

The vast majority are only MDs though

Check your thyroid

Are you on heavy duty meds?

>flat earther

Please kys. Boats disappear from the bottom up