University FItness

Sup Veeky Forums, are any of you anons in uni? with a time consuming degree?

>How often do you work out
>for how long
>average time to wake up
i'm pursuing an engineering degree and i find it hard to commit time to the gym instead of prepping for upcoming assignments/exams.

>twice a week if not a busy week
>2 hours

Do you just wake up, study and go back to sleep? Do you have absolutely no pasttimes or hobbies?

Even during my finals I had time to gym 3-4times a week. Make a sacrifice or you're never gonna make it.

There is ALWAYS time to work out.

no, but usually if i work out i get tired and don't feel like having a long study session. Especially if it is towards the night. Which is usually the only time i can make it to the gym.

Make a sacrifice? Sacrifice what? School? There is always time to workout, but there's never not repercussions from doing so.

>not going to the gym in the mornings and then spending the rest of the day studying masterrace

I'm getting 2 degrees, economics and business economics, and econometrics. Still I have time to go to the gym. I don't study at all during weekends. Oh and I spend at least an hour a day on Veeky Forums.

Its easy as fuck to combine uni with lifting. The only problem is all the booze and drugs.

i quit doing drugs during semesters and i drink alcohol close to once a month.

Best time to workout is weekends and my school gym has very shortened hours during weekends.


Any Building Construction majors here?

Gym 4 times a week for 90 mins to 2 hours

>going for an MIS degree
>play a club sport
>work part time ~20-25 hours
>go out every other weekend
>still lift 5x a week

i do all of this and still have free time lol.

you need to work on your time management, you may end up having even less time once you graduate and get a big boy job

>>How often do you work out
6 times a week
>>for how long
45 - 60 min
computer science undergrad
>>average time to wake up
0 minutes, I literally hop out of bed, and am awake, as far as I can tell, shower and breakfast afterwards for about 30 minutes

Balancing lifting and college work, I lift at like 11pm at night, doable since, most classes start in the early afternoon.

>How often do you work out?
5 days a week
2-3 hours a day
Computational Mathematics
>Average time to wake up
I don't know what this means, but I wake up at 6:30 am and go to bed around 10:30. First class is at 8 am

I have way too much time on my hands

>How often do you work out
3-4 times a week
>for how long
about 2.5 hours
Computer science
>average time to wake up

Hey man, studying aerospace engineering as well. I'm luck to the extent that we barely get any exams and our grades rely mainly on quarterly exams. So plenty of time to go to the gym, without wasting time on stupid essays. Workout 4-5 times per week if not playing other sports. Usually wake up 1 hour before lecture, if not lecture around 9:30.

>Mon-Fri each day
>1h30 (effectively, although uni gym is 25 mins walking distance away at a fast pace)

Been doing this since February, before only went three days a week. Doing pretty good so far, lifts have increased quicker and I stall less.

Computational Mathematics
I know this is cs and maths mixed but can you explain more what exatly are you studying. Also what are job usual prospects for your major

6 days a week
Hour and half
Material science/engineering

fucking brainlets lmao

this, i have a masters in chem e, from a highly respected course and honestly it's harder to find time to lift now i'm working full time than when i was in uni. i manage it, but i can't do 3+ hours a day like when i was """studying""" because i just don't have the time except for weekends.

next semester i'm to have labs that will require 10+ pages each of commentary on different not so much for me coming up; but i know where you're coming from.

how often:
>3-4 times a week
how long:
>one hour plus foam rolling
wake up time:
>go to bed at 12 and wake at 6:00, takes me ten minutes of diddling on me phone

2-3 hours a day, 6 days a week.

Computer science.

>4 times a week
>Hour at most
>Business Information systems

>2 times a week but I try for 3
>an hour, doing starting strength
>double major in computer science and creative writing, but I'm just a freshmen so subject to change
>an hour

How do I do better brehs

6x a week
Pure Mathematics and Philosophy w/ econ minor
8 am

>3-4 days a week
>Environmental Science
Fuck school and fuck chemistry especially

>How often do you work out
3x/week, 6x if you include sports practice
>for how long
1.5 - 2.5 hs
Electronic Engineering
>average time to wake up
6am on busy days, 9am when there are no morning lectures

It really isn't hard if you just set aside the time for it and refuse to skip.
I'm studying electrical and computer engineering at Cornell, averaging 19 or 20 credits per semester. My coursework takes a lot of time, sometimes as much as 50 hours per week, so I'm usually fairly busy. I've found it helps to go in the morning. After my alarm has gone off, I'm already up and have no other option but to go lift. It just removes the ability to cop out and skip a session.